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Learning Theory Statement

This WebQuest is underpinned by two evidence based learning theories;

Multiple Intelligence and Constructivism.
Multiple Intelligence Theory (MIT) is a learner-based philosophy that
describes nine different intelligences; mathematical-logical, verbal-linguistic,
musical-rhythmic, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, visualspatial and naturalist (Tamilselvi & Geetha, 2015). According to Gardner, each
student will possess different levels and combinations of the intelligences
(Tamilselvi & Geetha, 2015). Traditionally, schools have focussed mainly on
two intelligences, those associated with academic intelligence, that is,
linguistic and logical/mathematical (Tamilselvi & Geetha, 2015). The
curriculum today, is better balanced in order to reflect a wider range of
intelligences (Tamilselvi & Geetha, 2015). All students should be provided with
learning opportunities to nurture their talents and abilities, and assessment
methodologies should reflect the multiple nature of intelligences (Tamilselvi &
Geetha, 2015).
The material and content of our WebQuest caters for a wide range of students
and their multiple intelligences. The table below details Gardeners multiple
intelligences and also lists the WebQuest characteristics to engage these
learning styles.
Children who are

How they think



In words

Reference resources to
attain information,
videos, language for
infographic, poster and

Logical- Mathematical

By reasoning

Scientific concepts
surrounding waste
management and
recycling, questioning,
calculating (in statistics
for infographic)


In images and pictures

Designing and
visualising infographics,
poster designs and a


Through somatic

Ability to get up and

investigate current
school environment,

take photos for

infographics and video
footage for

Via rhythms and


Song choices and jingle

lyrics to accompany
advertisement students
will create


Bouncing ideas from

other people

Team work focus


In relation to their
needs, feelings and

There are also

individual tasks
assigned- allowing for
time alone, reflection
and personal choices


Through nature and

natural forms

Environmental impact
focus, chance to make a
positive difference to
own school environment

Our WebQuest is also influenced by the Constructivism learning theory. The

Constructivism approach is learner-centred and features the following
essential elements: learning is the focus rather than instruction and
cooperative learning, collaboration and open discussion is encouraged
(Sharma, 2014). The teacher creates meaningful and imaginative learning
opportunities where students learn individually, from one another and by
society and the environment at large (Sharma, 2014). The teacher has a
facilitator or support role and more freedom is given to the students for
learning and expression (Sharma, 2014). Students are more engaged in their
learning as they are actively involved in real-world contextual based activities.
(Sharma, 2014).
Our WebQuest is a student led journey, where the teacher is there to facilitate
and nurture learning, exploration and creativity. The real-world context of
looking after our environment and taking action locally both at school and at
home is pertinent, meaningful and imbues students with the sense of having
an achievable and valuable impact on society, making positive changes both
now and into the future.
Sharma, R. K. (2014). Constructivism- an approach to enhance participatory
teaching learning. Gyanodaya, 7(2), 12-12-17.

Tamilselvi, B., & Geetha, D. (2015). Efficacy in teaching through "multiple

intelligence" instructional strategies. Journal on School Educational
Technology, 11(2), 1-1-10.

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