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Mycah Berson

Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Compiled Annotations
Aarseth, Lindsay M., MS, LAT, ATC, NSCA-CPT, David N. Suprak,
PhD, ATC, CSCS, Gordon R. Chalmers, PhD, Lonnie Lyon, MST, ATC,
and Dylan T. Dalhquist, BS. "Kinesio Tape and Shoulder-Joint
Position Sense." NATA National Athletic Trainers Association.
Athletic Training Education Journal, 08 Aug. 2015. Web. 29 Aug.
2015. <>.
This article is based on a research study that looked into how Kinesio
Tape affects Joint Position Sense. The article defines joint position sense as,
a key neuromuscular factor for developing and maintaining control of
muscles around a joint. For this specific experiment, the shoulder joint
position sense was studied at different elevations with and without kinesio
tape. Results show that the kinesio tape actually restricted the joint position
sense and certain degrees of elevation. The article was very valuable
because it taught me about joint position sense and kinesio tape and how
they are used. It is also valuable because one of my choices to research in
Intern Mentor is joints and this article shows one of the many interesting
facts about them.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Arvinen-Barrow, Monna, PhD, CPsychol, William V. Massey,

PhD, CC-ASSP, and Brian Hemmings, PhD, CPsychol. "Role of Sport
Medicine Professionals in Addressing Psychosocial Aspects of SportInjury Rehabilitation: Professional Athletes' Views." ProQuest
Psychology Journals. ProQuest, Nov.-Dec. 2014. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.
This article analyzes a study performed to explore injured professional
athletes' views on the role of sports medicine professionals in the
psychosocial aspects of sport-injury rehabilitation. Results of the study
showed that even though injured athletes viewed injuries as part and
parcel of their sports, they experienced a range of psychosocial responses,
including frustration and feelings of self-doubt. With that, injured athletes
viewed the role of sport medicine professionals as attending to the physical
aspect of the injury. Therefore, any psychosocial interventions should be
subtle. This article is very valuable because it supports my argument that
health professionals can make a difference in an athletes recovery from a
serious injury.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Bloom, G. A., A. S. Horton, P. McCrory, and K. M. Johnston.

"Sport Psychology and Concussion: New Impacts to Explore." BMJ.
British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2004. Web. 12 Oct. 2015.
This article discusses the psychological impacts a concussion may
have on an athlete. The article discusses how concussions mat have a
different effect than other noticeable injuries. A concussed athlete may be
prone to experience isolation, pain, anxiety, and disruption of daily life as a
result of the injury. The article also addresses how being on an individual
sport versus a team one may affect the athlete. This article is valuable
because it enforces each of the main points in my research by supporting
them with a specific example, concussions.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Cicia, Kathleen. Personal interview. 28 Aug. 2015.

This interview was done with Kathleen Cicia, the athletic trainer at
River Hill High School, on the psychological effects injuries have on high
school athletes. By combining her knowledge and past experiences, Mrs.
Cicia went into how different factors influence the effect the injury has on the
athlete. The interview explored the influence the type of injury, the gender of
the athlete, and the sport an athlete plays has on the mind. The interview
was very valuable because it allowed me to hear about situations that my
mentor has actually had deal with. It was really great to talk with my mentor
about her experience and how she used it to be better in the future.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Doherty, John. "JOHN DOHERTY: Heading for Trouble." National

Athletic Trainers Association. NY Times, 03 Aug. 2015. Web. 22 Aug.
2015. <
This article explores the safety problems in soccer and how they affect
the rate of concussions in soccer players. A study was performed to
understand more about the suspected cause of concussions. It was assumed
that heading the ball was a primary cause of the concussions. However, the
findings of the study suggested that concussions were predominantly related
to heading other players rather than the heading the ball. The article then
discussed ways to reduce the amount of concussions occurring by altering
common game rules and practices. This article is valuable to me because it
explores concussions, a common injury that athletic trainers have to deal
with in their everyday jobs.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Edwards, Paul N. "How to Read a Book, V5.0." University of

Michigan School of Information, n.d. Web. 18 Sept. 2015.
This article written by Paul Edwards teaches students how to properly
understand nonfiction books. It provides a clear procedure that allows
students to correctly read these books. The text describes the structure and
techniques to analyzing a book and rationale behind each one. It stresses the
importance behind rereading a book, taking notes on specific parts of the
test, and understanding the author's purpose in writing the book. The article
also touches on how critical it is to have a schedule and time limits during
reading as well as multiple breaks. This article is a very valuable source as it
opens my mind to various strategies to help be read nonfiction books in a
more productive and effective way.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Glazer, Douglas, D, DPE, ATC. "Development and Preliminary

Validation of the Injury-Psychological Readiness to Return to Sport
(I-PRRS) Scale." ProQuest Psychology Journals [ProQuest]. N.p.,
Mar.-Apr. 2009. Web. 23 Nov. 2015.
This article analyzes a study done to develop a scale that measures the
psychological readiness of injured athletes to return to sport participation
and to provide preliminary evidence of reliability and validity for the scale.
Presently, only a few scales including the Trait Sport Confidence Inventory
(TSCI) and the State Sport Confidence Inventory (SSCI) measure an athletes
confidence within sport. Unfortunately, these scales are only general trait
assessment scales and research has shown that a sport-specific situation,
such as an athlete returning from athletic injury, should have its own unique
assessment for confidence. This passage describes the methods and results
from this study and how they can be used by athletic trainers. This passage
is very valuable to my research because it provides me with a way to
measure my research.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Goldberg, Alan. "How Injuries Affect Athletes and Helpful

Coping Strategies - EXACT Sports." EXACT Sports. N.p., 05 Dec.
2011. Web. 05 Oct. 2015. <>.
This article examines the psychological factors that can force an
athlete to feel as if he or she may lose their identity. Many athletes entire
lives revolve around the sport they play and an injury can be devastating. It
then goes on to describe many of the coping strategies that athletes can use
to find themselves again. This source is very valuable because it gives
general information on the effects an injury can have on an athlete and then
continues on to tell about treatments which is great background research for
my topic this year.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Goldberg, Alan. "Rebounding from Injuries." Competitive

Advantage: Mental Toughness. N.p., 10 June 2008. Web. 10 Sept.
2015. <>.
This article focuses on the way an athlete is feeling mentally after a
physical injury. It acknowledges how hard it is for an athletic to deal with an
injury especially for athletes where that sport is all they do. The article then
goes into explaining the three main functions in an athletes life in order for
the reader to be able to understand the rest of the article which focuses
more on the reactions of the athlete and the athletes friends and family
after an injury. This article is a valuable source because it explains in detail
the effects of an injury on an athletes life and what should be done to make
sure the athlete still has a positive outlook on life.

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

"High School Sports Injuries." OrthoInfo - AAOS. AAOS, Aug.

2012. Web. 05 Sept. 2015. <
This article focuses on injuries that happen to high school athletes. It
explains the common types of injuries for high school athletes and puts them
into two basic categories: overuse and acute injuries. It also provides
information on the best ways to treat each individual type of injury. This
article is very valuable to me because it explains the types of injuries and
also touches on how hard it is for the athletes to deal with sports injuries not
only physically but mentally as well.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Jennings, Baxter, Charlene Gemmill, Brandie Bohman, and

Kristin Lamb. "PHI350: The Stages in the Dying Process." PHI350:
The Stages in the Dying Process. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2016.
This article discusses the various theoretical models of the dying
process, especially the Kubler-Ross model. Often times, people feel
uncomfortable talking to and interacting with a person who is dying because
it is hard for others understand their perspective. In order to help the
communication process, Kubler-Ross recognized that patients dealt with the
news of death in a general pattern in the form of stages and shared this
research with the public. The stages begin when a patient is first aware of a
terminal illness. The patient will often first respond with isolation and denial,
then become angry, and then may bargain with god. The next stage is
depression, and then the last on is acceptance. This various stages of death
is relevant to my research because the stages of death are actually very
similar to the stages an athlete will feel after a serious injury.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Klenk, Courtney A. "Psychological Response to Injury,

Recovery, and Social Support: A Survey of Athletes at an NCAA
Division I University."University of Rhode Island
DigitalCommons@URI. University of Rhode Island, 2006. Web. Dec.
The article discusses a study done to know more about how a sports
injury affects an athletes emotional response, recovery, and need for social
support. The results of the study concluded that frustration and anger were
the most strongly experienced emotions. Also, that family and teammates
were important sources of social support during recovery. The results suggest
several important implications for resources the address the emotional as
well as physical rehabilitation from sports injury. This source is valuable to
my research because it is a study on a topic very similar to the one I am
researching which allows me to compare my research with the findings in
this article.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Klingaman, Mike. "For Towson Football Player Gavin Class,

Near-death Experience Merely a 'speed Bump'" The Baltimore Sun.
THe Baltimore Sun, 27 Nov. 2014. Web. 22 Aug. 2015. <http%3A%2F>.
This article highlights how dangerous heat stroke can be and how
important it is to take certain precautions to prevent it during sports play.
Gavin Class, a football player for Towson University was victim to heat stroke
after a long practice and consequently almost lost his life. The majority of his
organs shut down and Class had to receive a liver transport in order to
survive. This article is a very valuable source because it opens your eyes to
how serious something like heat stroke can be. Heat stroke, heat exhaustion,
and dehydration are all related illnesses that need to be monitored carefully
or they can have deadly consequences.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

McLeod, Saul. "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs." Simply

Psychology. N.p., 17 Sept. 2007. Web. 07 Dec. 2015.
This article explores the behavior theory, Maslows hierarchy of needs,
which suggests there are five interdependent levels of basic human
motivators. The bottom or first level includes biological and physiological
needs such as food. That is followed by the safety needs and then love and
belongingness needs. Following those is the need for esteem and then finally
the need for self-actualization. The idea of the theory is that after one need is
fulfilled, the next emerges on its own and demands satisfaction until the
person reaches self-actualization. This article is valuable because it provides
my research with background information concerning Maslows hierarchy of
needs. The focus in my research will use the segment of the hierarchy that
focuses on a persons need to belong and feel loved.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Putukian, Margot. "Mind, Body and Sport: How Being Injured

Affects Mental Health." N.p., 05 Nov. 2014. Web. 30 Sept.
This source explores how an injury can affect an athletes mental
health and lead to psychological issues. The article then explains the
different emotional responses an athlete may experience after an injury. It
analyzes these different responses such as depression and anorexia and
describes the symptoms for each one. The author also mentions a few
examples of athletes that have been affected by one of these psychological
diseases after a sports-related injury. The article then continues on to explain
some of the options for treatment as well as how the coaches, parents, and
athletic trainer can help the athlete in need. This source is very valuable
because it addresses some psychological issues that may affect the athletes


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

mental health after an injury and how to treat them. This issues the article
highlights can have ahuge impact on many athletes lives.

"Selected Issues for the Adolescent Athlete and the Team

Physician: A Consensus Statement." Pediatrics 123.6 (2009): 1608.
2009. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
This article was produce from the collaboration of six major
professional health-related associations. This document was written to help
the team physician improve the care of the athlete by understanding the
relationship between an injury and the psychological issues related to an
injury. The article discusses fact that although there is no way to predict an
athletes risk of injury, there is definitely a correlation between injury and
stress. Stress may be defined as the demands of a situation exceeding the

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

resources to respond to those demands. The article then goes on to analyze

the symptoms and signs of stress. Finally, the text acknowledges the fact
that psychological factors have been shown to be an important antecedent
to the onset of athletic injuries and also play an important role in injury
rehabilitation and ultimately successful return-to-play. This journal is a great
resource for me to use because it a collaboration of a variety of reliable
sources. It also gives me a variety of great information for me to use in my

Shuer, M. L., and M. S. Dietrich. "Psychological Effects of

Chronic Injury in Elite Athletes." Western Journal of Medicine. U.S.
National Library of Medicine, n.d. Web. 04 Oct. 2015.
This article explores a study done on the psychological effects of
chronic injuries on elite athletes. The study analyzes the effect based on
different levels of responses elite athletes have to an injury: the amount of
avoidance/denial, and whether or not in is an intrusive thought. Then, the
article goes on to interpret the results on the study and what they mean.
This source is very valuable because it is a detailed study on a project similar

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

to what I am researching this year so it is a great source of background


Shwab, Rob, PT, DPT. "Ice vs Heat." Ice vs Heat. Oxford

Physical Therapy Centers, 2015. Web. 22 Aug. 2015.
This article explains under what conditions to use ice vs. heat as a treatment
for injuries or pain. Ice is commonly used in the early stages of injury to
reduce inflammation. Heat is often used to treat more chronic injuries or to
deal with muscle tightness. The article then goes on to specify whether heat
or ice should be used for different injuries. This article is definitely a very

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

valuable source of information because heat and ice are commonly used by
athletic trainers when dealing with sports injuries. Sports injuries often
involve a lot of swelling and/or muscle tightness because of the long, tiring
practices and games.

Sports, Gary Mihoces. "Study Gives Hope for Brain Disease

Treatment." USA Today. Gannett, 23 Jan. 2013. Web. 07 Nov. 2015.
This article analyzes a research study done on the disease, Chronic
Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE). This study found traces of the disease in 5
former NFL players including the former linebacker, Junior Seau. The research

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

explores the relationship between CTE and a history of brain trauma,

especially from multiple concussions. It discusses how a variety of tests they
have performed have led to the discovery that CTE seems to be caused by
the buildup of a protein called tau in the brain. The article then goes into the
various ways scientists are working to diagnose the disease in living athletes.
This source is valuable to my research because it explores the disease, CTE,
and describes many of the known facts as well as linking it to actual

"Statistics on Youth Sports Safety." Southwest American

Trainers' Association. Southwest American Trainers' Association,
n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2015.
This article provides information on general sports-related injuries.
Then, it continues on by giving facts on specific injuries that are more
common and very dangerous to youth athletes such as concussions, heat

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

illness, and asthma. The facts in this article really emphasize how dangerous
sports-related injuries can be to youth and athletes in general. This article is
valuable to my research because it gives specific facts that can be very
helpful to supporting a bigger picture. Many of the information in the article
is very important and really allows the reader to understand the enormity
these kinds of injuries can have on an athletes life.

"The Psychology of Sports Injuries." LIVESTRONG.COM.

LIVESTRONG.COM, 15 Oct. 2015. Web. 12 Nov. 2015.
This article explores the aftereffects of an injury on an athletes life. It
discusses the 5 stages of grief and how it relates to an athletes recovery.
First, the athlete may be in denial of the injury, then they may experience

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

desperation followed by depression. Eventually, the athlete will find comfort

in accepting that their best chance of getting back into the game is by
working hard in his/her rehabilitation process. The final stage is
rehabilitation. Recently, it has been determined that psychological
interventions positively influence an athlete recovery from an injury. This
article is beneficial to my research because is one view on an athletes
recovery from an injury and the psychological aspects of that recovery.

"Use of Athletic Trainers on the Rise in High Schools." USA

Today. Ed. Gary Mihoces. USA Today Sports, n.d. Web. 22 Aug. 2015.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

There are many misconceptions about the role of athletic trainers. Many
people have incorrectly associated athletic trainers with physical therapists,
gym teachers, and personal trainers. This article attempts to classify the
correct jobs of an athletic trainer as injury prevention, treatment, and
rehabilitation in sports. Then this article goes on to state statistics that show
a rising number of athletic trainers working in high schools in the United
States. This article is valuable because it gives extensive background into
the athletic training field while also saying how the field can continue to
improve in the future.

Weiss, Maureen R. "Psychological Aspects of Sport-Injury

Rehabilitation: A Developmental Perspective." Journal of Athletic
Training. National Athletic Trainers' Association, Inc., May-June


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
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2003. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.

This article explores the "psychology of the injured athlete." It begin by
stating how much more information has been collected on this topic in just
the last few years. Then, the article goes on to name of some of the
information that was found. The author also makes sure to acknowledge the
fact that children, adolescents, and young, middle, and older adults differ in
their self-perceptions, social influences, emotional responses, motivations,
and self-regulation skills relative to physical activity and sport involvement. It
is also stated that the majority of the research is on young adult athletes.
The article concludes by stating a variety of designs for future research. This
article is valuable because it is a very interesting topic that could give a lot
of general information into the psychological aspect of injuries.

Webster, Hannah. "How to Overcome Depression After a Sports

Injury." US News. U.S.News & World Report, 21 July 2014. Web. 12

Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
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Oct. 2015. <>.

The article discusses the depressive symptoms an athlete may have
after getting injured an how to cope with them. The article analyzes the
studies of John Murray, a clinical sports psychologist, and other professional
sports psychologists who did research on the affect injuries and the social
support that go along with it have on athletes. Many factors influence what
symptoms are likely to occur following an injury such as how much success
the athlete has had in that sport. The change in an athlete's, especially a
professional athlete, physical outlet and their routine exercise may lead to
depression. The article then goes into different coping strategies for injured
athletes. In general coping mechanisms should be tailored to the athlete.


Mycah Berson
Pd. 6
English 12 AP
IM 1

Zettlemoyer, Alex. "Coaches and Certified Athletic Trainers: An

Important Relationship." National Federation of State High School
Associations. National Federation of State High School Associations,
07 Nov. 2014. Web. 29 Aug. 2015. <
This article analyzes the relationship between the athletic trainer and
the coaches at high schools. It states how essential it is for these two
authority figures to communicate properly. When they dont communicate
well the athlete is often placed in the middle which makes any situation
messy and unpleasant. This article then goes on to explain how important it
is for both the coaches and the athletic trainer to invested in the athletes
and program in general. In many cases, the athletic trainer has to prove that
he/she is a big supporter of both the athlete and the program. This article is
a valuable source because it gives lots of background information on athletic
trainers and how they interact with others.


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