Time Is More Important Than Money: Name: Dandy Puji S. Class: Xi Ipa-4 Absent Number: 4

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: Dandy Puji S.


: XI IPA-4

Absent number: 4


Time is more important than money because, time
can be more useful if people can use it to seek
knowledge. 24 hours can be a very useful, like a
paradise. Money that has been lost can be found again,
but time that passed cant be bought back.
money can make people lazy, but time can make
people be diligent and appreciate the time that has
been running. Yes, Money is important, but money cant
buy time. The most expensive is the currency of the
Regret always comes at the end and it was so
painful, especially for those who are not ready to
accept the reality. For it before it comes remorse, you
should use the time we have wisely. Chance of our life
only once, never wasted.

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