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Wireless Communication questions

7. Why are micro - waves used more in the outback?

- Coaxial cables contain up to 22 conducting wires. They are designed to minimise

interference from outside the cable and to prevent signals interfering with each other.
Repeater stations are necessary to be used along coaxial cables so that the signal
does not fade away. However, in the outback microwaves are still the preferred
transmission because their it has a bigger gap between repeater stations.

9. Earth as a Global Village

- (a) This term is used to describe Earth in recent times because of how easily we can
contact someone far away now. Since a village all works together for survival, Earth
now works together through Social media and wireless communication to work
towards and complete more and more goals.

- (b) Long distance communication has changed Australia mostly for the better in the
past 40 years. Its now easier to contact family overseas or other states through many
various means. Through calls, texts and even social media.

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