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Moleleki Catherine


STUDENT NO.200834690




QLearners learned from 1400 Europeans, began transporting indigenous world. Many of them

Were drinking people gone to exile some to slaves? People were not happy, they were frustrated to
death. Their human rights were violated as a date was set aside for us, 21 march the day of human
rights need to be observed by all southAfricans.Slaves had no say their minds were like
incubetors.They forced not to make decisions. Learners learned that they are now free from the
struggle of the past, the can now uncoil their minds. They have learned that they have free
education, free and equal budget system for their education .They now have the right to make their
own choices



Slave owners, were superior were in control of everything. Learners learned about racial intolerance,
whereby learners from the University of Free State caused anuproar; they urinated, and forced Black
workers to drink their urine. And they forced them to play soccer while they were drinking beer



Before, black women were sold to their White masters and ask to perform sexual activities without
their will. Some of them became mentally disoriented. This barbaric act shows that women rights
were violetated.Even nowadays especially foreigners they are forced to perform sexual activities,
without their will .This truly was lesson to my students. They learned to stand up and to fight for
their equal rights as compared to their White encouterparts.

People started to take women seriously, while during the time of slavery they were taken as a
property, you did not have to question certain things in your life. Your thinking ability was
questioned. Even at class level.


Learners learned to be photographers and to work at the municipals.

To be able to create posters, for the museum, based on slavery.

To be able to extract information from the internet, and to show it back to the word document, and
to divide themselves into groups to discuss about slavery. Again to show slave conditions under the
deck, how they were treated, and the effect of slavery on Africans.

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