Evaluation: by Harley Angus

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By Harley Angus
In what ways does your media product use, develop or
challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
I followed the conventions for my poster, according to the principle of thirds, taking into
account the layout, images used and desired colour schemes.

The tagline ‘Forget Me Not…’ is positioned here

as it is the first thing that attracts the audience,
along the route of the eye. Also this sort of
tagline gives a sense of irony as your not going
to forget the film. I chose to put this slogan in a
very Serif font as it shows the seriousness of the
film. Unlike if this was a romantic comedy where
a san-serif font would be fitting to the genre.
The use of the elliptic dots in the slogan, gives
the effect that it is to be continued, and that it is
down to the audience as to whether or not they
‘forget’ it.
From the tagline, conventionally your eyes are
led down to the image, with the main subject
in the primary optical area. Conventionally I
have done this on my poster, with the girl
being positioned centrally. The image of her
shows that she isn’t an ordinary girl, due to her
facial expressions and dark clothing that she is
wearing. Reflecting that there is something not
quite right within her personality. The tree
bark placed in the frame also, is in there for
the effect of symbolism, as in the narrative the
tree is a major aspect, that needs to be taken
into account. However the fact that the girls
fists are clenched in her lap also shows the
anger that she holds within. Looking closely at
the image the left side has a white glow,
showing the happy element, though the right
side is darker, the effect of the this shows the
good and evil in the situation.
Following the route of the eye, you are
then led to the Title, ‘Adultree’. The title is
a bright red font connoting death, danger
and also love. This is relevant to the
narrative of Adultree, as the girl loves her
father though it is the fact that she loves
him that she then begins to put others in
danger. Again I used a slight serif font for
this, but I put it in italic making it not so
harsh, showing the feminine aspect
coming through.

I used primary colours; the blue and red for

my font colours as I found that they
contrast nicely against each other. I also
found they were conventionally used in
horror genres.
After the title, you are led to the dead area
at the bottom of the poster, here you find
the certificate for the film, the noted
names throughout the film including;
producers, directors etc . This is
conventional of film posters, as if there are
noted names in these credits this makes
the audience want to watch it if it is some
one they favour.
Also another marketing technique
popularly used on film posters is a star
rating, as a high rating will automatically
boost the audiences opinion on their first
look on the film.
My Film Magazine Poster

Throughout the design and layout of my magazine

cover, I took a lot of inspiration from the
magazine ‘Gorezone’ when it came to the layout
and colour schemes.

Through research I found that the banner was

conventional of the film magazine. Firstly it
attracts your audience, and is also a very good
marketing technique to your audience as you
can state a statistic, or use successful actors
names that will be mentioned in the magazine
as this will broaden my audience.
The masthead is in a San-serif
font, connoting the seriousness of
a horror.
The red font colour connotes
death and danger, which Is very
fitting to the genre. It also stands
out against the image on the
magazine cover. I made the title
the largest piece of text as this is
what the audience see straight
away, and it is from here that
they follow the route of the eye.
As seen similarly done on the
opposite image of the Gorezone
The image I used on my cover , is a picture of
the main actress. Even though it is the whole
background it Is her face that is in the primary
optical area. I saturated the image to get an
intense red in her hair, to show a crazy side to
the girls personality. Though I highlighted the
image to make her face pale, and her eyes
slightly darker, and with the purple tones
around her eyes, shows the audience that she
is quite distressed. The fact that it is a female
will attract her fans to the magazine, though
also men may be drawn in my the female
Barcodes are coventionally placed in the
dead area on a magazine cover. Here it
is the last thing the audience will see,
also it is the least important thing.
For my headline I used a variation on Font types,
as it makes the page look more interestng rather
than plain. Though you can’t have just any font it
has to be fitting with the genre of film it is related
to. For example Adultree has is in a slight san-serif
font whereas The Cure is in a serif font.
Again I used Red and Blue font colours
throughout as red connote danger, and the blue
contrasts against it.

On the film posters I researched they all

contained a free poster, or to enter a
competition. So I found this fitting to put one on
my magazine. With the red bold background this
stands out, this is used as a marketing technique
as audiences always like something for free.
Main Task- Film Trailer

360 degree pan, in opening scene,

setting the scene in a family orientated
setting with a happy feel to it. The 360
degree includes all of the characters,
through the positive atmosphere and
setting, showing that things are all okay.
The use of a close- up on the ring, is
used as symbolism in the trailer as the
audience don’t know the full plot, but
her taking her ring off shows that she is
being unfaithful. The zoom on the dish,
gives a clue as to a sub-plot.
We put this is in conventionally as a
teaser to the audience.

Throughout the trailer we added

writing to help build the suspense for
the audience with the narrative. The
effect was created with the black out
and a ‘bang’ sound effect to add to the
Low angle long shot, of the girl
crawling shows her child nature
as when your are a baby you
crawl to things, and in this case
she is crawling to her Dad. The
low angle shot puts the audience
on the same level as her.

A tilt up of the dad, showing that Isla is crawling to him, though the fact that the
camera tilts up, shows Isla looking up to him and the dominance that her Dad has
holding his control over her.
In this scene, we wanted to show the
contrast between the family being happy
and the evil in the daughter. This is a
convention of horror films, as it helps the
trailer pick up the pace and the audience
see the juxtaposition between the
personalities of the character.
Breaking conventions of the time of a trailer, though the dark knight broke
these conventions and was a very successful film. So even though ours
wasn’t conventional of a horror film trailer.
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning
and evaluation stages?

I used the program Picasa 3 to edit my pictures

accordingly to how I wanted them. I was able to
use techniques such as cropping, different tones
for my images e.g. sepia. Change them to black
and white and saturate them for effect. This
changed my images accordingly to my genre.

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