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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam - 18 March, 2016

Why is it supremely essential to have both right conduct and spiritual

wisdom? Bhagawan lovingly explains to us in crystal clear terms today.
Dharma and Jnana (right conduct and spiritual wisdom)
are two eyes given to you to discover your uniqueness
and your innate Divinity. Dharma indicates the right
path which every individual, group or society should
follow. Dharma destroys the one who violates it and
protects the one who protects it. The edifice
of Dharma is erected on the foundation of
Truth. Nyaya (justice) is an essential attribute of
Dharma. A society, nation or an individual shines with
glory only when they adhere to justice, acquire wealth
by the pursuit of agriculture, business or any other
profession, and acquire merit and divine grace by
adhering to morality (neethi) and
righteousness (Dharma).While Dharma leads to right
action, it is necessary also to acquire Jnana. All the
sufferings and problems in life arise from the sense of
duality. Once the feeling of 'I' and 'mine' is got rid of,
consciousness of the all-pervading Divinity can be
- Divine Discourse Jan 19, 1984

When the heart is pure, the light of wisdom shines. Baba

18 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:sd ivvhwr Aqy A`iDAwqimk igAwn hoxw ikauN zrUrI hY?Bgvw,A`j swnUM,swP-swP smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr:Bgvwn ny quhwnUM,Drm Aqy A`iDAwqimk igAwn dIAW do A`KW id`qIAW hn qW jo qusIN,Awpxw lwswnIpn Aqy
AwpxI AMdrlI idvXqw dI Koj kr sko[Drm,TIk rsqw ivKwauNdw hY,ijhVw iek`ly mnu`K,lokW dy smUh jW smwj
nUM,Apxwauxw cwhIdw hY[Drm,aus mnu`K dw ivnwS kr idMdw hY ijhVw,aus dI pwlxw nhIN krdw Aqy aus mnu`K dI
r`iKAw krdw hY ijhVw aus dI pwlxw krdw hY[Drm dI mwnisk rcnw,scweI dI nINh au`qy kIqI hoeI
hY[ienswP,Drm dw zrUrI AMg hY[iek smwj,dyS jW koeI iek`lw mnu`K,aus vyly cmkdw hY jd auh ienswP qy
cldw hY,KyqI,vpwr,jW iksy hor kMm,nIqI Aqy Drm dy AwDwr qy krdw hY[BwvyN Drm,TIk krm krvwauNdw hY pr
igAwn dw hoxw vI zrUrI hY[jIvn dy swry du`K Aqy musIbqW, dvyq (dohrypn)BwvnW qoN pYdw huMdIAW hn[ijauN hI
,mYN Aqy myrI dI Bwvnw dw AMq huMdw hY iqauN hI idvXqw dw AwBws ho jWdw hY[(19 jnvrI,1984 dy idvX
jd idl piv`qr huMdw hY,aus vyly igAwn dI ijauqI cmkdI hY[(bwbw)[

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