Lesson Plan Format 1

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Education Department
Field School Lesson Plan
Name__Morgan Burch_____________________________Lesson Number___1___________________
Subject Area________Health______________________________ Grade Level_______6th____________
Date____3/1/16_____________________ Start time_9:20_______________ End
Cooperating Teachers
Consumer products
Related Standard:
6.3.1 Indicate the validity of health products
Background: Use prior knowledge of buying consumer products. (Graffiti)
Main Objective of Instruction:
In order to fully indicate (Blooms Taxonomy: Knowledge) how to read a label on consumer
product TSWBAT define all the terms dealing with a consumer product and notify where they are
located on a product. They will be given products in the classroom and can describe what each
labeling means and where it is found on a product within the 40 minutes allowed for this activity.
Teacher Materials/Resources:
Worksheet (attached)
Shampoo, toothpaste, hand sanitizer, sunscreen, mouthwash, Chap Stick, and hairspray
Book to describe the terms
Expo markers
Student Materials:
Worksheet (Given to them) (Attached)
One of the consumer products listed above
Anticipatory Set (Introductory Approach):
There will be different consumer products lined up on a table in the front of the classroom. I will
stand by the door and tell the students to go sit down in their seats as soon as they walk in. Once
the bell rings the students will have their attention towards me. I will stand in the front of the
classroom, and ask the following question, What is your favorite toothpaste to use? (use every
single product that was listed in the materials needed). The students will raise their hand and
respond to my question once called upon then tell me along with the class what their favorite
brand of the product that was named (5 minutes)
Instructional Procedures (Whole Group):
1. Tell the students to get out their notebooks to take notes.

2. Get a dry erase marker to write up on the board and write the word product label (Visual
3. Ask the students what they think the definition is for the word
4. Write the definition Product Label- printed information about the product
5. For steps A-D follow steps 3 and 4 but with these words (write word and definition to follow
on the board, then discuss what each word means)
a. Warning label-: This consist of the harm it can cause a person with any health issues
or any risk towards a person. Usually you can peel these things away from the
product. SAY: It is highly important to look at this so you know what you could be
risking yourself to.
b. Ingredients- Everything that is in the product to the smallest thing. SAY: This is
where you would look to see if you are allergic to anything so you know to avoid this
product. It is a huge list in this area with words most people have not even heard of.
You also can look at it and find some very interesting things in a product.
c. Size of the product- Shows how much of this product you are getting. SAY: there are
different shapes and sizes for products. Just the looks does not matter to how much
is in it. It may look bigger that what it really is, and this is where the companies get
you, the more they can cost you for their product.
d. Contact Information- This is where the companys information is. SAY: This area has
a phone number and address sometimes to contact the company if anything was to
go wrong and you would like to talk to them about.
6. Let the students wrap up on their notes. (15 mins)
7. Gather their attention by ringing a bell and get the worksheets off my desk.
8. Pass out the worksheets to each student.
9. Once papers are passed out, tell them to stay in their groups of four (their desk are
grouped together)
10.Send one person up from each group to grab a product from the table up front
11.They take the product back to their seats and listen to my instructions
a. Look at the product given to them and answer all of the following questions on the
b. When it comes to the cool fact though each student should have a different fact
because this will be their exit ticket to be able to share their fact.
12.Let the students start on their worksheets as small groups (Intrapersonal MI) (Think-PairShare)
13.Walk around the classroom to make sure everyone is participating together and working as
a group (15 mins)
14.Wrap things up
Provisions for Individual and/or Group Differences:
I will be walking around to help students with whatever they need. Yet, the students will be
intermixed between different learning levels. Therefore other students can work together as a
group to help others to have a better understanding of the different terms mentioned in their

Have each student explain (Blooms Taxonomy: Application) their fun fact for them to leave as an
exit ticket. This will show other students what was found out about other products not just their
own product. (5 mins)
(Ticket To Leave)
Evaluation of Learning:
Exit ticket would be a discussion (Blooms Taxonomy: Comprehension) between the class and me.
Everyone needs to participate for them to leave the classroom.

Independent Practice:
Now the students are to go home and write down a warning label on any consumer product.
Then come in the next day and turn in that piece of paper with a warning with any product they
found at home with the product name on the paper and the use of that product for their 5 points
in ouside classwork.

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