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Discipline Plan

Ms. Savage
___grade ______
The following will be employed in the classroom to manage classroom behavior.
Step 1--Private signal
Proximity, pointing, and the look are all examples of signals to let the student know his/her
behavior is unacceptable (Herr, JMU lecture, 2015).
Step 2: Verbal Warning
Step 3: Private conversation/ Quick Conference
This conference will occur quietly at the students desk, outside the classroom, or at a more
private area (by my desk, in the corner, etc.) depending on the situation.
Step 4: Reflection Card/ Lunch Detention
Students will be coming during lunch to eat their lunch with me and fill out a reflection card
answering the following questions:
1. Why am I serving lunch detention? What did I do that was inappropriate?
2. What rule in the classroom was violated? Respect to yourself, students,
teacher, and or the learning community.
3. What should the consequences be?
4. What are two ways better ways to solve the problem? At least 20 words
5. In the future I will:
This card must be turned in to the teacher when completed.
A reflection card may also result in a phone call home, and/ or card being sent
home to guardians.
Step 5: Focus:
Students will be sent to focus for a time-out to cool down and get back on track. Also, if
students are disrupting other students learning. A behavior specialist will be in the room to
aid if needed.
Step 6: After-school detention
If a student is a repeated offender and receives a lunch detention two or more times they
will be assigned after-school detention.
Step 7: Ticket (office referral)
If a student continues to receive after-school detention two or more times administratives will
be involved.

Parent, student, and teacher will work together to come up with consequence that matches
the severity of the behavior (Weinstein & Novodvorsky, 2015).
I hold my students accountable to follow the classroom rules and abide by the expectations.
The above steps will be in place to manage classroom behavior to ensure a positive
classroom environment so each student has a chance to succeed. The steps are made to
run in a hierarchy fashion; however, depending on circumstances and the severity of the
situation it may change. If this is to happen, the parent will be notified.

Name: ______________
Reflection Card


1. Why am I serving lunch detention? What did I do that was inappropriate?

2. What rule in the classroom was violated? Respect to yourself, students,

teacher, and or the learning community.

3. What should the consequences be?

4. What are two ways better ways to solve the problem? At least 20 words

5. In the future I will:

This card must be turned in to the teacher when completed.

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