Kairos Talk

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Isabella Jimenez

Gods Friendship
Kairos XXXIX
You would usually make friends by first stating your name and
saying something that will make you seem interesting. You all
probably did that on your first day of high school, which helped you
make new friends who are now your friends today. The best
friendship you have, though, is with God.
Friendship can be described in numerous ways because
friendship is never-ending. Friendship is support. Support your friends
in everything they do whether its something that is bringing them
down or its something that they succeeded in. Be there for them like
they will always be there for you. Friendship is happiness. Laugh with
your friends and make the most out of every minute that you share
with them. Make every tragic, frustrating, and confusing situation
something you can look back on and laugh. Friendship is love. Love
your friend for all the special memories she had made with you. Most
importantly, love your friend because God has sent them to be with
you and they are someone you can always count on. Thats why God
is your friend, because he loves you unconditionally and He will
always be by your side in good times and in bad times.
Making new friends is so easy to do but being able to keep that
friendship can be difficult. I met one of my best friends in
kindergarten. We went to Disneyland, we had sleepovers, we ate at
lunch together, and we even watched High School Musical 3 together
when it appeared in theaters. In Junior High, we did have small
arguments about foolish topics but we eventually resolved them. We
were such close friends but we then went to different high schools. It
was extremely hard trying to see her as much as I can. She would

have her own activities at her school and I had my own activities at
my school. I would text her and ask her how shes doing. Sometimes
she wouldnt reply and sometimes I wouldnt reply due to how busy
we both are. The last time I saw my best friend was at the Welcome
Dance. I didnt even know she came but the word had spread that my
school was having a dance and she wanted to come. I was so
surprised to see her as well as she was. I tapped her shoulder when
she was walking by. She didnt recognize me at first, but when she
did, we literally screamed at each other. We were so loud that other
people stared at us like we were crazy. I was able to talk to her about
whats going on in her life and I had so much fun with her throughout
the night. Even though that was the last time I saw one of my closest
friends, I know that our friendship will never end.
After my best friend and I went to separate high schools, I
thought that I wouldnt make any new friends. I came to St. Joseph
High School by myself. I thought that I would be very lonely and have
no one to talk to. This was when God came in. He was my only friend
when I didnt have any in school yet. I would ask him to help me find
people in my class that I can be friends with. It did take a long time to
find a group of friends to hang out with, but I had God by my side to
talk to when I needed him the most.
I finally found an amazing group of friends who are still my
friends today. I thank God for my group of friends with whom I share
laughs with, with whom I support in anything they do, and with whom
I can count on the most. We sometimes have small disputes but we
usually resolve them. In the end, God was there to help us through
thick and thin.
From my experiences with the friends I have, I have learned that
friendship should be cherished. Friendships last forever and there

shouldn't be any trouble in them. There should be no limits to them

and they should bring out the best in you. Have your friends stay
close to your heart whether they are far away or not. True friends
know who you truly are and they encourage you to try new activities.
They should be honest with you even when you don't want to hear it.
Friends should love you no matter what you do.
Gods friendship is similar to our human friendship. His friendship
is the unconditional love He has for us. He loves us so much that He
sent his son Jesus Christ to save us from sin, but He is also here to
help us in troubled times. Several people think that God isnt really
there to help us, but to punish us. Just because you cant see God
doesnt mean that hes not there. Abraham was a friend of God, and
their relationship was full of respect and obedience. Abraham would
immediately obey God when he would talk to Him. He trusted God to
lead him on where he was supposed to go. Abraham did not receive
salvation through his good works but through his faith in God.
In the friendships we have, we all have different emotions that we
feel or experience with friends. There is happiness, sadness,
frustration, and loneliness. These emotions can change our
friendships and make them stronger or make them unstable.
The first emotion is happiness. Think of a time when you and
your friends would have a sleepover either in elementary school or
now in high school. You would be up until midnight or later watching
movies or talking about life in general. You would be laughing about
any inside jokes you have or stories from when you were little. There
are also those times you would be having fun with your friends at
school events such as the Welcome Dance, football games, or even
the Homecoming Dance. You and your friends would take group
pictures at these events, which you would put up in your room and
cherish forever. These are the moments that God would want you to

be happy. He would want you to embrace every little happy moment

you have with your friends. This is similar to receiving the
Sacraments. When you received your Baptism, God was there and
was joyful to welcome you into His Church. When your received your
First Holy Communion, you are becoming one with God and Jesus
Christ. When you were confirmed in Confirmation, you are
strengthening your faith and relationship with God. These faithful
moments with God are the ones you should be happy about like the
memorable moments you have with your friends.
The second emotion is sadness. We all have those times when
you get in a fight with a friend. We feel anger and hatred towards
them but also sadness. We feel sadness, mostly because we feel as
if we have no one to talk to. The friend you have gotten in a fight with
might have been your best friend, someone you can always talk to
and who knows everything about you. Yet theyre not there anymore.
You feel heartbroken because you lost your best friend. You also
might have felt sad when your best friend went to a different school
than you like my best friend did. Moreover, you might feel sad
because your best friend moved to a different city, state, or country.
Losing your best friend is difficult but know that God is there for you.
God is your other best friend who has a shoulder for you to cry on.
We might sometimes make God sad when we distance ourselves
from him through sin. He might be angered and upset but He will
forgive you in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He will always forgive
you no matter how immense your sin is. Reconciling with your best
friend after a fight or argument is hard to do but in the end, your
relationship will be stronger than ever just like how your relationship
with God will be through the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The third emotion is frustration. You would feel frustrated with
your friends when you feel as if theyre not listening to you or

supporting you. You might also feel frustrated when your friends don't
confront you about their problems but tell other people about them
instead. You feel that your friends aren't there for you anymore and
you cant even talk to them. Everything between you and friend might
feel awkward and your friendship misfiling apart. Sometimes we feel
frustrated with God because something didnt go our way. Receiving a
bad grade on a test, experiencing traffic on the freeway on the way to
school or work, or losing a loved one are some ways on how we can
be frustrated with God. The only way to relieve these frustrations we
have is by talking to God through prayer. He would listen to you and
help you understand that everything is done for a reason. If you are
frustrated with a friend, talk to them and work your problems out. Your
frustrations will subside when you talk about your friendship with your
friend and your relationship with God.
The fourth and final emotion is loneliness. There are those times
when your friends hang out with you and you feel left out because
they didnt invite you. There are also those times when you are having
a bad day and you feel that your friends aren't there to support you
throughout the day. Other times you might feel lonely are when you
are going to a new school and you know no one there. In these times,
you probably feel lonely, forgotten, or disheartened. When you do feel
lonely, God is there for you. He is your best friend who will always be
there for you and love you no matter what. I came to St. Joseph High
School by myself and knew no one else. Before I made any friends at
this school, God was my only friend. I felt that I wouldnt make any
friends at this school and would just be an outsider throughout high
school. I turned to God instead and He was there to help me with my
struggles of finding friends. When you feel alone and feel that your
friends aren't there to support you, know that God is your best friend
who will always comfort you in your troubled times.
God plays a huge part in our lives. He is a true friend to all

people. He knows our deepest secrets when other people dont. We

basically share our lives, thoughts, feelings, and frustrations with Him.
He supports us in times of struggle. Even when you think God is not
there to help you, he is. God is a true friend because he always
forgives us. No matter what we do, he will always forgive us. The
most important part is that God loves us unconditionally. He loves us
through anything that we experience or do. We can strengthen our
relationship with God through prayer. He is always listening even
when you think he is not. He truly cares about us and He wants the
best for us. God always forgives us of our very guilt at confession
and wants us be free from sin. We also become one with the God
through the breaking of bread at Mass.
I believe that God was there for me in every step of my
friendships. He was there for me when I was lonely and felt left out.
He was there for me when I was sad, when I was happy, and when I
felt frustrated. He was there the whole time, but I was just too
oblivious to see it. I thank God for the friendships I have made and for
the special memories I have made within these friendships.
Remember that God will always be your best friend and friendship is
a bond with someone that will never break and you will keep forever.


A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation
or being together. As long as the relationship lives in
heart, true friends never part.
Who is/are you best friend(s)?

Describe your best friend(s) using the letters of



Describe your friendship with God.

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