March 20 2016

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 20, 2016

When should a parent be really happy about their child? And what is the role
they must play? Bhagawan, our Loving God kindly explains to us today.

Parents today lavish too much affection on their children. But

such affection alone is not enough. There should be both love
and law. Only when both love and restraint are present will the
love prove beneficial. For all the evil habits of children, who are
naturally innocent and uninformed, the parents are primarily
responsible. Parents today do not make any efforts to teach
proper ways of behaviour to the children. They pamper the
children by giving them money and gifts freely. They want their
children to become officers, to earn large incomes, acquire wealth
and lead a life of comfort and ease. But they do not consider for a
moment how they should make the children realise the need to
develop good qualities. It is up to parents to teach the children to
cultivate right attitudes and moral qualities. Parents should feel
happy only when they see their children leading blameless lives,
acquiring a good name and behaving properly.
- Divine Discourse Feb 5, 1984.

True devotion really means installing the Divine in your heart and enjoying the
bliss of that experience. Baba
20 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:mW-bwp,iks vyly Awpxy b`icAW qy, idloN KuS huMdy hn?aunHW nUM,bi`cAW leI ikhVw Prz inBwauxw cwhIdw
hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: Aj-k`l,mW bwp,Awpxy b`icAW qy Awpxw ipAwr nOSwvr krdy hn pr ieh ipAwr,ADUrw hY[ipAwr dy
nwl-nwl,AnuSwSn vI zrUrI hY[jd ipAwr dy nwl-nwl,glq g`l qy fWitAw jWdw hY qW auh b`cw glq kMmW qoN
pry ht jWdw hY[ies dw kwrx hY ik b`cy nUM,auh burIAW AwdqW bwry igAwn nhIN huMdw Aqy mW-bwp dw Prz bxdw
hY ik auh,aunHW dIAW burIAW AwdqW suDwrx[A`j-k`l mW-bwp,b`icAW nUM,cMgy ivvhwr bwry isKwaux dI koiSS
nhIN krdy[aus dy ault,auh b`icAW nUM,pYsy Aqy qohPy dy ky ,lwf-ipAwr krdy hn[auh cwhuMdy hn ik aunHW dy
b`cy,v`fy APsr bxx,Fyr swrw pYsw kmwaux Aqy Awrwm vwlw jIvn ibqwaux[auh,ies g`l vl r`qI iDAwn nhIN

idMdy ik ikhVy FMg nwl,aunHW dy b`icAW iv`c cMgy hux pYdw ho skdy hn[ieh mW-bwp dw Prz bxdw hY ik auh
Awpxy b`icAW iv`c,TIk brqwau krn dy FMg Brn Aqy aunHW iv`c mwnv mu`l Brn[mW-bwp nUM aus vyly hI AslI
KuSI imldI hY jd aunHW dw b`cw,bydwg jIvn ibqwey,cMgw nW kmwey Aqy dUijAW nwl cMgw ivvhwr kry[(05
PrvrI,1984 dy idvX pRvcn)[
AslI BgqI auh hY ijhdy iv`c mnu`K,Awpxy idl AMdr idvXqw Bry Aqy aus idvXqw qoN imly AnuBv qoN ,AwnMd
dw mzw auTwey[(bwbw)[

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