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- Youve been here all day, youve had a performance task, observation, sample lesson, tell
me about what is sticking out so far.
- Day is about me getting to know you and you getting to know us so we will go ahead and
get started.
- Typing notes so we can capture what is being talked about
Basic Background (About the person):

You got to see a lot today, teachers working hard, etc. Why Henderson Collegiate?
Who are your heroes?
What are some of your passions?
What are your strengths?
What are your areas of growth?
What was the best day of work that you have ever had? What did you do that made it so
great? Why did you enjoy it so much?
What was the worst day of work that you have ever had? What did you experience that
made it so bad? Why did you dislike it so much?
What is the most meaningful leaning experience that you have ever had? Why was it so
What do you do when you get angry and frustrated?
Where do you see yourself 5 or 10 years from now?
How would you friends describe you?

Lesson Reflection:
- How did you feel about the lesson?
- What would you do differently?
- Based on anecdotal data, what would day 2 look like?
- What was the most helpful feedback that you received?
- I _______________ feedback.
Competency 1: Belief all kids can learn/100%
1) Im going to give you a few different scenarios.
a. A child is not working. What do you do?
b. You are noticing that students are not engaged or invested. What are you
thinking/what do you do about it?
2) You just taught a lesson in which kids were really excited and engaged the entire time.
You look through the exit tickets and see about 80% of kids nailed the lesson. Is this a
good day/bad day/in the middle? Why?
3) A student enters your classroom 3 grade levels behind and has extreme difficulty paying
attention in class, so he acts out. What is a reasonable expectation for where that student
should be at the end of a year in your class?
4) Phrases that depict the culture of the school
5) What are the ingredients to great school culture?
Competency 2: Resilience/Self Responsibility
1. Describe a time that something was really difficult for you. How did you get through it?
This can be from college, another workplace, etc
2. Quarter 1 ends and your kids show they are at about 30% mastery of the material. This is
to be expected because the test is on everything from the year and they have only
learned one quarter of it. What do you do next?
3. Context (we work long hours, create thorough and detailed lesson plans, etc.) What do you
think will be the most difficult thing for you as a teacher at Henderson Collegiate? Follow
up: How do you plan to grow in this area?

Competency 3: Little children

1. What does joy and structure look in a lower elementary classroom?
2. What are characteristics to be an effective teacher at this grade level?
3. What does discipline look like in a lower elementary classroom?
Work Ethic:
- Can all kids learn?
- You are coming from a school where it may not be a culture of feedback, ICs are in rooms
everyday, getting feedback on a daily basis, what are your thoughts about that?
- When I taught at Pinkston, my kids acted a certain way. I went to GCP and I wasnt
necessarily the best teacher in the building. Coming to an A+ school, experience
- As you can imagine, the founding year is different because we... If you do join our team,
you will be the author of how everything happens. What are your thoughts?
- What would be challenging?
- What would be easy coming here?
- What would be most exciting?
- As a teacher, what makes you smile?
- What are you currently working on to improve as a teacher?
- What steps are you taking to improve as a teacher?
- We make things happen at Henderson Collegiate by working harder and longer. Our
students will be expected to work harder. Our staff will have the same expectation. They
will be expected to be at school until at least 5:30pm everyday and missing work will be as
rare as a 4-leaf clover. What are your thoughts about the time commitment associated
with Henderson Collegiate?
Competency 3: Team Player
1. Describe the kind of relationship you would hope to have with other teachers, parents,
students, and the principal.
2. Describe a time a when you have had a rough relationship with a colleague. Explain why
the -relationship was rough and what the current status is.
3. As a teacher, what is your circle of influence when it comes to children? What is in your
locus of control?
4. Describe a great team you were a part of. What made that team great? Describe a poor
team you were part of. What made the team weak?
5. What role do you usually play on a team?
6. What excites you the most about working on a team? What frustrated you most about
working on a team?
Competency 4: Humility
- Describe a time where you received a piece of feedback from someone that was really
meaningful. What was it? What made it meaningful to you?
- Describe a time when you received a piece of feedback you disagreed with. What was it?
How did you handle it?
Competency 5: Confidence
- What are you most proud of from either your previous job or your time in college?
Wrap Up Questions
1. Because retaining teachers is the one of the greatest determining factors of a schools
success and because of the understanding that teachers generally do better in their 2 nd

year at a school, we are asking for a 2-year commitment. Would you be willing to commit
to years?
We like to make the process in depth, try to make sure the process does not drag on, can you
provide us with a timeline for how long it would take to accept or reject an offer. We will process
your application, call your references, Id like to set up on the calendar one way or another to talk
so we can set up a time to talk next ________________. Get something on schedule.
Ask for any questions they have

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