Internacional Business Presentation

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So now talking about the interviews, our group prepared it as an extension to the
So, based on the surveys that Tunde and Joy talked about, we created a question
paper to complement the survey and ask our interviewees why they are saying that
particular answer. We were looking for reasons, that could lead us to an answer to
our thesis. In total, we interviewed 4 people, 2 done by Sed and 2 by me.
So Sed now is going to talk about the Differences and Similarities provided by the
answers among our interviewees.

So now that Sed showed us the differences and similarities of the answers between
the interviewees, do you think their coffee culture at their country have any
influence in their choice here in Korea? For example, in Ireland, Coffee is always
served with whisky inside, in Ethiopia, there is a whole 1hour long ceremony behind
the production of coffee and in Turkey, people usually prepare their coffee at their
home, using coffee powder. So as I showed here, each country has your own way of
drinking their coffee. But, does it influence their choices?
By what we found and searched about, it depends. When cant give a really
accurate answer, but in majority more coffee conservative countries, where
people usually still have coffee at their house, where is not common go to Cafes and
actually pay money for one, when they come to Korea they preferred to go to
franchise Cafes, where the ambient is more conservative, the same in all
countries, and the products tend to follow a quality control, they are afraid of trying
new places. We could see that for example, with our Brazilian interviewee. In the
other hand, countries that share at least a little bit of this coffee culture with Korea,
i.e. United States and lot of Europe countries, where people go to Cafes to study,
meet friends, or just chill, people dont mind on trying new things, or they SEEK to
try new places, thats why non-franchise cafes are a good option for them.

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