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Behind th e scenes

with closers tv editor

Hannah Wright






Extreme heat and insects that burrow

under your skin welcome to the
world of The Walking Dead,
where slaying zombies
isnt all the actors have
to worry about

The zombies are

lovely people
under three hours
of make-up, says
Josh McDermitt,
who plays survivor
Eugene. He explains: Theyre
mostly in a holding tent, due to
how many of them there are. The
actors wear fogged-over contact
lenses, so are not able to see who
you are. Sometimes I might say,
Im going to kick you in the head
like this. Ill get athumbs up
they cant speak as their jaw is
hanging off.




m at a posh London
hotel, sitting with
actor Andrew
Lincoln. Cleanshaven and smart in his suit,
the only giveaway to his alter
ego Rick Grimes in apocalypse
survival drama The Walking
Dead is his slightly longer
than necessary, wavy hair and
asomewhat gaunt appearance.
I was reaching out for some
pudding the other day and my
wife slapped my hand away, he
laughs. Were only two months
off filming season seven, and
Ineed to be ready for that.
Hes referring to the fact the

world as
we know
it has
ended in
TWD, and
a slap-up
meal isnt
Andrew found
exactly on
fame in This Life
the cards.
Its six years since Andrew,
42 who found fame in This Life
in 1996 and also starred in Love
Actually was cast as the shows
lead man, complete with Deep
South accent, which comes
through when hes chatting.
Ihad to work at my accent and
I tend to stay in character, he

says. I cant just turn it on. Before

Istarted, I was like, Lets get this
taken care of. Ive got enough to
worry about with the zombies!
But being part of juggernaut
TWD season six is currently on
air and has bagged the highestever audience figures for FOX
channel isnt all that glam.
Were such atight-knit cast
that when were on a break we
miss each other, Andrew tells us.
We want to get back on set, but
within hours were going, Oh my
God, this is so hard. Its a trial by
fire, man, and were exhausted.
They film in Atlanta, Georgia,
where temperatures can soar to

above 30C, and where theyre

also attacked by insects. Andrew
adds: There are ticks and
chiggers these horrible little
mites that bury into your skin.
And were the only crew who
actually look worse after weve
been in make-up. Dirt, we do dirt.
But we get to play and I love it!
So, has the show changed his
life? I have to wear hats a bit
more now, and I get tables at
restaurants, he smiles. And Ive
made some incredible friends
because weve all been on this
journey together

l The Walking Dead, Mondays,

9pm, FOX

Ticks are a real

problem. You
dont feel them on
you and you can
have massive welts
on your body for
months, reveals
Ross Marquand,
who plays Aaron.
The sun-soaked
ground also
poses issues. Its
cooking, adds
Michael Cudlitz
(Abraham). Sometimes it has
to be cooled with water or youd
get second or third degree burns
if you lie down. Blimey!

In a week where Emmerdales Carly Hope

opens up about her secret baby heartache, the
actress who plays her, Gemma Atkinson, 31, 
talks to us about junk food, maternal instincts 
and why shes been watching Jeremy Kyle

arlys been a great

nanny to April, but
this week is accused
of hitting her
Its so out of character for her,
but Emma Barton sees bruises
on Aprils arms and puts two
and two together.
Then comes her bombshell
She comes clean that when
she was 22 she had a baby boy
called Billy, who died of sudden
unexplained infant death. Shes
never told anybody about it.
Why has she kept it a secret?
Carly thinks if she doesnt get
upset and doesnt talk about it,
its as if it hasnt happened.
What research did you do?
Iwatched some old episodes of
The Jeremy Kyle Show, where
he was talking to women whose
children had died. They were
allvery matter-of-fact, but

With trainer
Olly Foster

say that! How did

you meet?
He was my trainer
at the gym. Getting
with your trainer is
a bit of a clich, but
its worked for us.
As Carly Hope on
Were very happy,
but Ive never been
one of those people whove
thenone tiny thing broke them
fantasised about a big wedding
and they started to get upset,
and a big dress. If I ever get
soIused that.
married itll be quiet either the
Would you like to be a mum?
register office or abroad.
Ive definitely got that maternal
Do you ever pig out on junk food?
instinct in me. I always said Id
I cant remember the last time
like to be a mum when Im 32,
Ihad a McDonalds it was well
but now thats approaching,
over five years ago. The thought
Im thinking maybe 33! My
of it makes me feel sick. I love
dogs Norman and Ollie are my
achippie tea and now and again
surrogate babies. They even
Ill have a pizza and ice cream,
sleep on the bed with me.
but generally I like to be healthy.
Idont think theres anything
Whats your dream job?
like a dogs love really.
Id love to be the female David
Better not let your boyfriend
Attenborough and make
(trainer Olly Foster) hear you
documentaries about animal
sanctuaries, rainforests, or
In bed w
marine biology.
ith one
of her d
Emmerdale is on ITV, Mon,
Tues,Wed and Fri, 7pm, and Thurs
7pm & 8pm





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