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Guidelines for writing up the background for part 2

The following guidelines state the sections that should be included in your rationale:

• A brief summary of the ICT you will be using

• For what classes/ students is this resource especially appropriate and why?
Describe the type of class and the range of levels at which the resource will be used
and why the resource is suited to them.
• What theory or theories of learning underpin the resource and why is this
particular approach appropriate to your particular students and context?
• What are the particular learning objectives of the resource? Make sure your
objectives are SMART. ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time
• In what ways will the resource be used to meet those objectives? Say whether
the resource is going to be used for individual study, small-group work, whole-class
study, supervised or unsupervised, along with an explanation of reasons for why the
resource is being used. Are there any potential problems in the use of the resource
and how could these be addressed when the resource is used?
• How does the resource fit into or relate to the curriculum or programme of
• Assuming that the objectives are met, how would students or the curriculum be
different because of the use of this resource?
• Alternative resources an individual might use. Are there any accessibility issues
associated with your resource (e.g. for students with auditory, visual or cognitive
impairments) and could these be addressed by making adaptations to the resource or
by providing an alternative resource?
• Bibliography. Include any texts quoted from or used in the writing of your rationale.
Use proper Harvard Referencing.

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