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Ring Master

By Andrew Stansbury
John 1:6-8

There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that
light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.

The ring started to glow; it sparkled and shined as bright as the sun. I felt dizzy just looking at it,
and I almost fell while doing so. I looked aroundEverything started to glow. I shielded my eyes
from the light, then all was silentsilent and dark. I opened my eyes and looked around,
studying where I was and what I should do next. Then I noticed something, I was wearing
something completely different, instead of my regular t-shirt, jeans, and tennis shoes (my usual
get-up), I had on some brown cloak with sandals.
Now I know what youre thinking. How did the ring do that? Who is he? Where is he?
Well, its okay, thats what I want you to think, its called a teaser if you really want to know, or
didnt. Who am I? Well, my name is John. If you want to know why youll have to wait for a few
moments. As I tell you the story, of the Ring Masteroh, and In case you didnt figure out
alreadyits me.
The first thing that I remembered was rain. Thats how it started. Cold, wet, rain beating
down on my tiny little head. I was wrapped in a blue cloth, which looked very comfortable on
me. I laid in a tan woven basket, not those baskets that you use at picnics, but the one that
youd expect Mary to use when she sent Moses down the river. If you havent noticed, I was a
baby, precisely only one and a half years old, so most of this part was told from another point of
view, precisely the people whom youll meet shortly.
I heard a voice, one that I would recognize years from now.
Hey Jacob, the voice was slightly lower than an average man, tell me again why were
out here, other than the fact were searching for the new ones.
Thats actually why were out here Jacob. The voice that replied was smoother, but also
more authoritative.
These two were the ones who told me of how I was found. Cold, in a basket, and lonely.
OhHey look over there, I think I spotted one. Of course, they were talking about me.
Cmon Fred, lets have a look, shall we.
They uncovered my blanket so they could see me, and so I could see them. Fred was
tall, brown flat hair with clueless green eyes. He had on a red and grey plaid shirt, Jeans, and
black tennis shoes, and it all looked a bit torn from use. He stood with a slouch and a, literal,
dumb smile on his face. Jacob was a little shorter than Fred was, he also had a few more
pounds than him, but had black hair, blue eyes, and a loving smile never leaving his face. He
was wearing a black leather jacket and a blue shirt with jeans. He stood in such a way that gave
him an authority over the three of us, then again I wouldnt have known any of this because, of
course, I was a baby. You see Im only telling you from what I learned later on from other
people. If I was smart enough to remember what happened when I was a baby then this would
be a completely different story.

The basket that held me was made of what you would expect, woven with light brown
fibers of some type of plant. It was very plain for a basket, no design or pattern, it was just a
normal basket. The basket had an opening in the front so you could reach in and pick up
whatever was inside without bumping it on the rest of the basket. It was made so that if indeed a
baby of sorts was in it that no rain would drop upon its head.
Jacob was the first to pick me up and hold me in his hands. He stroked my head in
affection; they were cold, wet and soft, just like the rain.
This one looks fairly nice, said Fred as he tried tickling me. I started to giggle at his
action, he has potential.
Fred, Replied Jacob as he gently shooed him to the side, thats what you say to all of
You never know! Fred replied shrugging So, what do we name him? He asked.
What do you mean, we dont name them; the Master does. Answered Jacob.
I know but I really want to name one of these guys. Fred looked desperate Hey look!
Theres a note on the side! Now we can name him! Said fred pointing to the side of my basket
lying on the now muddy ground. Despite the rain, he managed to make out the engraving of- a
name, and three numbers with a few other weird markings. Said Fred squinting at the basket.
Let me see. Jacob held me against his shoulder, I was glad the blue cloth wrapped
around my head too, it kept the rain off. He bent down and squinted at the basket where a few
numbers, letters, and markings had been placed. It says John, one, colon, then six dash eight.
What do you think it means?
Maybehis name is john, and he was the first out of six children? Fred pondered
Then whats the eight for? Jacob asked as he got back up on his feet.
Uhhhhhthe parents plan to have eight kids but only had six when they abandoned
him? Fred said stupidly
Well Fred, thats good enough for me, he cleared throat before exclaiming, AND
THOU SHALT BE CALLED JOHN! and with that he raised me into the air, which caused such a
shock to me that I started to cry.
Dude you dont have to shout. Said Fred busy covering his ears
I know, but Ive always wanted to do that! Anyway lets take him to his new home.
Jacob said as he picked up my basket in his hand and carried me on his shoulder to where I
would live for the next few years in my life.
Jacob, I have a feeling that this kid is going to change the world! Fred said with a
gleam in his eye
You also say that about every one Fred. Said Jacob
They continued to talk and laugh and looked at a few other newborns, but they only took
me with them. Wellme and my basket that is. Eventually the constant pitter-patter of the rain
and the slow bobbing of Jacobs shoulder rocked me to sleep.

From what Jacob and Fred had told me later on, they had taken me to this orphanage of
sorts. Apparently theres a place where people will just leave their kids out in the open for
anyone to take, it seemed quite cruel and they told me I was lucky to be alive. Either way they
took me to an orphanage of sorts. You should know how these places function: kids come in
without parents, people apply to adopt a kid, and the kid gets taken home with them. Well, thats
what happened to me. So who were the ones who adopted me? Well then keep listening! Im
sure Ill come up with a great transition here soon enough, but for now lets talk about
foreshadowing and what a great tool it is to stories such as this. You see, foreshadowing
provides the listener with a seemingly harmless line, when in reality this line is actually hinting at
future events. Of course, on the flip-side of things the storyteller could state a line that the
listener would believe is foreshadowing because its so obvious when in reality, it means
nothing. I like to call this Anti-shadowing. For instance let me begin this next part of the story
with an example of some anti-shadowing. Or maybe it will be foreshadowing, the decision is up
to you.
Later that evening, Jacob and fred arrived at their destination. It was a building about 3
stories high. The building was designed as if it was made in medieval times with big white and
gray stones lining the outside wall. It even had a flag at the top of a spire to complete the look.
The flag was four picture arranged in a square. The bottom two were black silhouettes, one of a
dove, one of a snake. The top left was a simplified picture of the world, and the last was a white
silhouettes of a person looking slightly up with white beams coming out of him. The entire thing
had a red background to it with white lines separating the four images. The flag was waving in
the breeze as it whipped to the side. It was quiet around the two young adults, so quiet that the
flag was the only thing one could hear besides their own footsteps. Inside the building was
surprisingly furnished, with a couch here and a table there. A few doors down and they got to
their true destination.
17 years later
It was a day like any other day, no surprises, no homework, no tests to study for. It was a
good day, so far. I mean I can't tell the future, I can hardly tell you the past up to a week then I
actually have to think! Not that I don't enjoy thinking, I love to think! Coming up with great new
ideas, my creativity is always something I've enjoyed. Unfortunately my teachers weren't as
enthusiastic about my thought process. It's not that they didn't like my thoughts, whenever I tell
them my thoughts they always take note and sometimes they compliment on my creativity! But
the problem is my mind is very, oh what's the word, conquerative...actually I don't think that is a
word. Basically my thoughts have a tendency to take over all my thoughts, meaning that if you
were to see me when this happens, I'd look like I was in a giant ice cube. I stare off, you know,
daydream. At least thats what the people that adopted me told me. But honestly that's the least
of my problems right now, I've got bigger fish to fry, except I don't have any fish. So that would
mean I actually don't have any problems. I guess that would make sense, I've hardly gotten up
out of bed yet. I hit the snooze button a few too many times. I hear a knock at the door.
" Hey John are you up? You need to come down or you're going to be late for school!"
Said the voice
"Ya ya I'm up, thanks for waking me up mom," I said sarcastically

"Very funny, come on John lets go."

Typical monday.
Almost unwillingly I drag myself out of my bed, I only had on my underwear so I got
some clothes on. Not like I wouldn't wear clothes, I'd never do that. I picked out a nice bright tshirt with my favorite movie logo on the front, Jurassic Land, you've probably never heard of it,
it's not very popular. I throw on a pair of jeans because winter was just coming to spring, so it
wouldn't be too cold, but definitely not hot. I grab my heart-shaped trinket on a small chain and
put it in my pocket. The trinket was from Rachel when we went on our first date two years ago,
and I carry it with me whenever I can. I go into the kitchen to find two men, one in a chair eating
cereal, the other reading a newspaper, he looks up at me.
"There you are. Finally decided to join us? Haha, I'm only kidding John. You might want
to hurry or you'll be late for school."
The man eating cereal looked up at me next. He smiled,
"Well well well, look what the cow gave milk to!"
For a split second I had no Idea what he was talking about, but that was no surprise,
that's Just who Fred was. I start to pour some cereal into a bowl.
"So John, got any tests today?" Said Jacob, not looking up from his paper.
"Nope! I'm kinda glad too! It seems like that's all I've been getting lately."
"I presume you've done well on them?"
"Oh of course!"
"Are you lying to me?"
"What? No!"
"You're blushing" Said Fred, as if I didn't know already. I can tell by the way my face
heats up.
"Saaaaay, ya! You are blushing!"
With an small awkward silence we all paused and looked at each other.
Then Jacob chuckled, then Fred started busting up laughing, then I started to join in. I'll
admit, there might be some things wrong with this family, but we always tend to get along.
I stop laughing, not because I got tired of laughing or it wasn't funny anymore, but
because I realized something. There wasn't a test today, there was a report! In English we all
had to do a report on a famous author in history and present in front of the class! Today was my
turn to present and I had nothing prepared! Jacob noticed my concern. He turns to me and

"Whatever it is, you'll find a way."

I chuckled to myself, I'm not so sure about this one Jacob. But I just shrugged and said,
"Of course! Okay well, ummm, I'll uhh, I'll see you guys later!"
And with that I rushed out the door, Maybe this day is a bit different, or at least more
problematic. Either way I needed to hurry, the bell would ring in ten minutes and I was notorious
for being late.
I make it, and with time to spare. Not as much time as I'd like but hey, I'll take what I can
get. I walk through the front doors into the school.
My school is pretty...average. Like we aren't the greatest school in the world, but we still
have a few hundred kids going. The school, Westland High, is only one floor, so you can
imagine how wide and long it is. I timed it once and it took me almost five minutes to walk
across the whole building. The office where the principal and secretary work is the first thing you
see as you walk in. Next are the biggest rooms in the building. You know, cafeteria, gym,
auditorium, band class. Also in the main hall is a portrait of our mascot, the blue eagle, don't ask
me who thought of that, or how it's intimidating, but we've never thought of changing it. Or,
should I say they've never thought of changing it. I've thought it plenty of times, we could've had
a crocodile, a lion, or maybe an actual eagle! I sigh to myself, oh well, I only have to put up with
it for a couple more weeks, that's right, I'm a senior. Im graduating in a couple weeks,
specifically two weeks from this friday. The school itself was pretty rustic, I mean it had been
their for 50 years so I'm honestly surprised it's still standing. The whole thing is just bricks,
wood, and"Hey John, what's up?"
I jumped, "ack, Rob you have got to stop that!"
He laughs, "Ha! Dude I get you every time!"
That's Robert, or Rob as I call him. He's my best friend; I know, shocker. But I've been
through a lot with this guy. I first met him in kindergarten, and we've been friends ever since.
Rob is slightly shorter than me, but he tries to make it up by spiking up his hair. He's got brown
eyes and always wears a smile. Not necessarily a kind smile, more like a laughing smile. He's
always looking for a joke or prank to pull. Which usually puts him in trouble. But otherwise he's a
great guy to get to know.
Rob turns to me and asks, "Hey, so I heard you're totally gonna flop this presentation
"Ya rob, I just didn't get pre-...wait how would you know?!" I realized that I hadn't told
anyone yet.

"No way! So you're actually going to flop it! I was just messing with ya! Ooooohhhhhh I'm
so glad I'm in your English class!" Rob said with excitement
"Yay." I said with such an enthusiastic response. I shook my head, "I just don't know
what happened! I had all weekend to work on it and...I don't know what happened!" I was really
worried I was just going to embarrass myself in front of the class.
"Dude just chill alright!" Rob says to me
"I don't know Rob, I'm not sure anything can get me calmed down!" I said with a worried
look on my face
Suddenly two arms come up from behind me and wrap around me like I was some big
teddy bear, I recognized the voice they were attached to.
"Not even a hug from your girlfriend?" It was Rachel! I turn around to see her, which was
kinda hard to do since she was hugging me so i just turned my head.
Rachel as you know by now is my girlfriend, don't ask me how I got her, I'm not even too
sure! But she's got beautiful flowing straight red hair, bright blue eyes, and she always wears a
smile. Not like Rob's but a nice, kind smile. She was a little taller than me but only by an inch or
so. She was quite slim, not like a supermodel's but she was slim enough so she had some
curves to her. Today she was wearing a blue sparkling dress with no sleeves and the neck came
down to her collarbone.
I started to blush, "well, hehe, that might help."
Rob rolled his eyes, "ugh you two, you guys are so mushy-gushy. I'll see you after class
John." He said as he ran to his class, his face said all the rest, "I'm slightly jealous but I do not
want to get involved."
Then I realized, I was going to be late if I didn't hurry. Reluctantly breaking up the hug I
started rushing to my class. I turned to tell Rachel see ya later when I realized she was right
beside me. She reached for my hand, I didn't resist. So we both went to our classes holding
hands. It was too good to be true.
My first class was math with Mr. Lavinski. He was a very...boring person. Not to say I
didn't learn anything from him, but...well just listen to him.
"Okay class today we are going to learn about the square roots of the sine and cosine of
a triangle. Now see if we have a triangle here that's 35 degrees in corner A and side B is 25.3
inches and side C is 15 inches we can then deduce how to find the sine of the three. By taking
the angle divided by the two sides we can get the sine, but to get the cosine we need to put the
angle on the bottom of the fraction and the sides on the top. Now once we do this the square
root of the two is easily found. With this we can take it and multiply it by pi and we get what's
called Huronevian's Number."

Ok ok, at least that made some sense. But listen to that again, through my ears.
"Okay class, today we are going to learn about the triangle root underneath the sign and
costar plant. Now see if we have an tricycle here that 35 degrees too hot and the A and B sides
are less than what we see which is 15 inches, we can deduce what the sign of the three are. By
taking the angelic bottom of the tractioned sides and top. Now once we do the the triangle root
of the two is easily found. With this we can-" Okay you get the idea, but do you see what I
I tried to pay attention most of the time. Or at least when he isn't talking about triangles. I
had no idea that there were so many things to know about a simple triangle! Nor did I really care
I mean, I'm not going to be running the top producing company in the world and think, 'now
what's the square root of the sine of a triangle called again?'.
A piece of paper hits me in the back of the head, I turn around to pick it up off the
ground. It was wrinkled notebook paper and smelled of cigarettes, I know exactly who this was
from, Dave, aka Davey Jones, class bully. Everyone knew him, and everyone knew what he
loved to do, force kids into his locker, that's right, Davey Jones Locker. The hardest part was
that whenever he bullied someone, NOBODY is ever around! Then once he leaves is the
moment teachers start coming out, but even then they don't notice what happened. Then again
it's not like they could do anything, his dad, like any cliche bully, is the owner of some big
company and anyone who touches the kid can get sued till their pants fall of, along with their
I read the note expecting the worst, it read,
"There's a problem. Meet me by my locker after class."
Not exactly what I was expecting, I wonder what his problem is. Or maybe this was a
trick for him to bully me, there was only one way to find out.
After class I wait by Dave's locker. Sure enough after a minute I see him walking down
the hall. He brought his possi. That's not good, I knew what was coming, it was only a matter of
time before I'd have to face the horror of Davey Jones Locker. I checked my watch, 10:30,
"Hey yo Jonny boy! There's a problem!" He said while walking up to me, his friends
stood behind him like they were the FBI and he was the president.
Trying to not look intimidated by him I stuck my hands in my pockets and said, "What's
the problem?"
He smiled, "I'll tell you what the problem is, you're gay!"
I looked puzzled, "I'm sorry?"

"Hey don't go apologizing to me!"

"No I mean what makes you think I'm gay?" I wasn't really standing up to him at this
point, I just was curious what made him think this ridiculous and obviously false statement.
"Uh, dur! You're parents are gay! Making you gay as well!" He said in a mocking manner
"What?!" I said with a shock, "My parents are NOT gay!"
"Ya they are! You've got two dads! Which means they're gay!"
"I do not have two dads! We together..."
He points a finger at me and pushes me with it, "Gay." he says with a smirk.
At this point I am furious, and slightly confused. The thing was, I knew I wasnt gay, I
knew my parents werent gay. Its just, I didnt know what to call it. Although, Dave has poked at
me long enough. I was upset, confused, angered, so in an fit fit for a seven-year old I scream, "I
am not!"
Quite mature.
He clapped his hands together in a very emperor-like fashion and looked around at his
friends, "Alright I think we've had enough fun here, you guys know what to do. Send him to
Davey Jones Locker!"
I wait until I can't hear their voices before opening the locker back up. I walk away and
check my watch, 10:35. Five minutes, wow! That's got to be a new record! I better hurry though,
the bell rings atRiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnng
10:36, well no point in rushing now. I can't be more late than I am already. My next class
was history with Mrs. Lavinski. That's right, the wife of the math teacher is the history teacher.
So you can imagine how great her classes are.
"Alright class get out your history textbooks and turn to page 216, ancient egypt. Who
would like to read first?"
The whole class gets two inches shorter trying to divert the teachers gaze away from
them so they wouldn't get picked. Everyone, except for Jannah. Jannah was the teacher's pet of
the school. Every teacher loved her for being so enthusiastic and volunteering everywhere.
Ironically every student felt the exact opposite. Not that it's a big surprise, she's been like this for
a long time. Jannah was average height with a tan skin and short black hair going to her
shoulders. She always wore something pink, and always wore more than one layer of clothing.
Not like a coat or jacket, but a fashion type of layer, like a shoulder-ish coat? I wasn't even too
sure what it was, or the point of it.

"Jannah, you'll start on section 1 and end on section 3."

Jannah frowned, "awwwww but I wanted to read more!"
"Begin reading." The teacher said sternly
Jannah instantly perked up, "Yes Mrs. Lavinski! *ahem* The ancient egyptians were one
of the greatest civilizations of all time. But one of their main differences from any other
civilizations was their pyramids."
Jannah was quite a perky person, she actually made the reading a bit more interesting.
"No one quite knows how the pyramids were made."
A piece of paper lands on my desk.
"Some say it was done by the slaves."
I open it up, it smells of lavender. I know exactly who it's from, also there's a heart sticker
on the front, I smile.
"Others say it was done with the help of aliens."
I open up the note and start to read it. Hey Johnny-poo(I chuckle to myself), just
wondering what you're going to do for your presentation today?
"And still a select few say it just dropped from the heavens."
I said to myself, "awwwww man!" a little too loud, the class looks at me. I think of
something quick "uh. There's no way that could have happened!" The students shrug and nod
and continue to listen to Jannah. Close one.
"Yes, well...anyway. *ahem* Whichever way they did it, they still built these magnificent
structures that held multiple purposes!"
I couldn't believe it, I had English next and I had nothing prepared. I quickly got out my
notebook to write down some ideas. Jannah's voice soon trailed off as I head into writing up a
presentation when suddenly,
"John. You read the next section for us since you are taking notes so diligently!" Said
Mrs. Lavinski
I replied, "What? Oh, no I'm not...uh"
She raised an eyebrow, "You're not what?"
"um, I'm not going to be able to write down notes if I'm reading." Phew, that's the second
save for me.

"Hmmm," she looked suspiciously at me, "...very well. Michelle, you read the next
section. Begin!"
Michelle looked up nervous, "oh, you want me to front of the class?
uhmm, oh-ohkay."
That's Michelle, one of the most shy girls in my class. She was a very small person, not
to say she was a midget, but she was shorter than most of the kids in my class. She had long
blond hair that went to her waist, had dark brown eyes and always wore a grey jacket. Which
most of the time the hood was off because of all of that hair, making her more shy.
She began to read, "The um, the egyptians also had many leaders they called, uh,
prophets. And um, these people, uh, were-"
"Stop!" said Mrs. Lavinski, "You're too slow, someone else."
I stopped paying attention once I didn't have to read. I decided my presentation should
be over Shakespeare, he seemed easy enough to do a presentation over. I already knew a lot
about him, like how he wrote Romeo & Juliet. He also...ummm...well he umm...
Aw great, looks like I'm going to have to wing it. I met up with my friends in the hall.
Rachel was already in history with me so she walked out with me and grabbed my hand, it felt
warm and soft like usual.
"So John, what are you going to do?" She asked with her kind smile and a soft squeeze
of my hand.
"Well, I'm not so sure, but I know I'm going to do it over shakespeare." I replied with an
unintentional smile from her squeezing my hand.
We finally met up with Rob in the hallway, or should I say he met us, "I always thought it
was spelled shakespear!"
I looked confused, "Spelled?"
"Ya! You spelled it Shakespeare, and I thought it was spelled Shakespear!"
Now Rachel looked confused, "Rob what are you talking about, you said it the same way
"Right, but I spelled it differently!"
Me and Rachel looked at each other, then at Rob, then back at each other. I think the
feeling was mutual, we were both very confused. I shook my head and said,
"Anyway, I think I just need to wing it for the presentation. Wish me luck!"
"Good luck man." Said Rob before heading into class

"Thanks" I said
Rachel turned to me and gave me a peck on the cheek, "You won't need it, I know you
can do this!" she said as she walked into the classroom. I sigh, that girl is just awesome.
I take a big deep breath, say a short prayer, then walk into the room.
I'm greeted by the scraggly and almost smoker like voice of the english teacher Ms. Raz.
" Alright John is here, goooood. Then that means we can all watch him give his
presentation. Just remember John, we'll be watching, aaaaalllllwaaayyss waaatchiiiing." she
said with her eyes staring at me.
Whether she inspired the creators of a certain monster film to create a character like her
is up for debate, but it wouldn't be surprising if their was any relation. Either way she gives me
the creeps.
"Umm, Ms.Judy?" I said, maybe I could at least have the class period to prepare.
"Its Ms. Raz, my first name is Judy."
"I'm not quite done preparing my presentation yet," she rolls her eyes, "could I have until
the end of class?"
She mumbles to herself about some random things about school and the students, I
think at one point I heard her say "meat-head" and "money" in the same sentence...but I could
be wrong.
She turns to me and says, "Fine, but at 2:00 were hearing your presentation."
Thank goodness, I rush to my desk and get out everything I need...which was nothing
really. Pencil, paper...I was screwed. What did I even know about Shakespeare? Well, there was
his masterpiece Romeo & Juliet, I know that one, But what else was there? My friends were in
the class with me, maybe I should ask them. Well, more specifically I should ask rachel, she
would know. I was sitting at the back of the class, but Rachel for some odd reason sat at the
other side of the room. She said it's so she doesn't get distracted, what's that supposed to mean
anyway! It's not like I'm constantly bothering her 24/7...or at least not all the time! No, no I'm not
distracting! How could I be! I mean, ya know, I'm! I-...I-...
"I'm not distracting!!"
...oh shoot did I just say that out loud?!
"Well you are now!" Rob said with a snicker. Everyone cracks up. I'm dead.

"Well John," said Ms. Raz, out of all the times she could have spoke this has got to be
the worst, "if you're so confident in that fact" she walked towards me and stared at me with the
ferociousness of a lion with fire in it's eyes, "why don't you just...stay...QUIET!"
The rest of the class went without a hitch, unless you count being nervous and having
no idea what you're going to do because you can't think of a single fact about a person who is
dead and you're freaking out because of it, because then yes, there were lots of hitches. Ms.
Raz seemed to notice my misery, and decided to put me out of such misery.
She closed the textbook she was reading out of to the class and looked up, "I think were
going to end class today there students. Which means it's time for John to give us his
presentation. Let's all give him a big hand!"
Okay, now she's just toying with me.
"Come on up John, your death awaits you." she said with grimacing eyes...wait what?!
I shook my head, she couldn't have just said that. Legs shaking, I get up and walk
nervously to the front of the room. Like any other class there was some type of board at the
front of the class, not that she ever uses it.
I walk up and get on the stool. It wasn't so bad, only about a foot; not that it would
matter, I was going to fall off eventually. Two people that I hadn't noticed before tied my hands
together, I didn't resist. It's not like I could, there were many more just like them that would cut
off my escape then and there. Just above me was another rope, I chuckled, I knew exactly
where that was going. It was sad really, that I had to go like this, there was so much more I
could've done in this world. Things to do, people to see; or was it the other way around? Nah.
Of course, there had to be a crowd, it was mostly composed of people I knew, mostly.
The only people I didn't know are those I couldn't see. I knew a lot of people. Some people
started calling out to me, "John, you gonna start your speech or what?"
Ah yes my speech, I had almost forgotten. Most executions don't involve one, but the
majority of people wanted one, so they allowed it. I had a hard time remembering it though, so I
ended up just standing there staring into nothingness. The crowd started to get restless, "Come
on already! You're wasting my time!"
I laughed to myself again, time, what a strange thing. One moment you could be sipping
tea like any other person, the next you're standing in front of your friends and family about to be
hung. Time is funny that way.
"John, give your speech now or else!" said the executioner.
Oh great, now even the executioner was getting impatient.
"John, we're all waiting. If you don't give your speech now I'm going to have to give you
an F on this assignment!" the executioner looked annoyed.

That's funny, I don't remember the executioner sitting at a desk. As a matter of fact, I
don't remember any of my classmates sitting at desks...wait...classmates?
...oh, that's right. I'm in English giving a presentation. Wow, I must have stared off there
for a while, again. Now what was I"JOHN!"
Oh right, Shakspeare.
"Sorry about that Ms. Raz, I must've stared off there." I said trying to keep the mod a bit
"Really? I thought you were just too stupid to even think!" She said sternly, somebody
should really fire that lady.
"Ok, ok." I breathed, here we go. "Um...Shakespeare, a great writer! The best
in his time! What we know about him though is You"
Oh thank god.
"We will hear the rest of John's presentation tomorrow on tuesday. That is to say if he
has one prepared." the teacher said with always glaring eyes, ok seriously?! She's creepy!
Somebody needs to fire her!
I gather my stuff and head out the classroom.
Ms. Raz called to me right before I got to the door "Oh John." I freeze, this was never
Without turning around I say, "Yes?"
"You won't be so lucky next time." That cold voice...she could've killed me if it was any
more freezing in here!
I walk out of the classroom and meet up with my friends.
Rob spoke first, "Duuuuuuuuude! You totally BOMBED that!" did I mention with a laugh.
"Ya, ya I know..." I trailed off.
Rachel noticed, "Something wrong John?"
I turn to her snapping out of my trance, "Hm? Oh, no no no I'm fine..." I trail off again.

Rachel grabs my head gently and turns it so I'm looking directly at her, "John, look at
me." I was already doing that thanks to your hands...your soft...moisturized... "John. You know
you can tell me right?"
"Hey, what about me?" Rob said. Rachel shooed him off like saying `That's not
She looked at me again, I looked at her.
I removed her hands, "It happened again." I said.
She looked confused, "What happened again? That daydream?"
I nodded.
She looked relieved, "Ohhhh, for a second there I thought your dog had died or
I said, "I don't have a do-"
" it happened again huh?" she said looking down.
"Dude that's gotta be the third time this month!" Rob said
Rachel looked up at me, "And every time it happens it's always with you getting hung?"
I nod again, Im not sure what to think of it. Its like I get nightmares, but in the day.
Isnt that a disease or something? Asked Rob
Rachel rolled her eyes, Look, whatever it is, just promise me youll be ok.
Right, I will. I said as I looked up at her, our eyes met. I smiled, it was nice that at least
someone cared about me.
Awwwwwwww why dont you two just kiss already. Said Rob in a mocking tone, Come
on, lets go to lunch already. I heard its crispito day!
Ah yes, crispito day. It only happened once every month, but when it did it was like a
christmas for some, and labor day for others. For Rob, it was thanksgiving. A crispito is basically
a burrito with overly greased beef wrapped in a fried tortilla. It sounded like a total nightmare for
dieters, because it was, but at the same time it was really good. Rob of course was usually the
first one in line, that is except for today, today he was almost last. Or at least thats what he
thought it as.
Aw man were late! Rob exclaimed
Late? I said, but lunch doesnt start until the bell rings again.

But theres like five hundred people in front of us! He said as if he was a five-year-old
complaining about wanting a toy, it was kinda comical. Mostly because he was only fifth in line.
Without missing a beat Rachel leans forward and grabs Robs cheeks saying, awww
poor robby-wobby not getting his crispy-wispys?
Rob laughs at this, and I dont blame him, we all were! It was definitely great to have a
friend like Rob. At this point Ive already forgotten about my daymare...what? I dont see you
coming up with anything. Anyway at the time all that was important to me was myself, my
friends, and my lunch.
Normally the three of us sit at a table near the back of the cafeteria, we always sit back
there. Its not because we want to be away from everyone, by the time everyone sits down you
cant NOT be sitting next to someone else.
At our table there are six seats. Rachel and I always sit together with Rob on the other
side of me, the other three are taken up by our other friends; Tamara, Josh, and Rebecca. Let
me explain something to you, if there is such a things a parallel universes, and in these
universes everybodys Doppleganger acted the exact opposite of them, and somehow our
three opposite-gangers had been able to transport themselves here and go to the same high
school as us, these three would be those people. They are the exact opposite of us, so much so
that its a bit creepy. To prove my point let me explain how the six of us act.
Rob is a person who jokes around a lot and gets into trouble, Rebecca is a goody-twoshoes who takes everything seriously and literally.
Rachel is a person who cares a lot about others to the point where its almost obnoxious,
not that thats a bad thing, and always smiles, whereas Tamara doesnt care about anybody but
herself, is always on her phone, and has never had an expression ever in her life.
Im a person who is pretty quiet and thinks to himself. Josh on the other hand is loud,
crazy, obnoxious, and has no filter whatsoever.
To be perfectly honest, I have no idea why we are even acquaintances, let alone friends.
I guess its that opposites attract theory or something. In any case we only see them at lunch
and other rare occasions like a pep rally or something, and we always end up chatting away like
weve known each other for years or something like that. Its hard to explain, but we seem to get
along regardless.
Hey guys I say as the three of us sit down, it looked like they hadnt even gotten in line
yet, but that was normal. Rebecca said it was so we dont get in the way of other people,
which was usually followed by Michelle rolling her eyes with a like I care expression on her
Josh was the first to reply, John! Johnny! Johnster! Hows my favorite lunch-mate eh?

Rebecca gasped, I thought we all loved each other equally? You shouldnt have
favorites ya know
Its just an expression Rebecca, dont you know anything? replied Michelle
Oh, I know lots of things! Like how two plus two is four, india is a country in the east,
Rebecca! Its just an expression! exclaimed Michelle quite annoyed.
There was an awkward silence. Rachel, Rob and I looked at each other, this was just a
little too awkward.
Rachel decided to break the silence, So, how is everybody?
Why do you care?
Ill let you figure out who said what.
Awww, Michelle! We always-
Shut it Rebecca
Once again, awkward silence. We sat there silently for a few minutes. I personally just
listened to the next tables conversation, it was certainly more interesting than mine for sure.
This combination of trying to find a conversation and then having it shut down happened
another three or four times before the bell rang.
Finally, I think to myself.
As we part ways with the dopplegang, Rachel turns to them, waves with a see you later
look on her face.
I turn to her and Rob, Why are we friends with them again?
They both shrug, perfect.

After that we had to split ways ourselves, Rachel had art and Rob had some other class.
I didnt really memorize his schedule. Rachel and I hugged as custom for us, I waved as they
went in the opposite direction. Although, I should have been looking forward, I could run into
something, or someone. At that moment though, I didnt really care, all I was focusing on wasOoof! I said as I ran into someone.
Oh! Said the person in equal surprise.
I look up to see who I had run into. It was Michelle, when I ran into her she had dropped
all of her stuff. Books, papers, all were scattered on the floor. I checked to make sure Dave
wasnt around, he would have put us both in lockers and torn up all of her papers. I also
checked the time, good, class wasnt for a few more minutes. I had time to help her. I start
picking her stuff while apologizing for running into her. She didnt reply, she hardly made eye
contact. We both gathered up the papers, she kept avoiding eye contact.
You alright? I asked
hm? she said finally making eye contact
Are you okay? Youve been avoiding eye contact with me. a little weird to ask but it was
bothering me
We finished gathering her papers, I handed them to her as she said, Im fine and
walked away, rather quickly actually.
She is such a weird person. I mean sure, Im not the best looking person, but Im not
that ugly. Either way it was about time for class.
I had biology next with Mr. Travis. At least he was somewhat interesting. Mr. Travis was
probably the youngest teacher in the school, no wait, he was the youngest teacher in the
school. With his slicked back brown hair, acting like he came straight out of the 80s, and the
glint of his bright green eyes made him seem like he could run a marathon right then, or dance
to disco, or both. His speed of talking was surprisingly fast, it was just fast enough to where you
had to stay awake just to know what he said. He also liked to say run on sentences that would
just go on and on until it was so difficult to get out another word that he wouldnt be able to get
out the rest of the sentence which forced him to stop...dangit now Im doing it.
Alright students, glad to see youre all chip chapper this morning. He said with a smile
like he was trying too hard, Today were going to cover a very broad subject yes a very unique
subject that will probably take up the entire hour to talk about so if you are all ready then please
take out your textbooks and turn to page 247.
I take out the textbook, which was called Your body and whats inside! The textbook
was completed with a skeleton, a heart, and a guy with a thumbs-up. It fit the teacher well I have
to admit.

Mr. Travis started to pace back and forth, So class today we are going to talk about that
lovely liquid inside of us all: blood.
Oo Oo, did you know that scientists estimate the volume of blood in a human body to be
approximately 7 percent of body weight. An average adult body with a weight of 150 to 180
pounds would contain approximately 4.7 to 5.5 liters of blood. Said William
William was the class know-it-all. Whenever there was an opportunity to state a fact, he
would take it. He wasnt very tall for his age. He had black hair that looked like it hadnt been
touched in a week, a face that was covered in zits, and surprisingly no glasses.
Thatd be enough to paint the floor of a small room. Said Nick
Nick was...creepy. It seemed like all he talked about was the most disturbing things. He
was shorter than most, only about 5 feet tall. He had black hair that hadnt been touched in
months, and a face as pale as a vampires. But the weirdest, and frankly the creepiest, thing
about him was his smile. If you could imagine some psychotic person about to kill someone, and
they smile at the same time, thatd be him.
yes*ahem* anyway, said Mr. Travis as he tried to get back on subject, Yes their are
very interesting things about the human blood.
such as? said Jessica.
Jessica was...oh sorry are you getting annoyed by all of these character introductions? I
know what youre thinking, Oh great another character with a another classic stereotype. Well
this is another great tool in storytelling, its called exposition. You see, if I were to refrain from
introducing these characters, then you wouldnt know who they are when I talk about them later
on. So stay put and listen to who jessica is, because you never know, she might be important
later on...or not...Youll just have to wait and see!
Jessica was a girl that always had to be right. She loved to argue (she was queen of the
debate squad, and by queen I mean she was THE queen), she always dressed up like she was
at some business meeting, and she loved the color pink and always wore it. You did not want to
get in an argument with Jessica, because you would lose. She had long brown hair in bangs,
green piercing eyes, and a heart of cold, hard, stone.
Mr. Travis answered her question, Such as he snapped his fingers, such as the
makeup of the the blood cell.
Tsh, blood doesnt have makeup genius. Oh right, Davey was in this class. I forgot
about that.
Now now, said Mr. Travis, I did not mean that a blood cell wears make-up. I merely
mean what a blood cell is made up of.

Ill tell you what their made up of: DEEZ NUTS! said someone in the back of the room.
The class erupted up with laughter, I had to admit that was a good one so I chuckled to
myself. Only one person couldve made that kind of joke. I turn around to see who it was, sure
enough it wasXavier please stop, if you keep that up Ill have to send you to the principal. Said Mr.
Travis with a more stern look.
Yep, it was Xavier, the class clown. As you could tell by now, hes the guy who always
wants to crack a joke. Usually theyre pretty funny. Unlike Robert he usually makes his jokes
more open and obtrusive. He was a relatively short person with short black hair. He was also
mexican, with a hint of korean according to him. Dont ask me how that happened because I
dont even think he knows.
The rest of class was pretty uneventful. Mr. Travis talked about blood for the whole hour
and gave us assignments as homework. At the end of class though he called me over to his
Whats up? I asked
I need you to take this jar here and put it in the back room, and be careful not to drop it.
He said as he pointed to a jar on a small table beside his desk.
I picked it up and read the label. It read human brain on the front. Weird I thought as I
walked to the back room, I wonder who it might belong to. As I headed into the back room I
heard Mr. Travis calling to me,
Oh and, just so you know, theres a-
AHHHHHHH! I said almost dropping the jar.
cadaver back there. said Mr. Travis. Looks like you found it.
Ya, no kidding. I said as I put the jar on a separate table from the dead body.
The cadaver was...the weirdest thing I have ever seen. I mean it was a body, but it
wasnt alive, and it was looking right at me when I went in the door! It had its arms bent up to its
chest like it was the one that was scared (as if).
Why. In. The world. Do you have a dead body-
Cadaver he corrected
Whatever, why do you have that thing? I asked
Its for my gifted students in anatomy. he told me
Right. I said still trying to wrap my mind around it. How did you get that?

Well it was simple really. he said leaning forward in his chair. I laughed to myself, he
was starting to sound like Nick. When a person dies, or should I say before they die, he or she
can decide whether to give up their body to science. Should they agree when they die their
bodies get donated to scientific studies. I just happened to be one of the lucky few that have
access to such means.
I understood what he said, but as far as getting over the shock, thats gonna be a day or
so. I nodded to him and started to head out.
Remember to turn in that assignment tomorrow. He called out.
Right. I replied hardly even realizing what he said.
I had band class next with with what seemed like the whole school. Everybody I knew
was in that class. From what I knew we were one of the largest in the state. My teacher was
Mrs.Roger. Mrs. Roger was the oldest teacher in the school (40 years) and was definitely ready
for retirement. She loved music though, she always flowed with the music in her conducting as if
she was a part of it. The one thing I could say I dont like about her is that she was strict, very
strict. No gum, no talking while the she was talking, no messing with your instruments, no cell
phones, no shouting, no conversating during class, the list goes on (she actually has a list in her
office that is as tall as the wall itself).
Today we were working on a piece called Flight by someone I didnt know. As much as I
wanted to though, I couldnt get that cadaver out of my head.
It was staring at me. It was a man, I distinctly remember that. But it wasnt just any man,
it was a young man. Id say in his early 30s. To think that a person of that age could have died, I
thought, and that early in his life. It was sort of heartbreaking. Of course thoughts came to mind.
Did he have a family? A wife even? Any kids? How many? Did he have a job? Money? Was he
rich? Questions like these kept coming to my mind all throughout the hour and frankly,
throughout the rest of the day. It wasnt till after school as I met up with Rachel and Robert that I
snapped out of it. Mostly because Rachel askedWhats wrong John?
I snapped out of my state and stared at her for a few seconds. I sighed as I told her
about what happened and what had been troubling me all day.
Wow man, that sounds like its been troubling you all day. Ya know I got an F in my
Geometry test today and that was a bummer. Josh said with a laugh. I wasnt in the mood for
his talks.
I started sweating a bit. It seemed like it got hotter all of a sudden.

Did it suddenly get warmer in here or is it me? I asked

I think its just you honey, it must be the shock you're still going through. Rachel said
Really? Because its just getting hotter. I said starting to pant a bit. I was getting
Rachel froze. She put her hand to my forehead as if to check for a fever.
Look at me. She said as I looked at her, she must have been watching my eyes. She
then held my wrist for a few seconds. Oh no, John weve got to take you to the nurse, youre
going under again.
Im what?! I said as suddenly a surge of electricity shot through my brain. It surged as if
their was too much blood, I tried looking around but my vision was blurring.
Then everything went black.
I couldnt feel anything for a little while. But eventually I got feeling in my arms and legs
so I stood up. Everything around me was black.
Just then another surge went through my mind, but unlike last time it seemed like it was
meant to leave then stay. I saw a bright light in front of me. I was so confused. The bright light
started to grow brighter until I was blinded by the light. My body felt like it was being lifted into
the air. Slowly it was forced into a position of me laying down. I could start to hear voices.
He went under again?
Ya, this is the third time this year.
Third time? This hasnt happened to me before...or...wait...has it?
Why does this happen?
It needs to. If it doesnt he might discover the truth.
Truth? President Hardscrabble what do you mean?
Ya, what do you mean?
It doesnt matter, but hurry, the boy will wake up soon.
After that everything went silent. Silent and dark.
Then I felt my whole body coming to. I could actually start moving and see things.
I was lying in the nurse's office. I looked around and saw Rachel and Robert sitting in
chairs to my left. Rachel was especially close, holding my hand. She noticed that I had had
awoken. She gasped,
Youre awake! she said softly.

Robert looked over and smiled, Dude, how many problems do you have? he said
I laughed, good old Robert. I sat up in the small bed that I was in. Just then Jacob and
Fred walked in.
Jacob smiled when he looked at me. He pulled up a chair beside me.
So you fainted huh? he said
I rubbed the back of my neck. Ya, I guess so.
Did...did you happen to...see...or hear anything this time? he asked
I looked puzzled, No...I dont think so...just random noises...nothing interesting though.
I replied.
Jacob looked at me before sighing, Well, thats good I guess. He stood up. Lets get
you home, its almost time for supper.
I was surprised, What time is it? I asked
5:30 Im afraid, according to Rachel youve been out for two hours now. Thankfully
theyve stayed by you this whole time. Jacob replied
Wow, thanks guys! I said to Rachel and Robert
Hey no problem dude, I didnt have any plans anyway. Said Robert
Rachel came up to me and hugged me saying, Anything for my John.
I smiled as I hugged back, this relationship was going to last forever.
Alright you two break it up, we gotta take John home. Said jacob twirling the keys in his
kay Jacob. See ya tomorrow Rachel! Later Robert! I said as I waved goodbye.
Later man! Said Robert
Bye John! Said Rachel
Later that night, when it was time for me to go to bed. I started my nightly ritual: brush
my teeth, shower, get pajamas on. The last thing on my on my agenda was to write in my
journal. I opened up to about a third of the way in to find a blank spot. I started writing about my
day: Davey Jones locker, crispitos, and the cadaver. I closed the book and layer in my bed for a
couple minutes. I couldn't get to sleep. My eyes continued to stay open as my brain grew ever
more tired. Until finally, I got up, opened my journal back up to today's entry, and at the bottom I

I closed my journal, put it in my desk, and dozed off into sleep, dreaming about
darkness, rain, and snakes.
My alarm goes off, once, twice, three times, I shut it off with a nice click. It was a day like
any other day, no surprises, no homework, no tests to study for...oh wait. The report was still
due. I yawned, it was tuesday, the most uninteresting day of the week...well it is! Monday is the
first, friday is the last, wednesday is the middle of the week, thursday is the almost friday day,
saturday and sunday are part of the weekend, and tuesday is...well...tuesday. I get through my
daily morning routine, and head downstairs for breakfast. Jacob and Fred are already down
there eating breakfast.
Jacob saw me, Well, looks like you actually got up today, I figured youd try to sleep in
Very funny. I replied
Well its not much today, just cereal. Ill go to the store today to get more food.
I got some cereal and milk and poured me a bowl of the same bowl of course.
So how are you feeling? Jacob asked
It was quiet for the most of breakfast, with the occasional question about who knows
what. After a particular long period of silence, Fred speaks up.
Why dont somebody talk already! The kill is suspensing me!
Um fred, I said, dont you mean the suspense is killing me?
No, because Im not dead. he replied with confident look.
Well I said, there is something Ive been meaning to ask you guys.
Whats that? said jacob
I think its a question. replied Fred
I had to laugh at that one, but it wasnt long. I stopped laughing after a few seconds, the
problem was still at hand.
Well...its actually about you two...and me for that matter
Jacob and Fred looked at each other, then back at me.

Babies come from sporks. blurted Fred.

...what did he just say?
...wait...huh? I said
Did you just say sporks? said Jacob, Fred just shrugged. Jacob sighed and laughed to
himself, then he turned to me, I think he means storks, but more importantly...we were going to
tell you at some point but we wanted to wait until you were older. He said with an apologetic
So, you are gay. I said raising my voice slightly and crossing my arms.
Yes were...wait what? Jacob said confused.
Now I was confused, are arent you? I asked leaning forward a bit
What makes you think that? said Jacob as if it was the most ridiculous accusation hes
ever heard.
Well...mostly because there are two guys raising me. I said
What?...okay look. Have you ever seen me and fred act...married around each other?
asked jacob
well said Fred
sleeping in the same bed doesnt count. said jacob
No. I replied.
Have you ever seen us kiss, hold hands, or snuggle together? he asked
No. I replied
Well then theres your answer. said Jacob leaning back like the conversation was over.
But...that...what about me? I asked
It was the sporks! accused Fred
Jacob rolled his eyes and looked at me, You know youre adopted right? he asked
Well ya...but dont you have to be parents to adopt someone? I asked
Well...not exactly, sure it required more paperwork but we got you in the long run. he
And thats how the mommy bird found the daddy bird. Said Fred
I looked at Fred, then at Jacob, Has he always been this loopy? I asked

He hasnt taken his medicine yet. replied Jacob

Oh right. Fred had a medical problem. When Jacob first met Fred it was on the streets,
Jacob was walking to work when he saw a man (whom he would come to know as Fred) a few
years younger than him lying on the sidewalk with a note in his hands. He felt bad for him so he
took him to his home that night and gave him food and his bed while Jacob would sleep on the
couch downstairs. He had grabbed the note while he was asleep to read it. It was a handwritten
To whom it may concern, this is my son Fred. I cannot support him any longer and Ive
forced him to leave. He has short term and long term memory loss, it can be treated but he
needs medication. Its because of this reason that I cannot support him. Please treat my son
The note had no signature to say who wrote it. Jacob decided right then to take Fred
under his wing. He got him the necessary medications and took care of him to this day. He was
like a brother to Jacob. Three years later they adopted me.
I guess I forgot how you two met in the first place. I said with a smile.
Ya, me and Fred go way back. Remember how I met him? he asked
Ya I just had a whole monologue about it so-
ya it was 20 years ago actually. said Jacob, I first met Fred on the streets, I was
walking to work when I saw a man (whom I would come to know as Fred) a few years younger
than me lying on the sidewalk with a note in his hands. I felt bad for him so I took him to his
home that night and gave him food and my bed while I would sleep on the couch downstairs. I
had grabbed the note while he was asleep to read it. It was a handwritten note. It read, To
whom it may concern, this is my son Fred. I cannot support him any longer and Ive forced him
to leave. He has short term and long term memory loss, it can be treated but he needs
medication. Its because of this reason that I cannot support him. Please treat my son well.
The note had no signature to say who wrote it. I then decided to take Fred under his
wing. I got him the necessary medications and took care of him to this day. He was like a
brother to me. Three years later we adopted you.
...I know
oh well why didnt you say so? he asked
Oh look at the time, youll be late for school if you dont hurry. he said as he gathered
up my things and got me out the door. Have fun at school! and shut the door.
...okay to school I guess.

Hey John!
I jumped, Dangit Rob, I was expecting you too! I said with a smile.
Rob laughed, Every time dude, every time.
I rolled my eyes, he was right.
Hes not the only one that gets you every time. I knew that voice anywhere, a smile
spread across my face.
I turned around and gave Rachel a hug, but then let go...a little too quickly.
Rachel noticed, Is something wrong John?
Oh great, I knew shed get all serious if I didnt say anything. But I didnt want to tell her
what was on my mind.
Nothing, just got a lot on my mind right now. I said
Oh? Like what? she asked
Ah great, now Ive got to think of something quickly. Like...whether I should compliment
on your dress or not. I said obviously lying
Rachel noticed as she furrowed her eyebrows, Alright, just remember Johnny-poo, you
can always talk to me. she said with a wink as she headed to her first class.
John walked up beside me, he turned to look at me and said, ok, you arent telling
Rachel. That means its about her right? Rob said with a raised eyebrow
What? No! No no no. Its not about her. I said shaking my head.
Rob laughed, Haha, Im only teasing ya dude! Well I better get to my next class, I heard
Mrs. Carbink is making apple pie today! and he ran off to his class.
I should probably get going to, the bell would ring any minute.
I was in the middle of math class with Mr. Lavinski when a piece of paper hit me in the
back of the head. I could only imagine what it meant. I turn around to pick it up and immediately
know who its from. I smell it just to make sure, which becomes more weird the more you think
about it. It smelled of cigarettes, Davey. I knew it.
I didnt pay much attention in class, then again Im not sure anyone does. When the bell
rang I sighed to myself. Lets get this over with. I thought to myself. I didnt even bother
reading the note, I knew what he wanted. I went over to the lockers and found the one I found
most comfortable. Yes, Ive been in these enough that I know which one is most comfy. See I

usually end up in the locker numbers 133-137. So Ive come to know which ones the best: 136.
See theres actually a slight dent in the sides of the locker

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