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Advertisement Page 1 of 3 5 Tome site map lp 4) pennsywania ECMS 2 Tarawa T. Over ADVERTISEMENT - OPEN END - PLANNING — BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN / SPECIAL PROJECTS Special Comments The anticipated date for selection is 4/15/2016 with a NTP on the first work order anticipated for 5/5/2016. Invoices must be pre-approved via provided forms prior to submission through ECMS. Deliverable Acceptance Page and instructions will be provided General Initiating Organization: Bureau of Public Transportation Status: Published [& (Open End Non Project Specific No Design and Misc Services Selection Process: Modified ‘SOI Deadline: 03/24/2016 | | Agreements: -43¢93 Transit Oriented Development, Bike/Ped, Land Use, Sustainable ‘Communities, & Complete Streets |i This advertisement was created from Agroement £03693 Services ‘The Department of Transportation will retain an engineering firm for (1) open-end agreement for the services indicated below on various projects. This is a deliverable based, lump sum, open-end contract to provide technical assistance bicycle/pedestrian and transit- oriented and community supportive planning and design services for the Multimodal Deputate. The Agreement will be for a period of 5 years, with projects assigned on an as-needed basis. The maximum amount of the Open-end Agreement will be 3,000,000 dollars. Selection Criteria The Department will establish an order of ranking of a minimum of (3) firms for the purpose of negotiating an agreement based on the Department's evaluation of the statements of interest received in response to | this solicitation. The final ranking wil be established directly from the statements of interest. Technical | proposals will not be requested prior to the establishment of the final ranking The following factors, listed in order of importance, will be considered by the Department during the evaluation of the business partners submitting statements of interest, Criteria Description Weight Relevant experience and expertise of personnel, sufficiency of appropriate staffing, and ability to 40% provide a range of services that may be required | Past record of performance with regards to work quality, management and ability to meet 40% | schedules Project management sks and abiiy to work effectively with the Department 20% | Weight Total: 100% Work Task | This is a deliverable based, lump sum, open-end contract to provide technical assistance in special studies, bicycle/pedestrian and transit- oriented and community supportive planning and design; community engagement; conceptual design; economic assessments, and master planning to PennDOT with an http:/! 4 3/18/2016 Advertisement Page 2 of 3 ‘emphasis on multimodal planning and design services for the Multimodal Deputate. The selected offeror will provide PennDOT with the support necessary to enable PennDOT to develop timely strategies to meet the long-range planning and design challenges of maintaining and improving the Multimodal Deputate. ‘The work and services which may be required under this Agreement encompass a wide range of Planning and Design efforts with a possibilty of several different types of projects with short completion schedules. being assigned concurrently. Planning and Design projects example types include, but not limited to: Perform analysis and assessments to conduct multimodal planning studies (with an emphasis in | bicycle and pedestrian modes): |. Provide planning and design services to support a multimodal solution approach to transportation | improvements; Facilitate community engagement activities; Provide technical assistance support in developing education and outreach programs; Provide administrative support, oversight and other technical support and services for various transportation projects and programs on an as-needed basis; and Prepare documents and provide professional editing services. | | [Requirements | ‘The goal for Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) participation in this agreement shall be 10 % of the total agreement cost. Cost included in a DBE firm's price proposal as direct cost of work and services by | others shall not count as DBE participation in this agreement, unless completed by a DBE firm. Additional | information concerning DBE participation in this agreement is contained in the General Requirements and Information Section referenced below. ‘The engineering services and environmental studies identified above are the general work activities that can be expected under this Open-end Contract. A more specific and project-related Scope of Work will be outlined for each individual Work Order developed under this Open-end Contract. | Additional information regarding this Agreement/Advertisement and Statement of Interest requirements are | contained in the General Requirements document [Attachment ‘ad Performance Metric{1L.pdf Q No records found. al hutp:/ TagServlet?action=printerFriendly&jspName=WE... 3/18/2016 Advertisement Page 3 of 3 Contact Information | Name Phone Fax on | Joni. Bugsy yan er. 200 History Published SOI Deadline Revised Description 03/14/2016 03/24/2016 Release: 40.0 PennDOT | Home | SiteMap | Help | Pennsylvania gap Session se: 0.1 Ccopynant @ 2008 Pennsyvaria Depsriment of Transportation, FY Mar 18 11:48:20 EDT 2016 I Rights Reserves ‘Offical ECMS DateTime snDOT Privacy Pol http:/! 4 state, 3/18/2016

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