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Digestive, Respiratory and Excretory System AnswerKey

Match the definition in Column A with the term in Column B


1. Digestive enzyme that breaks down

a. epiglottis

starch into smaller molecules

2. muscular tube that connects mouth to

b. pepsin

the stomach

3. Series of involuntary muscle contractions

c. rectum

along the walls of the digestive tract

4. Flap of cartilage that covers the opening

d. amylase

to the respiratory tract during swallowing

5. Muscular, pouchlike enlargement of the

e. stomach

digestive tract

6. Digestive enzyme that begins the

i. small intestine

chemical digestion of proteins

7. Chemical that breaks down fats into

j. esophagus

small droplets

8. Last section of the digestive system from

k. liver

which feces are eliminated

9. Narrow muscular tube in which digestion

l. bile

is completed
Organ that produces bile

m. peristalsis

11. Distinguish between mechanical and chemical digestion. Mechanical digestion breaks
larger food molecules into smaller molecules (ex: teeth, bile), exposes a greater surface
area for chemical digestion to take place
Chemical Digestion requires enzymes; hydrolyzes food molecules

What are the functions of the liver and gall bladder with respect to bile?

Liver produces bile, stored and released from the gall bladder
12a How are ulcers thought to form? Why are they painful? Ulcers are
erosions in the lining of the digestive tract.

Ulcers can cause internal


Explain why the small intestine is often said to be the chief organ of the

digestive system. Digestion is completed in the small intestine and absorption

occurs in the villi (link between circulatory system and digestive system)

Describe the functions of the different parts of the human digestive system.
a. mouth teeth chew food, salivary glands secrete saliva (contains amylase)
partially hydrolyzes carbohydrates
b. esophagus no digestion occurs, pathway between stomach and mouth.
c. stomach chemical digestion of proteins begin, gastric juices are secreted
d. small intestine intestinal juices, pancreatic juices and bile aid in the
completion of digestion, absorption occurs in the small intestine
e. liver produces bile
f. gall bladder stores and release bile into the duodenum of the small
g. pancreas: secretes pancreatic juices ( bicarbonate ionsbase and
enzymes)neutralize acidic content of food

h) large intestine removal of indigestible material, reabsorption of water and

vitamins, minerals

Complete the chart below.


Produced in

Organic Molecule

End Products


Pancreas, stomach


Amino acids


Salivary glands,




Amino acids


Stomach, small




Amino acid


Pancreas, small


Fatty acids and



Contrast intracellular digestion and extracellular digestion. Intracellular

digestion (one celled organisms, ameba, paramecium) occurs in cell (lysosomes

and food vacuoles). Extracellular digestion occurs in organ systems.
Ingestion digestionabsorptioncirculatory systemcellular
respirationproduction of ATP metabolic activities
17. Food digestion occurs within compartments. What cytoplasmic compartment is
involved in Intracellular Digestion? Food vacuoles
18.What cytoplasmic organelle fuses with the structure identified in #9? lysosomes
19. Name two disorders of the human digestive system. Explain their impact on the
human body and an explanation of the disorder.
a) diarrheanot enough water being reabsorbed from the large intestine, can
cause dehydration
b)appendicitisinflammation of the appendix
20.Label each organ of the human digestive system.
A: mouth
B: esophagus
C: stomach
D: pancreas
E: small intestine
F: large intestine
G: liver

21) In what part of the respiratory system does gas exchange take place? alveoli

What is the main function of the respiratory system? The function of the

respiratory system is to supply the blood with oxygen in order for the blood to
deliver oxygen to all parts of the body.
23)Identify one malfunction of the respiratory system. Provide an explanation of that
disorder, a treatment and/or prevention method. Emphysema is a condition in which
the walls between the alveoli or air sacs within the lung lose their ability to stretch
and recoil. Years of exposure to the irritation of cigarette smoke usually precede the
development of emphysema. Prevention: abstain from smoking Treatment: steroids,
bronchodilator drugs, medication.
24)*Describe how the circulatory, digestive and respiratory maintain homeostasis?
The respiratory system delivers oxygen to the circulatory system. Nutrients and
gases diffuse from the circulatory system to the cells so they can carry out cellular
respiration. Wastes that are produced through cellular activities diffuse into the
circulatory system and are removed from the body through the excretory system.
The renal artery transports urea to the kidneys (urinary system), urea is filtered by
the nephron(kidney) and urine is produced.
25) The passage of the end products of digestion into the cells of an organism is an
example of diffusion.


Label the diagram below

-temperature regulation, homeostasis, removal of (cellular) waste

23)What is excretion? Removal of cellular waste products_

Why is it important to excrete substances? Toxins would build up and disrupt


What is deamination and where does it occur? Deamination: breakdown of

excess amino acids, liver


What is the function of the kidneys? Filter waste from the blood and produce

Describe the structure and function of the nephron ; functional unit of the kidney;
a)nutrients, urea, salts , water diffuse from the glomerulus into bowmans capsule;
b)water, salts (small amount) and nutrients are reabsorbed by active transport
(LOOP of HEnLE) into the renal vein,
c) urine remains and travels to the ureter.


Which materials are filtered out of the blood in the Bowmans capsule?

Water, salts, nutrients, and urea


Which substances that enter through the kidney through the renal artery are

recycled into the bloodstream through the renal vein? Nutrients, salts and water

Which material does the collecting duct deliver to the ureter? Urea, excess

h20 and salts


Describe the role of the ureters and bladder. Ureter is the tube that

transports urine to the urinary bladder.


What is the function of the urethra? Opening that releases urine outside the


Trace the pathway of urine from the time that it is produced to the time that

leaves the body. Urine (produced in kidneys)ureterurinary bladderurethra

33) Explain what is happening in the diagram above. The renal artery brings the urea
contained blood to the ball of capillaries known as the glomerulus, waste in blood is
filtered in the nephron, urine forms and collects in the ureter and goes to the bladder
and out the urethra.

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