Assessment 2: Music in Society 1, Assessment 2: Group Presentations, Week Beginning 22 February

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Music in Society 1, Assessment 2: Group presentations, week beginning

22 February

Assessment 2
You will be assessed through:
Your contributions to a 20-minute group presentation during contact time (Assessment
Seminar week beginning 22 February - check timetable for details) (50%)
You are asked to design a workshop for an assigned scenario from the following list:
1. Running a composition / arrangement workshop for S5 pupils (16 year-olds)
2. Providing an interactive concert for children with additional support needs
3. Organising a concert lower secondary pupils (11-14 year-olds) to introduce them
to classical and jazz music
4. Providing an interactive workshop in a childrens ward in a hospital (ages 4-9)
Assessment Criteria for Assessment 2
Assessors will look for:
an imaginative application of core skills and principal study to the task
evidence of collaborative practice and contribution to peer assessment
understanding of music in different social contexts
effectiveness of verbal communication and presentation
The presentation is not the workshop itself. In your presentation you should:
outline your plans for the workshop including a timeline.
tell us what you would do, and most importantly, why as well as how.
include a bibliography and research list including web links you have visited,
books you have read, people you have spoken to or worked with.
everyone in the group needs to contribute and speak in the presentation.
everyone should say how they would contribute to the workshop(s)
You should research existing work within your principal discipline and/or outside it.
Do draw on your own experience and skills beyond your principal discipline. For example,
if you play the ukulele that might be a great asset in the situation you are in. You dont
need to be a composer to run a song writing workshop. You dont need to be a
percussionist to work with hand held percussion. Everybody can improvise. Think about
situations where you might have been involved in music workshops in the past.
You could look for games and other strategies or exercises which would help a group
make music. Think about how can you encourage your participants to feel the project is
theirs (and not just yours)
Timing is essential. You need to rehearse the 20 minute presentation and be efficient with

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