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Structural change
Idelogiical project of capitalist accumulation.

set of processes in a mutlifacated ways, the attention of

ecomomic dimensions and global shifts that has taken place.
Increasing westernization and Americanization of the world.
Sexuanal interest.
Elastic concept, both explanandum and explanans of social
Economic dimesion privlegge over oher dimensions, role of
Increasing interconnectedness and inequlity; greater extensity
(Breadth) and intensity (depth) of flows and relations.
not just a set of processes but also a DEBATE (States vs
Markets), it is politically not neutral or value free and how
indiviiduals wish for prescriptions in terms of policy.

Different approaches of glob. - Do change with events and

empirical developments.

skeptics hyperglobalist and transformationalist

New International Division of Labour and Global Commodity
Glocalisation, regionalization, variants of capitalism.

Globisation as empire and endgame.
Zombie neoliberalism after GCF; discredited and dead
ideology still operating.
Neoliberal neoconservative convergence:
instrumentalisation of cries.

cheaper safer, has done were global production and


GLOBAL SHIFT: from Boom to Crisis.


1950 to 70 war long boom Keynesian consensus and Fordism

Early to mid 1970s: Crisis
Ascendancy of neoliberalism as an idelofy of economic.

GLOBAL SHIFT II Neoliberalism

Market liberalization
Global capitialism increasingly financial, disjunction between
productive and finaicial sectors
More coomodities capitalized and subsumed into financial system
form genetic codes to civil wars.
Subprime mortage crisis 2007 and 8
Global spread but differential imact
Food price spikes and riots in Global South
Neoliebrlism dead? The zombies lives on.
Global civil society
World Social Forum alterglobisation not antiglobisation
GWOT stymied GCS, resistancd crimialised.
Indignados (Spain)
Occupy Movement
Arab Spring
Prospects for people vs plutocracy.
Histories and geogrpahies of commmodires are concealed
Set of processes and hegemonic ideology
Dynamic and in flux, debate not consenus reflects changing
conditions and developments.
Reflecting this, different approaches and contestation.sssss

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