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SAP MM Purchasing Send Purchase Order

by EMail to vendor in SAP

This blog explains the steps involved in SAP ECC to send purchase order by email to a
vendor as an attachment. It is a common requirement by customers to be able to send the PO
to the vendors through Email. Sending Purchase order by email to a vendor is called as an
External Send in SAP. To achieve this we need to perform following steps:
1. Email address of the vendor should be maintained in the vendor master data while creating
the vendor using Transaction code XK01, if vendor is already created maintain the email
address using Transaction code XK02.
2. Maintain email address in your own data to ensure that the process has a sent from your
email address (system->User Profile->Own Data).
Note: It is not possible to change the vendor email address permanently with standard
purchase order transaction code ME21N or ME22N, we can maintain temporary only, for
permanent change use transaction codes XK02 or MK02.
3. For output type default values, a communication strategy has to be maintained in the
Menu path for communication strategy: SPRO -> IMG -> SAP Web Application Server ->
Basic Services -> Message Control -> Define Communication StrategyHere default value is
communication structure is CS01 and communication type is INT (email), after configuration
of relevant communication structure and communication type, we can find these entries in
table TCSTRP.
4. Use standard SAP Program SAPFM06P, FORM routine ENTRY_NEU and form
MEDRUCK as processing routines for output type (ex NEU-Purchase order).
For additional functionalities copy this program and smart form in to Z Program and Z form
(Ex: Z_PO_PRINT and Z_PURCHASE_ORDER) and maintain these against output type
(Ex:ZNEU-PO Email) by using transaction code NACE, For subject of the email goto Mail
Title and Texts. In title give PO No. &EKKO-EBELN&
5. In order trigger the output type automatically in PO maintain the condition record using
transaction code MN04 for output type, use medium as 5 (External send).
6. Use SCOT transaction code to trigger the output manually In SCOT transaction under INT
double click on node SMTP and maintain SMTP connection.
Mail Host: (IP address of the mail server)
Mail Port :25
Code Page: 4110 unicode UTF-8.(Example)
Click on SET tab against the Internet check box and maintain
SAPscript/Smart Forms: PDF or TXT as per requirement.

1. Status of the External send document can be seen in transaction code SOST.

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