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Yesterday, Shashi Tharoor, the world famous scientist who enlightened us about

the dangers of drinking too much coconut water announced his latest discovery to
the world:

Shashi Tharoor has finally discovered for us our new Bhagat Singh. The new
Bhagat Singh has been valiantly flashing his weapon against the Brahmanical
Swachch Bharat Abhiyan created by Hindu males.
The greatest response of all came from the Unreal Times:

Somewhere out there in the sky, Ajmal Kasab awaits his turn. Right now, the
liberal camp is kind of divided over what to do with Ajmal Kasab. For some
liberals, he is actually a Wahabi Hindu sent by Modi to attack Mumbai. For other
liberals, he is an innocent victim of Hindu male extremism But I am sure he will
soon get his turn in the sun. After all, didnt Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt
throw a bomb in Punjab Assembly? How different is that from Ajmal Kasab and his
9 secular brothers launching an assault on the financial headquarters of the prison
house of nationalities called India Ten young secular brothers, united in the
name of the idea of India faced with the might of thousands of armed and angry
Hindu males. A battle to remember
But now that Indian liberals are on a spree looking to find parallels with freedom
fighters with prominent figures in the Dynasty ecosystem, expect Chhagan
Bhujbal to see a ray of hope. We all know that the AAP government in
Maharashtra has acted swiftly to put corrupt Chhagan Bhujbal behind bars:

Meanwhile the BJP CM of Delhi continues to drag his feet on the famous 370 pages
of evidence against Sheila Dikshit supplied by Shri Arvind Kejriwal.

But the Kanhaiya Kumar-Bhagat Singh comparison has come as a ray of hope for
beleaguered Chagan Bhujbal. He can finally stand and say proudly before the
Yes, my lord! Yes, I have looted Maharashtra. Yes, my lord I have
plundered Maharashtra. So, what my lord? Didnt our great
revolutionaries Ramprasad Bismil, Asfhaqullah, Rajendra Lahiri and
Roshan Singh loot sarkari treasures at Kakori on August 9, 1925? My
lord, I have done something similar. I am the modern day Ramprasad
Bismil. I am proud to be accused of looting under the same provisions of
the law that Ramprasad Bismil was accused under Give me azaadi!
Inquilab Zindabad!

As Hindu Male XI beats Pakistan, Indian

media loses golden chance to
humiliate India
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Just 23 on the board with 3 wickets downIndia chasing 119 in 18 overs on a very
tricky Eden Gardens pitch

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