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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 21, 2016

What is the most important duty that we all owe to ourselves? Bhagawan
lovingly gives us a powerful message to lead a life free from pain and misery.

It is the foremost duty of students to

transform every activity of life into one of strength and beauty. But unfortunately, the
education system of today fails to nourish the qualities of wholesomeness, unity and
love, which are the hallmarks of true education. Students must realise that their
lifespan is fast melting away like ice, whether they care to improve or not. Students
of today are blind to the goal of life; many do not even feel the pain of not knowing
the purpose of life. Only one in a million strives to realise the essence of life. This
striving is the steppingstone for the realisation of the purpose of life. Many people
feel that the acquisition of food, clothing, shelter, wealth, conveniences, and comforts
constitute the very purpose of life. Life remains a tragedy as long as people toil
under this kind of delusion. The day you realise the purpose of life, you undergo a
total transformation, from agony (vedhana) to freedom from pain (nirvedhana).
- Summer Showers Ch1, May 20, 1996

Love and sacrifice are the two greatest qualities in life. Baba
21 mwrc, 2016

sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn:auh ikhVI zrUrI ifaUtI hY ijhVI swnUM,swirAW nUM inBwauxI cwhIdI hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,iek zrUrI sMdyS
idMdy hn ik swnUM,du`K Aqy musIbqW qoN mukq jIvn,ibqwauxw cwhIdw hY[
au`qr[swry iv`idAwrQIAW dI swirAW qoN pihlI ieh ifaUtI hY ik auh Awpxy hr krm nUM,SkqI Aqy suMdrqw nwl
inBwaux[pr APsos dI ieh gl hY ik A`j-k`l id`qI jw rhI is`iKAw,iv`idAwrQIAW dw smUh ivkws vwlI,eykqw
isKwaux vwlI Aqy ipAwr pYdw krn vwlI nhIN hY [iv`idAwrQIAW nUM ieh gl nUM iDAwn iv`c r`KxI cwhIdI hY ik
aunHW dw jIvn,brP dI qrHW lgwqwr ipGldw jw irhw hY,BwvyN auh aus iv`c suDwr ilAwaux jW nw,ieh aunHW dI
mrzI hY[A`j-k`l dy iv`idAwrQIAW nUM,Awpxy jIvn dy lkS dw pqw nhIN hY Aqy auh nw hI,ies bwry pqw krn
dI koiSS krdy hn[l`KW iv`coN koeI iek hI ies bwry socdw hY[swirAW nUM,Awpxy jIvn dy lkS bwry jwgrUp hoxw
cwhIdw hY[keI lok ieh socdy hn ik jIvn dw lkS,Bojn,kpVy,mkwn,D`n-dOlq,Awrwm dyx vwlIAW
cIzW,iek`Tw krnw hI hY[jd qweIN lok,ieh Brm vwlI soc nhIN C`fx gy aunHW dw jIvn nrk hI rhy gw[ijs idn
quhwnUM Awpxy jIvn dy lkS dw igAwn ho jwvy gw,quhwfy iv`c suDwr Aw jwvy gw Aqy quhwnUM,du`K-musIbqW qoN
Cutkwrw iml jwvy gw[(smr Swvr,A`iDAwey ie`k,20 meI,1996)[
ipAwr Aqy iqAwg,jIvn dy do v`fy gux hn[(bwbw)[

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