Chemsitry 112c Si Syllabus

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Chemistry 112C Supplemental Instruction Spring 2016

SI Leader: Krunal Patel

Session Times:

Monday: 1pm-2pm Surge 158
Tuesday: 12pm-1pm Surge 110
Wednesday: 12pm-1pm Surge 110
Thursday: 1pm-2pm Surge 158


Dr. Switzer
Life Sciences Building 1500
MWF 10:10am-11am

SI does not substitute your lectures and lab; it provides additional

help to anyone who would like it.

What is Supplemental Instruction?

Supplemental Instruction is a program run under the Academic Resource Center. Supplemental Instruction is
a series of weekly review sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. It offers students the
chance to collaborate, discuss challenging concepts, and learn study skills. SI is for anyone who would like
to be successful in the class, not just for people who are struggling.

Our sessions are everyday of the week, with the exception of Monday, and will entail a Question and
Answer style discussion to ensure that concepts are understood. We will be collaborating as groups to
ensure that everyone understands the material to be successful during the exams. The sessions cannot be
successful without everyone participating and being involved throughout the session.

There will be no grades earned in any SI sessions.


There are just a few rules to ensure that we are all in a comfortable learning environment:

Please be respectful of everyone in the classroom.
No food or drinks (with the exception of water) are allowed.
Please try not to be late; although I do understand some of you may have class before, try to come in
quietly and find a seat.
The use of cell phones, tablets, and laptops are not permitted.
If you have any questions, please ask it! Chances are someone probably has the same question.

This class is a very challenging course due to its content and the amount of time given. It is very important to
get help when you need it. Your professors, teaching assistants are great resources and I highly recommend
you attend their office hours.

Good Luck!

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