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UCLA Extension University Induction Clear Credential Program


Teacher: Ms. Yoo

Topic of Lesson: Making connections to self by reading a text.

Grade Level: 1st grade

Content Area: ELA

This guide may be used for your observed lesson, or you may choose to use your site-based lessonplanning template.
Expected Outcomes: What new concept or information do you want students to know at the end of this
one lesson?
Students will read a text and make connections to their own lives.
Focus Student: How will you modify, accommodate, and differentiate instruction to ensure universal
access to the curriculum for your Focus Student?
1. Discuss the terms to reinforce new vocabulary.
2. Think-pair-share: Opportunity to discuss ideas for oral language development.
3. Provide sentence frames and sentence starters to build academic language.
4. Assign a specific partner who will regularly practice with him and have a conversation.
5. Ask the entire class to repeat after me or give a choral response together.
6. Provide thinking time before any student responds.
7. Differentiate: Write at least one complete sentence when filling out the graphic organizer for text to
Assessment: What evidence will you gather to assess student learning?
I will observe and gather the graphic organizer to assess if students are able to make connections to
themselves while reading the text.

Flexible Grouping Strategies: How will you group students at various points in the lesson to address
individual students needs?
I will be using heterogenous grouping based on their ability to read and make connections to the text.
Since there isnt a huge gap between students reading ability and their ability to make connections,
heterogenous grouping will benefit the struggling students to learn together. These students will work
together while reading, writing, speaking, and listening with the teacher. Because their levels are
similar, they will be learning together how to pronounce some words or help each other while choral
reading. Also, all of the students need writing support in that they need to see a teacher modeling,
thinking aloud, and they need to be provided with sentence frames. They will also benefit from
speaking and listening in that students below the basic level and far below the basic level can help each
other communicate.
What academic content standard(s) will you focus on during this lesson?
Retell stories, including key details, and demonstrate understanding of their central message or lesson.

Lesson Design: Describe each stage of your lesson in detail (e.g. Introduction, Modeling, Guided
Practice, Independent Practice, Closing or Reflection)
Introduction 10:05 - 10:10
Show some words with o_e. Ask the students what they notice. Give students time to think and share
with a partner. Call on a student to share with the whole class. Expected answer: long o; magic e or
bossy e is telling the o to say its name. Ask what sound the long o makes. State the objective: Today we
are going to read a text with some long o (o_e) words and make connections to ourselves (text to self).
Modeling/Guided Practice 10:10 - 10:30
All vocabulary will be shown with a visual on a powerpoint.
Review and introduce some vocabulary before reading: text, troll, mole
Ask what good readers do. Expected answer: good readers make connections while reading the text.
Tell students their job is make connections to their own lives while reading (thinking about how this
story reminds of something that happened in your life) and that the teacher is going to ask questions to
help them make connections to themselves. Tell students that remind means that it makes them
remember something.
Introduce some vocabularies while reading:
stove, mope, scolded, robe
Model reading/guided reading
Teacher will read some pages and and choral read other pages.
Ask questions while reading and model teacher thinking (give students think time and pair-share time):
pg. 3 Have you ever felt cold? When and where?
pg. 4-5 What did you think of when you were cold? Did you tell anyone like Jake Troll?
pg. 6-7 Who helped Jake Troll? What did Mole do? Did anyone help you stay warm when you were
pg. 8 So how does Jake Troll feel now? How did you feel?

Modeling/Guided Practice/Independent Practice 10:30 - 10:42

Model how this text relates to myself. Ask the students how this text or story reminds them of
something that they experienced in their own life. Ask students if they can relate to any of characters in
the story. Give students thinking time and have them pair-share. Call a few students to share out loud.
Model how to fill in the graphic organizer. Draw first and write using the sentence frame: This text
reminded me of a time ____________. Encourage students to write more than one sentence if they
can. Have students draw and write using the sentence frame.
Closing 10:42 - 10:45
Have few students share their graphic organizer with the class.
Student Engagement: Explain how your lesson ensures student engagement and differentiates for all
The lesson ensures student engagement in that they will be reading a text that is easily relatable to them.
Students will be engaged by making connections to their own experiences while reading the text. Since
students like sharing about themselves and their experiences, this will help students to be engaged in the
learning. They will be also be kept accountable to think and share their thoughts with their designated
partners. Also, the text has pictures to help students comprehend better and all the vocabulary will be
taught with visuals which will engage the students. In addition, students love to draw and they will be
given opportunities to draw before they write to help them with their writing.
This lesson is differentiated for all learners since students will be asked to write at least one sentence on
the graphic organizer.
Academic Vocabulary Instruction: What specific vocabulary/terms will you explicitly teach and have
students practice during this lesson to ensure concept understanding?
vocabulary: text and reminds

Asking Critical Questions: What specific questions will you pose to students to ensure thinking that
requires analysis, evaluation, synthesis and application of content ideas across proficiency levels?
Have you ever felt cold? When and where?
What did you think of when you were cold? Did you tell anyone like Jake Troll?
Who helped Jake Troll? What did Mole do? Did anyone help you stay warm when you were cold?
So how does Jake Troll feel now? How did you feel?
Does this text or story remind of something you experienced in their own life?
Can you relate to any characters in the story?
Classroom Management: List any logistical, materials-related or behavioral issues you may need to
consider to ensure a safe and inclusive environment for student learning.
I will make sure students show me that they are thinking by putting a fist on their chest and a finger up
when they have a thought to keep each student accountable. Also, I will be listening to different
students pair-sharing at different times.
Integration of Technology: How will you integrate available technology resources into this lesson as
you plan, teach, and assess student learning?
I will integrate technology during planning by using online resources on how to teach students to make
connections to themselves while reading. I will also look up vocabulary online to gather visuals to help
students understand the meaning of the vocabulary. I will utilize the powerpoint when teaching
vocabulary. Lastly, I will use technology when assessing student learning by looking at their prebaseline data and current data.

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