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Borneos rainforest are being cut down for own personal use. Borneos rainforest are used for
timber, palm, oil, pulp, rubber, and mineral. The increase activities have been matchedasmuch
as illegal wildlife trade. Landclearing and conversation activities are considered the greatest
issues for the heart of Borneo. Since the new roads in Borneo there has been key factors of
productivity, valuable trees, immigrant settlers andaccesstonewopportunity.Logginghasbeen
a way of life for some communities but there are more problems when doing so. Causing
absence of economic development and accessibility. There shows that 56% of the lowland
tropical rainforests in Kalimantan. Later, have been cut down between 1985 to 2001, losing
about 29,000 kilometers of trees (about thesizeofBelgium).Thepalmproductionhasincreased
immensely over the year. The growth population of palm has increased 6 million hectares by
2007. Palm production and deforestation are huge issues that havedirectlytakenouttrees.Palm
production areas are in many secondary forest today. Due to deforestation many animals are
extinct due to the amount of trees being cut down.Thewildlifethathasbeenintheforestareno
longer there because of this issue. For example, theBorneoElephantsarebeingextracteddueto
the loss of habitat in the rainforest. These animals are losing their homes for human agriculture
and human benefit. Many of borneos rivers have originated from the heart of Borneo.
Maintaining the forest is critical and keeping animal habitats will be harder to overcome if not
stopped now. These forest are short of watersupply and and need the right resources to


The Borneorainforestisimportantbecauseithasbeeninhabitedformanyplantsandspecies that

have been said to be around 130 million years, the Borneo rainforest is the oldest in the world.
Due to thelostofforest,thewaterhasbeenabletoreachthroughother partsofthe forestandare
able to flood. Animals are in no shape to retreat somewhere else due to the lack of protection,
plants are taken out due to this issue aswell.Peopleinclosecommunitiesvaluetherainforestas
a spiritual value and an strong ecosystem. People have arrivedinSanBorneoforestover 40,000
years ago and have impact the forest greatly. Generally deforestation hasnt caused much of an
effect to the Borneo forest, because of the infertile soil, unfavorable climates, and presence of
disease. Deforestation began in the forest about 1,500 years ago, deforestation has increased in
the 19802000. The lost of forest has been increasing over theyearsandif there isnothingdone
then you it will be impossible to overcome. Today habitats are being lost duetopersonaluseof
resources and other facilities around the area. The amount of deforestationthathasbeendoneis
four times the size of Switzerland, rather than slowing down deforestation it has been

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