DBQ Lewis and Clark

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Anthony Casamassima

Mr. Bargiel

One of the most important journeys in the history of the United

States began on May 14, 1804. It featured Meriwether Lewis and
William Clark. This essay will address the land explored, problems
encountered, and why this journey is so important.

The United States had just bought the Louisiana territory from
France, but no one had ever been there before. Thomas Jefferson had
sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore this territory.
According to document 4, 55 sailors were sent to fulfill Thomas
Jeffersons dream to explore the western half of the continent in
search of the fable northwest passage to the Pacific Ocean. This will
be one of the most exciting journeys for Meriwether Lewis and William

During the exploration of the Louisiana territory, Meriwether

Lewis, William Clark, and there crew faces some difficulties along the
way. Thomas Jefferson had bought 828,000 square miles of land. This
nearly doubled the size of the United States and increased the
population too. This land was unknown and it was difficult to plan ahead
for any obstacles. According to document 2, Lewis and Clark started

their journey in St. Louis, took the Missouri river to the Yellowstone
road, and took the Colombia River to fort Clatsop. According to
document 5, Lewis and Clark had come to a trading offer with the
Sioux Indians due to their lack of fire arms. In return, they received
an envelope of stuffed antelope with the skeleton, a weasel, three
squirrels from the Rocky Mountains, and a skeleton from a prairie wolf.
Every difficulty was over come and the journey was a success.

This journey, featuring Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, was

very important in United States history. Without this expedition we
would not know what we know today about the western part of the
United States. According to document 5, the things given from the
Sioux Indians and the Mandan tribe were given to Thomas Jefferson.

In conclusion, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark were featured

in one of the most important journeys in the history of the United
States. In this journey they explored new land and faced some
problems along the way. This also led to a better economy and a larger
population. Two of the greatest men in the in the history of the united
states, had successfully completed the journey to the pacific ocean
and what they had brought back, can take you threw a journey itself.

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