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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam March 22, 2016

Why should we assiduously cultivate noble and pure thoughts in our mind?
And what is the best way to do that? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a purpose
Good company can elevate one to the level of Divinity,
whereas bad company can degenerate one to the level of an
animal. You should make efforts to rise above the human
level. No effort is needed for your downward fall. To become
bad is very easy. Young people today entertain bad thoughts
and feelings, and perform bad actions, thereby wasting their
precious young age. Unfortunately, people today associate
with bad company, because of which their good feelings and
actions are turned into bad feelings and actions ultimately
making their lives very miserable. Though it may appear to
be very difficult to attain the higher level, you should still
make efforts to reach higher levels. Your thoughts are the
root cause of everything. Therefore, you should have only
noble, sacred, pure, and meaningful thoughts.
- Divine Discourse, 8 July 1996

God will be in proximity only to those persons whose thoughts, ideals and deeds are
in accord with the Lord's. Baba
22 mwrc, 2016
sweI ieMnspwier dw pMjwbI tRWslySn
pRSn:swnUM,iekwgr ic`q ho ky Awpxy mn iv`c,piv`qr Aqy Su`D ivcwr pYdw krny cwhIdy hn[ ies nUM hwsl krn
leI ikhVw v`DIAW qrIkw hY?Bgvwn,A`j swnUM,ipAwr nwl smJwauNdy hn[
au`qr: cMgI sMgq,mnu`K nUM idvXqw duAwauNdI hY Aqy mwVI sMgq,mnu`K nUM pSU bxwauNdI hY[quhwnUM,mnu`Kqw dy p`Dr
qoN au`cw auTxw cwhIdw hY[AwpxI igrwvt vl jwx dI koiSS nw kro[burw bxxw, bhuq sOKw hY[A`j-k`l nOjvwn
lok,bury ivcwrW Aqy BwvnwvW kwrx,bury krm krdy hn Aqy AwpxI kImqI jvwnI dw ivnwS kr rhy hn[bdiksmqI hY ik A`j-k`l lok,burI sMgq nwl juVy hoey hn ijhdy kwrx aunHW dIAW cMgIAW BwvnwvW Aqy cMgy
ivcwr,bury ivcwrW iv`c bdl gey hn Aqy aunHW dw jIvn mwXUsI nwl BirAw hoieAw hY[BwvyN,a`ucI p`Dr qweIN
phuMcxw AOKw hY pr ies vwsqy koiSS qW kIqI jw skdI hY[quhwfy ivcwr hI,quhwfI hr cIz leI iz`myvwr
hn[ies leI ,quhwfy ivcwr,piv`qr,Su`D Aqy ArQ vwly hoxy cwhIdy hn[(08 julweI,1996 dy idvX pRvcn)[

Bgvwn dI nyVqw kyvl aunHW lokW nwl hI huMdI hY ,ijnHW dy ivcwr,AwdrS Aqy krm,Bgvwn dI ie`Cw muqwbk hI
huMdy hn[(bwbw)[

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