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Madeleine Orcales

22015 Gulf Avenue Carson, CA 90745

Phone: 3108448603 E-Mail:

Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque Catholic Church

2007- present

Our Christian Service Program offers many services including food assistance, medical
assistance, marriage counseling, and job referrals. I was privileged enough to be a part of
the Homeless ministry and food distribution team.
San Pedro Girls Softball League


San Pedro Girls Softball League strives to provide a friendly, welcoming environment for girls
to practice, learn, and grow in their softball knowledge. I was given the opportunity to be an
assistant coach for a team in the fall of 2012. Here I fixed flawed technique, boosted selfesteem and confidence, and offered advice if needed.
Cancer Patients Insurance Advocates

2014- present

Cancer Patients Insurance Advocates (CPIA) was created to assist cancer patients, their
caregivers and cancer survivors with navigating the challenges of medical insurance, as well
as protecting themselves with appropriate insurance products. I began volunteering for CPIA
and learned basic clerical skills, as well as a few insurance broker tasks.

Laura Nieto

2007- present

Ms. Nieto first instilled in me the importance of service. She so willingly gives her time as one of the
main Christian Service Coordinators at Saint Margaret Mary. I have known Ms. Nieto since 2007 but
just recently began volunteering in her ministry a few years ago. Attached is a letter that she wrote
for me for a high school scholarship application. The letter explains my service involvement and
overall character.
Heather Himelwright

2014- present

Ms. Himelwright, a breast cancer survivor herself, demonstrated to me the importance of faith and
strength. Though she was diagnosed with breast cancer, she was resilient and beat the disease. She
turned a negative situation into something positive, and now we advocate for cancer patients and
their insurance rights. Feel free to contact her at 310- 791-4890.
Gary Pascual

2010- present

Mr. Pascual has been a guiding hand in my faith formation and service involvement. Together we
participated in holiday food and clothes drives, food distribution for the homeless, and he even
trained me to be an altar server. Feel free to contact him at 310-991-2948.

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