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Breech- A malpresentation of the FETUS at near term or during OBSTETRIC LABOR

with the fetal cephalic pole in the fundus of the UTERUS. There are three types of
breech: the complete breech with flexed hips and knees; the incomplete breech
with one or both hips partially or fully extended; the frank breech with flexed hips
and extended knees.

Symptoms: Other symptoms of complete dislocation include a shortening of the leg

and limited ability to abduct the leg, or move it outward.


Unless corrected soon after birth, congenital hip dysplasia can cause a characteristic limp or
waddling gait in children. If left untreated, the child will have difficulty walking and may
experience life-long pain. If diagnosed early, congenital hip dysplasia treatment is highly
effective. Children who have received casting, bracing, or surgery, usually go on to have normal
hip and leg development.


Prevention includes proper prenatal care to determine the position of the baby in the womb. This
may be helpful in preparing for possible breech births associated with hip problems. Avoiding
excessive and prolonged infant hip adduction, or forcing the legs in a straight position close
together for periods of time (as in swaddling) may help prevent strain on the hip joints. Early
diagnosis remains an important part of prevention of congenital hip dysplasia.

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