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Classroom Management and Philosophy
I will encourage students to develop characteristics of self-responsibility while providing them with dignity,
through encouragement of positive behaviors, clear consequences, and a team community.

We can do no great things, only small things with great love. -Mother Teresa

Clear and consistent rules, norms, procedures, routines, and consequences (Wong & Wong, 2009a)
Student choices of consequences (Fay & Funk, 1995)
Classroom contract (Curwin, Curwin, & Mendler, 2008)
Energizing success (What is the nurtured heart approach, 2015)

Instructional Strategies
I will place student learning needs at the core of my instructional strategies, therefore I will choose which strategies to
implement through an intentional discernment process.

Does it align with content standards?

Does learning happen through the strategy?
Does it fit with students learning needs?
Is it a best practice?
Has it been effective in the past?
Are resources and time available?
(Sheldon, 2015c)

Assessment, Grading, and Data

I will place student learning at the core of my assessment, grading, and data systems. Therefore, my assessment system will be both robust and flexible, grading will be presented in a way that most accurately represents learning, and
data will be used to direct instructional strategies.
> Teacher created quality assessments: formative, interim, summative, informal and formal data
> Quality Filters (Kristine Gullen)
> Standards-based grading (Guskey, Swan, & Jung, 2011)
> Product, Process, and progress grades, (Guskey, 2011) , Four-point scale (Marzano, 2006)
> Students track their progress (Marzano, 2009)
> Data Task Analysis Sequence (Judy K. Sargent, 2008)
Font: (Hello Literacy, 2014)

Adapted from Gullen, K. (2008). 17 Quality Filters. Jackson County ISD. Jackson MI.
Curwin, R. L. & Mendler, A. N. (1997). Discipline with dignity: Beyond obedience. Education Digest, 63,
Curwin, R. L., Mendler, A. N., Mendler, B. D. (2008). Discipline with dignity: New challenges, new solutions
(3rd ed.). Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Fay, J. & Funk, D. (1995). Teaching with love & logic: Taking control of the classroom. Golden, CO: The
Love and Logic Press, Inc.
Guskey, T.R. (2011). Five obstacles to grading reform. Educational Leadership, 69(3), 16-21.
Guskey, T.R., Swan, G.M., & Jung, L.A. (2011). Grades that mean something: Kentucky develops standardsbased report cards. Phi Delta Kappa, 93(2), 52-57.
Guskey, T. R. (1994). Making the grade: What benefits students?. Educational Leadership, 52(2), 14-20.
Guskey, T.R. (n.d.) Grading and reporting student learning. Retrieved from
Hello Literacy. (2014). Hello fonts-personal & non-commercial use. [Downloaded Fonts]. Available from
Marzano, R. J. (2006). Classroom assessment & grading that work. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Publications.
Marzano, R.J. (2009). When students track their progress. Educational Leadership, 67(4), 86-87.
Sargent, J. (2008). Data retreat handbook. Green Bay, WI: CESA 7 School Improvement Services.
Sheldon, T. (2015a). Data analysis & application. [Class handout]. School of Education, Spring Arbor University, Spring Arbor, MI.
Sheldon, T. (2015b). Fall 2015 edu 429 Day 6 - Glasser nha, Fay love and logic and Albert cooperative discipline. [Prezi]. Retrieved from

Sheldon, T (2015c). Spring Arbor University. Spring Arbor, MI. 7 December 2015. Effective Classroom
Management, Assessment, and Instruction Course.
What is the nurtured heart approach? (2015). Retrieved from
Wong, H. K., & Wong, R. T. (2009a). The first days of school: How to be an effective teacher. Mountain
View, CA: Harry K. Wong Publications, Inc.

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