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Candidate Name: Joel A.

Candidate #:1000573211
Centre # 100057
Territory: Jamaica
School: Kingston College
Teacher: Miss K. Howell
Date: February 16, 2013

Table of content

Statements of aim..........................................................................3
Information collection................................................................4
Summary of findings...............................................................5
Analysis and interpretation of data.......................................7
Statement of conclusion.............................................................8

I Joel A. Rigg would like send out appraisals to my Religious Education teacher ,
Ms Howell, who has assist me to fulfil the duty of doing my SBA .
The credits can be spilt both among other individuals unnamed in this
acknowledgement but truly and grateful thanks goes out to my mother .She
provided her motherly assistance and love all the way .Thank GOD for life to do
all this.

The SBA will focus on the Basic Beliefs of The Sunni Sect. The Sunni sect is an
offspring of Islam and is the larger of the two branches. It was founded by
Muhammads friend Abu Bakr who the followers elected to be the leader of Islam
at the time. Differences arose between the followers during the election of the
new leader either of letting it be controlled by family so that it could be within
Muhammads lineages who was his cousin Ali or be taken up by his close friend
Abu Bakr . The majority chose Abu Bakr that in the sense he had the knowledge of
the system for he had accompanied Muhammad on most of his religious journeys.
The Sunni sect is often known as the orthodox version of Islam.

Statements of aims
The aim of the SBA is to:
Identify four Basic Beliefs of The Sunni Sect
Discuss the significance of these beliefs to Sunni Muslims
Evaluate how these Beliefs affect the lifestyle of the believer

Information collected

The information was collected with the use of various mediums:

On November 21 2013 the Introduction of the SBA was acquired from Grade 10
personal notes from about 9am while at home.
On November 24 2013 the summary of findings of the Basic Beliefs of the Sunni
Sect was acquired through the forms of questionnaires which was giving out to the
librarians at St. Andrew Parish Library. This took roughly fifteen thirty five
minutes in which I read books to fill my knowledge of the Islam beliefs.
On November 26 2013 I visited Islamic Council of Jamaica, is located on South
Camp Road in Kingston. On my arrival there I observe the Muslims during prayer
and took notes even got the chance to be a part of the worship ceremonies which
was govern by an imam.

Summary of findings

The Sunni is the larger of the two branches of Islam and there so carries about three
quarters of Muslims within the Islamic society. In the sense being established by Muhammads
caliph, Abu Bakr, he was chosen by the followers because he had more experience to rule over
them than any other. The Islam society is seen to be one of the major religions in the world and
there so has dominance over the eastern end of the world .It originated from the Middle East and
now see it, to have moved to the Caribbean which it is practice by followers known as Muslims.
Islam is broken up into two divisions: The Sunni Sect and the Shiites. Both follow the five
pillars of Islam, although they have different founding fathers. The beliefs of the Sunnites are in
the sense of Taw hid, Risalah, Predestination, and the Beliefs in Revealed Scriptures.
Taw hid is the Oneness to Allah, in Islam, the oneness of God, in the sense that he is one
and there is no god but he, as outlined in the Shahadah formula: There is no god but God and
Muhammad is prophet. Taw hid further refers to the nature of that Godthat he is a unity, not
composed, and not made up of parts, but simple and uncompounded. The doctrine of the unity of
God and the issues that it raises, such as the question of the relation between the essence and the
attributes of God, reappear throughout most of Islamic history. In the terminology of Muslim
mystics, however, taw hid has a pantheistic sense; all essences are divine, and there is no
absolute existence besides that of God. Muslims believe in one God as been supreme, eternal,
infinite and mighty. Bringing a lot of attributes which are located within the Quran.God creates
in human minds to understand the good and righteous. The Quran states that e worshippers of
heavenly bodies cites the story of Abraham: When the night grew dark over him he saw a
star and said, This is my Lord, but when it set, he said, I do not like things that set. And
when he saw the moon rising he said, This is my Lord, but when it too set, he said, If my
Lord does not guide me, I shall be one of those who go astray. Then he saw the sun rising

and cried, This is my Lord! This is greater. But when the sun set, he said, My people, I
disown all that you worship beside God. I have turned my face as a true believer towards
Him who created the heavens and the earth. I am not one of the polytheists. (6:76-79).
Risalah or Prophethood is the name of systems where the prophets are located. A prophet is a
person who speaks and tells of the teaching of God to the followers. Within the Sunni Beliefs
there are a lot of prophets namely: Adam, the first Prophet, along with Noah, Abraham, Ishmael,
Isaac, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, the last of the Prophets. A Muslim believes in all the
Messengers and Prophets of God without any discrimination. All messengers were mortals,
human beings, endowed with Divine revelations and appointed by God to teach mankind. The
Holy Quran mentions the names of 25 messengers and prophets and states that there are others.
The Quran states that Say, We believe in God and in what was sent down to us and what
was sent down to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and what was given to
Moses, Jesus, and all the prophets by their Lord. We make no distinction between any of
them, and we devote ourselves to Him. (Quran, 2:136)
Predestination or the Al Quadr as the Muslims know is the ultimate Knowledge and Power
of God to plan and execute His plans. God is Wise, Just, and Loving, and whatever He does must
have a good motive, although we may fail sometimes to understand it fully. If things happen as
they want they should praise God. If things do not happen as they want they should still praise
God, recognizing that He knows best what is good for the affairs of mankind.
Belief in the revealed scriptures by God is next article of Islamic belief. Muslims believe that
ALLAH gave MUHAMMAD the teachings in so of rendering to them outlined in the
Quran. The scripture revealed is a point of reference to find out the religion and obligation
towards God and fellow human beings. ALLAH reveals Himself and explains the purpose

of human creation through revealed scriptures. By referring to it, 'disputes and differences
between its followers in matter of religious belief and practice or in matters of social
practice could be settled. The scriptures are meant to keep the religion safe from corruption
and deterioration, at least for some time after the death of the prophet. At the present time,
the Quran revealed to our Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be
upon him, is the only scripture to remain safe from fraud.
Muslim firmly believes that divinely revealed books were actually revealed
by the ALLAH to MUHAMMAD. The Quran is not the only spoken Word
of God, but God also spoke to prophets before Prophet Muhammad
and to Moses God spoke directly. (Quran 4:164)

Analysis and interpretation of data

Monotheism is the belief in one GOD as for the other religions namely: Christianity, Islam and,
Judaism practice such as for Hinduism the belief system is Polytheism the belief of more than
one GOD. The Muslims and Jews do not accept the Trinitarian belief meaning the belief in the
Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit on the other hand the Muslims see ALLAH of being ONE
with having no partners. Muslims all over follow the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. They
see him to be Gods greatest and wonderful creation like Adam and Eve within the Christian
religion. During prayer the Muslims kneel on a prayer mat while facing Mecca or while in the
mosque on the other hand Christians worship within the church by singing and the reading of
scriptures for the Bible. The whole system of beliefs differs from all the religions but overall the
follows of the three monotheists religion believe in the concept of one God .

Statement of conclusion
The Sunni sect consists of eighty percent of the Muslim society than of the Shiites.
Its a widespread sect which originated from the Middle East and therefore has
greater precedence over most of the countries found in Asia and the world on a
hold. The articles Taw hid is the Oneness to Allah, in Islam, the oneness of God,
importance of this is that the believer knows that there is only one God who is
ALLAH their deity. As for Risalah they know and hear of the teachings of
MUHAMMAD and of all is work are explain in the Hadith. To some extent tells of
the believers knowing and question ask by them are solve.

Bibliography accessed on February 25, 2014. accessed on February 25, 2014 accessed on February 25, 2014
Carman, Lucy Religious Education for CSEC CXC Study Guide: Caribbean Examinations
Council Paperback (August 1, 2012)
179-1330229-184 1408516349






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