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Slow and Rapid Changes to EARTH

SLOW Changes= it takes a long time to happen (months to years)

1. Water running downhill through rock forms a canyon
2. Dead animals and plants decay and mix with rocks to form soil.
3. Wind and rain wear away tiny bits of rock until sand forms
4. Little plants grow into the cracks in rocks, breaking them apart.
RAPID Changes = it takes a few seconds to happen or happens very quick
1. Tsunami washes away all of the vegetation along the coastline
2. During a LANDSLIDE, large boulders roll down a mountain
3. An EARTHQUAKE shakes the ground and causes large cracks and
4. A VOLCANIC ERUPTION covers the ground with LAVA
A slow change takes a long time for the earth to change.
A rapid change is a very fast process that changes the surface of the earth.
TERMS for Rapid and Slow Changes
1. deposition the dropping off of weathered rock
2. earthquak

a sudden movement of the rocks in Earth's crust

3. erosion

the movement of weathered rock

4. flood

water that flows over land that is usually dry

5. glacier

a mass of ice that moves slowly across land

6. landslide

the rapid movement of rocks and soil down a hill or


7. lava

melted rock that flows onto land

8. magma

melted rock underground

9. volcano

a mountain that builds up around an opening in Earth's


10 weatherin
. g

the slow process of breaking down rocks into smaller pieces

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