Social Studies Imb Lesson Plan

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Direct Instruction Lesson Plan Template

Grade Level/Subject:
Central Focus: Forming an opinion and providing supportive details
4th Grade / Social Studies
and information
Topic: The lost colony of Roanoke
Essential Standard/Common Core Objective:
Social Studies
Analyze the chronology of key historical events in North Carolina
Explain how and why North Carolina was established.

Date submitted: 3/22 Date taught: 3/21

Language Arts
4.RI.1 Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what
the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text.
4.W.1 Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of
view with reasons and information
Daily Lesson Objective: After reviewing The lost Colony and the key details (important people, setting, key events,
problem) students will complete the Opinion Writing: OREO worksheet providing an opinion, two reasons for their
opinion, two examples supporting their reasoning, and another opinion.
21st Century Skills:
Academic Language Demand (Language Function and Vocabulary):
Learning and InnovationCommunication and Collaboration

Function: Explain opinion using reasoning with facts and details

Academic Vocab:
Articulate thoughts and ideas
- Colony
effectively using oral, written
- Explorers
and nonverbal communication
- Settlement
skills in a variety of forms and
- Expedition
- Governor
Assume shared responsibility for
- Raw material
collaborative work, and value the
individual contributions made by
each team member

Prior Knowledge:
Students are able to make predictions
Students are familiar with the OREO worksheet and have completed in previous lessons.
Students are familiar with the lost colony of Roanoke
Students have worked with beginning, middle, and end worksheets in the past
1. Focus and Review
2. Statement of Objective
for Student

Description of Activities and Setting

Teacher will ask students: What do you know about Lost Colony of
Roanoke? Why is it called The Lost Colony?
Teacher says:
Today were going to review the key details about The Lost Colony of
Roanoke and you will form your own opinion pieces of the information we go
over. By the end of the lesson, you will be able to write your own opinion

2 minutes
1 minute

piece about the text using reasoning with facts and details.
3. Teacher Input

The teacher will say:

I know you guys have been using your work books to help you learn about
the lost colony of Roanoke.
Today Im going to show you a power point first with important information
regarding the lost colony.
Before starting the presentation, the teacher will hand out the chain of events
graphic organizer to each student for them to fill out during the presentation.
The teacher will explain Im handing out a sheet to all of you that I want you
to fill out while I show you the presentation. We will briefly discuss each slide
and answer key questions, so you will have plenty of information to fill in. As
you can see, there is a beginning middle and end section on the organizer. Try
and fill in the information to the corresponding time. My presentation will go
in order so that should help you. What I really want you filling in is what we
discuss as a class.
Slide 1: The teacher will explain how it all began. Who gave permission to
sail to North America. Who she gave that permission to. During which year
the expedition took place. What the purpose was for going to North America.
The location where they sailed to in North America. If there was anyone
living there when they landed on the island.
Slide 2: This will be a United States map representing the location of Roanoke
Slide 3: This will be another map of the location of Roanoke Island, but more
detailed and zoomed in. This picture will represent what the island may have
looked like during that time in history. What things may have been present
(horses, trees, forts, ships)
Slide 4: This slide will discuss who became the governor of the colony and
what was accomplished on the island at this time.
Slide 5: This slide will discuss which materials were becoming scarce in the
colony and what needed to be done to resolve this.
Slide 6: This slide will discuss John White sailing back to England to get more
Slide 7: This slide will discuss John White arriving in England. When he
arrived, Spain was getting ready to attack the country and he was unable to
leave England for three years.
Slide 8: This slide will discuss John White finally returning to Roanoke Island
only to find it abandoned. The only traces of the colony were the letters CRO
carved on a tree and the word CROATOAN carved on a post.
Slide 9: This slide will discuss the theories that surround the Lost Colony
considering it is still a mystery. John White thought the colonists might have
gone to live with American Indians. He thought that the word CROATOAN
was a message from the Roanoke colonists that they had moved to Croatoan


Island. Others thought that American Indians may have attacked the colony.

4. Guided Practice

5. Independent Practice

6. Assessment Methods of
all objectives/skills:

7. Closure

8. Assessment Results of
all objectives/skills:

The teacher will ask students if they have any theories of what may have
happened to the colonists of Roanoke Island.
After the discussion, the teacher will group students into pairs and hand out
the Event Map worksheet for each group. The teacher will explain to
students: I would like for you as a group to complete this event map. I want
you to choose one event that we have discussed pertaining to The Lost Colony
of Roanoke. I want you to write what event you chose in the middle. There are
then six sections. What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen?
Who was involved? How did it happen? Why was it important? You can use
the notes you just took from the power point in your chain of events
worksheet and you may use your workbooks. I want you to give me as many
details as you can about your event. Pretend that I know nothing about it and
Im learning about the event for the first time by reading your papers.
Students will independently complete the OREO opinion piece. Students will
be asked to provide an opinion about the the lost colony of Roanoke, three
reasons for having that opinion, and an example to support their reasons.
Formative: Teacher questioning throughout the lesson



Summative: Students will be assessed by their Opinion piece. They will need to complete
the piece by providing an opinion pertaining to the lost colony of Roanoke, give three
reasons for having that opinion, and three examples that support their reasons. Students
need to complete the OREO opinion piece with 80% accuracy in order to show mastery of
the objective
Opinion (2) -3 points
Reason (3)- 2 points
Example (3)- 1 point
Total: 15 points
Students will be asked to volunteer to share their opinion and one reason why
they have that opinion and what example they used from the text to support
their reason. Once students have finished sharing their opinions, the teacher
5 minutes
will ask the class So what have we learned today? What are some important
events we have learned today about the lost colony of Roanoke?
23 out of 26 students showed mastery of the objective. Three students provided Opinions
but lacked reasoning and examples.

Targeted Students Modifications/Accommodations:

Student/Small Group Modifications/Accommodations:

Struggling writers will be pulled into a small group and will be
assisted by the teacher in writing their opinion pieces. The
teacher will help students by asking guided questions. What
did you think about this event? Why do you think that? Can
you give me some examples by looking in your workbook or
the chain of events sheet from the beginning of the lesson?

(Include any instructional materials (e.g., worksheets, assessments PowerPoint/SmartBoard slides, etc.) needed to implement the lesson at the end of the lesson plan.)

Smart board
Power point slides
Chain of Events worksheet
Event Map Worksheet
OREO opinion piece

Harcourt Social Studies: North Carolina Geography, History, and culture

Reflection on lesson: The lesson went very well. The students were engaged and enjoyed expressing what they knew
about the lost colony of Roanoke as well as what opinions they had on the subject.

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