Reference Letter Erin Payne

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To whom it may concern,


I had the great privilege ofworkinS with Drenana lusupovic as she comptered her Fietd
Experaence 600. She
worked within my grade one ctassroom from Mar(h 28rh. 2011
Ap't 28'h, 2011. D2enana demonslrated a
sparkling personality that was easv to get atonS wirh. she was very positive, energetic, and cheedut. she interacted
easilywith parents, co-workers, and students and did not hesitate to introd!ce herself to someone new. Dzenana
quickly established a rapport with the studenis in our class- she greeted them in the morning, asked
about their
evening, and showed a real interest in Setting to know rhem and their specific tearning needs. She consrantty
complimented the studenls on the Sood behaviour thal she saw and used specific praise when hecking their
work. D?enana wa9 very enthusiastic and easily caplured the student,s attention. Her bubbly personality was eary
for the students to relate and listen to and she atways had a smite to share with lhose around her.


Duenana was averycommited, dedicated, and hard workerin my ctassroom. Herpassion for tearningand her
passion for teaching were evident throughout att aspects of her day. she came to schoot
earry each morning and
stayed aftr school until her work was finished. She put in counltss hours ptanning, practicing, and revising her
lesson plans until she was confident in the lesson that she detivered. Each tesson thar she ptan.ed had a


8oal, rationale, and learninB expectations that tinked directty to the Atberta curricutum. for each unit that she
taught, Dzenana was able to succesdulty consider the order in which to teach rhe specific tarning expectations,
how to link each concept to the concepr that woutd fo ow, and the transition! that would be needed. This a owed
the st!dents to easily follow the flow of her tessons and undersrand each concept that was being taught.
Dzenana's lessons were creat ive and used a variery ofteachin8 techniques. She paid attention totheamount of
writinE, listeninB, reading, and movement that took ptace throughout her tessons. She atso paid attention to the
amount ofwork that was done alone, with a partner, or in a sma group which a owed her to meet the variety of
needs within our classroom. Dzenana made sure that 9he understood the expectations that others had for her and
then worked very hard to meet those expectations. D?enana sucessfulty ptanned and taught science, math, sociat,
Dzenana has done a wonderful job ofworking on her ctassroom mana8ement ski s. She is confident

i, her abitity
to capture the student't attention and worked hard to make sure that her expectations were consistent, clearly
communicated, and followed by the students. Dzenana srructured her lestonsto focus on rhe needs ofeach
student in order to set them up to be ssccessfut. She was abte to estabtish routines and practjces that inctuded
everY child-

Dzenana is very respectful and accepting to the diversaty withan rhe ctassroom. There are many cuttures, retigions,
and beliefs at FfCA. D.enana embraced each student,s heritage, which a owed them to feet proud as they shared
their culture with her. The students respected her, responded to her instructions, and enjoyed having her as a

Dzenana padicipated in sraff meetings, 8.ade tevet meetings, professionat d evetopment days, superuision, and
parent teacher learning conferences, She was very dedicated to her learnjng and to her teaching. Dzenana knew
what she wanted and was not afraid to work hard to achieve it.

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erin.oavne@ff ca-calearu_com

sourhwest Elementarv campus 898 svtvester cres. sw, caigary

AB T2w oR7 phone: 403-259-3s27 Fax: 403-2s8-1109

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