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Paper Pavilion. Barcelona, Spain
35 Stirling Highway, 6008 Crawley
Western Australia

Paper Pavilion
Madrid, Spain
by Smar

Paper Pavilion

Photos Diego Hernandez

Energy Crisis and Resource Crisis forces us, now

more than ever, to revise our strategies. No client and designer can ignore this new territory. Indoor spaces and exhibitions are no exception to
this reality. More than 80 fairs per year, involving
more than 20,000 companies occupying a total
area of more than 1,200,000 m2 each year in this
Exhibition venue. Floor is received and should be
left blank, before and after each show, this means
that are used and disposed over 1,200,000 square
m2 annually of textile floor. Considering that most
of the textile floor (carpet exhibition, rubber flooring, vinyl, etc ...) is served in rolls, each roll covering
approximately 120 m2 and each roll cores are 600
gr paper / m2 (cardboard) disposed over 10,000
paperboard rolls along the 80 annual fairs.

All areas, including floors and ceilings follow this philosophy

Photos Diego Hernandez

Paper Pavilion

There is no chemical painting, the colour is achieved with light (a system of yellow fluorescent following the curves of the
morphology and setbacks the stand

The aim of this project is to use only wasted material (cardboard tubes) to build a 100% sustainable pavilion that can be reused

The aim of this project is to use only wasted material (cardboard tubes) to build a 100% sustainable pavilion that can be reused, that exploits the
spatial and architectural possibilities offered by
this strategy, and create an exhibition space and
connection according to customer needs.

A triple ring with different privacy degrees
depending on the separation of cardboard tubes:
The outer ring (Exhibition) - a perimetric ramp housing developments and solutions SIKA - inner ring
(Social)- which houses the commercial meeting
spaces and restoration - and the ring that houses
the store. The other condition is given formally by
Venue rules, requiring setbacks of 1 m to reach 6
m tall.

All areas, including floors and ceilings follow this philosophy. To achieve the characteristic yellow color of SIKA, and maintain ecological
commitment there is no chemical painting, the
colour is achieved with light (a system of yellow fluorescent following the curves of the morphology
and setbacks the stand, creating an atmosphere
of color in a row 100% recyclable cardboard.

Paper Pavilion

Date: 2010
Architecture: SMAR
Client: Sika
Description: Exhibition space
Area: 450 m2

Status: Built

Paper Pavilion

Photos Diego Hernandez

Photos Diego Hernandez

Paper Pavilion

The shape is given by a warped triple ring with different privacy degrees depending on the separation of
cardboard tubes

Photos Diego Hernandez

Paper Pavilion
Outer ring (Exhibition) - a perimetric ramp housing developments and solutions SIKA - inner ring (Social)- commercial and meeting
spaces and restoration - and the interior ring that houses the store

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