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Where did it take place?

The war took place throughout the northern and

southern part of the American Colonies. Due to

the Americans having what some considered a

"home turf advantage", they were able to

transport supplies and troops quicker than the

were. This allowed many more

movements and a minor amount of more time to

plan for the American troops. Many historians

believe that this home field advantage is one of

the main reasons America won the war.

Who Was in it and Why?

This great conflict was between Great Britain and

their colonies, or what we know today as the

United States of America. This was due to the

fact that Britain continued to place what the

thought to be outrageous taxes and

acts upon them due to payments in Britain. This

led to the Americans making statements to many

of the acts. Examples of these acts included the

tea act, which lead to a higher tax on tea, and

the quartering act which forced the citizens to

house British troops.Some of these such actions

the Boston Tea Party of 1773. America

formed a government before the war started,

they called it the Continental Congress. While

the government of Britain, Parliament and King

George, were the ones taxing the Americans.

Great Britain's army was well trained and

experienced while the Continental Army was

inexperienced and only had a few

experienced soldiers one of these such Generals

was General George Washington who would

later be our first president of the United States.

Luckily even though there may have been

inexperience, the spirit of the troops and

knowledge of the land allowed us to win the war.

What Was the Revolutionary War?

Key Elements and Battles
The Revolutionary War was a great conflict
between Britain and America.
It was an eight year conflict that resulted
in victory for America and a newly formed nation
in the process. According to's sta,
This war was due to tension between the powers
of England and their colonies in Northern
America( Sta) These tensions were
from taxes and laws placed on the Americans
from Britain.

Some key battles included the Battle of
Bunker Hill, the Battle of Saratoga, and the Battle
of Yorktown. If any of these battles results
possibly changed, the United States would've
had a fairly dierent stake in the war. These were
all battles that should've been turning points for
the British, but strategies by the Continental
Army, and complications from the British
stopped them from really being eective for the

Image by:(land of the brave)

The Revolutionary
What Was it, and how did It effect
America after it happened?

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Image by:(history rocket)

How Has The Revolutionary

War Effected us Since?

Right After the Conflict


What It led to in the

near future

According to the Library

of Congress, many
believed that the
changes would be
enormous right after the
war, but unfortunately
that turned out not to be
the case. Religious
diversity was the biggest
change after the war.
states, "Some of the first
eorts to end slavery
began during the
Revolutionary War, aided
by a few of the Founding
Fathers"( Women also
wanted bigger parts in
the nation as they had
been a help in their own
way during the revolution
whether it
be be
spying or
labor or as a

Image by: (Ahmed Rizwaan)

Image by:(tiki-toki)

The Civil War

The American Civil war was a conflict within the borders
of America between the pro-slavery states and againstslavery states. While not only a battle about slavery, this
was a conflict that helped fully establish the African

Image by: (wisegeek)

Americans into today's society, as they were used as

troops and some even ocers in the northern army. The
ending of this war was a victory for the North, or againstslavery states. Meaning that slavery would be fully
abolished within the United States and African
Americans had more freedom than they had ever
experienced before. America still had a long way to go
though on the road to having all citizens equal.

The 1900s

Where We are Today

This time was a time of

great change that
included many
movements leading to
where we are today. This
included the women's
surage movement along
with many civil right's

Although our country is nowhere

near perfect, we have grown into
an almost complete democratic
power where all citizens are
created equal. All the
movements and changes we've
seen were due to what the
Revolutionary War established.

Image by:(nierocks)

The Civil Rights/Women's

suffrage Movement
To start, the many civil right's movements were not just
for African Americans. Many other foreigners had other
significant yet smaller campaigns for equal rights and
most if not all succeeded. This led to many other
cultures having influence on our society and
government as a whole. This made us a very diverse
country. Before all this happened though, women were
able to take a step in the right direction as they were
granted the right to vote in 1920. This has lead to what
we have today including a female nominee for president.
According to Alexandra Lutz at, this can all
be traced back to the way women and other minorities
gained confidence after the Revolutionary War.

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