Chapter Project

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The Host with the Most

Since the first modern Olympic Games in 1896,
competitions have been held in 40 separate cities.
Host cities are showcased for the world to see,
bringing financial benefits in the form of spending at
local businesses and the creation of new jobs. Cities
create elaborate marketing campaigns to vie for the
opportunity to host the games.
In this project, you will work as a marketing manager
to create a proposal for a city competing to host the
Olympics. Your job will be to display the culture and
the characteristics of the city within a proposed logo.

Ciaran Griffin/Lifesize/Getty Images

Choose a city to represent as a possible host for the Winter or Summer Olympic Games.
You can choose a city that reflects your culture or a culture in which you are interested.


Research a career in marketing. Explore some of the aspects of the career such as
training, job opportunities, and potential earnings. How is geometry involved?
Research some of the citys history and culture. What are some characteristics of the
city that make it unique? What are some features that define the city?
Research information about Olympics host cities. How is a city selected? What are
some of the advantages and disadvantages to hosting the Olympics?
Research Olympic logos. How are the Olympic rings used and what do they
represent? How have logos for other host cities showcased the Games and the city?

Think of ways to bring the culture and feel of the city into the logo design. How can the
city be reflected in the design?

Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (Geometry)


Create the logo that includes the Olympic rings and a slogan using ideas from your
brainstorming session.
Next, analyze and evaluate your design. Did you follow all of the attached Marketing
Guidelines? Refine the design as necessary.

When your proposal is complete, swap proposals with another student. Use the
Marketing Guidelines to determine whether the students proposal is valid.

Valid proposals will be presented to the class and then voted on to determine the
best proposal.

Chapter 10 Project

The Host with the Most




Marketing Guidelines
Attach these guidelines to your proposal.
1. A brief summary explaining why the host city was selected is provided.
2 pts: Summary is included.
0 pt: Summary is not included.

_____ / 2

2. Begin the logo design by using a compass to create the five Olympic
rings. Each of the interlocking rings should be comprised of two
concentric circles, and all five rings should be congruent.
Scoring for each ring:
2 pts: Comprised of two concentric circles.
1 pt: Comprised of two circles.
0 pt: Not comprised of two circles.
2 pts

All rings are congruent.

_____ / 12

3. The design includes at least three elements that are culturally

relevant to the city that is chosen. An explanation is included for each
piece of art that explains its relevance to the city.
3 pts: Element is relevant to the city and explanation is included.
2 pts: Element is included, but not explained.
0 pt: Element is not included or not relevant to the city.

_____ / 9

4. A copy of the design is included in which one example of each of the

following is neatly constructed and labeled with the corresponding letter.

Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

c. (Geometry)


common tangent
minor arc


point of tangency
central angle
major arc
inscribed angle

2 pts: Element is correctly constructed and labeled.

1 pt: Element is poorly constructed or not labeled.
0 pt: Element is not constructed.

_____ / 24

5. A slogan for the Olympic Games is provided.

2 pts: Slogan is appropriate.
0 pt: Slogan is inappropriate or not provided.

_____ / 2

6. The Marketing Guidelines are included in the proposal.

1 pt:
0 pt:

Guidelines are attached.

Guidelines are not attached.

Total Points

Chapter 10 Rubric

_____ / 1
_____ / 50

The Host with the Most




What Do You Think?

Creativity and Innovation
1. After viewing the proposals, what impressed you? Explain.

2. Are there any aspects of your proposal that you would change or modify?

Global Awareness
3. How are host cities for the Olympics selected? What qualities make a city
a desirable host city?

4. What are some advantages to hosting the Olympics? What are some of
the possible disadvantages?

5. What are some of the job functions that marketing managers perform?
What would you like or dislike about a career in marketing?

Copyright by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (Geometry)

Critical Thinking
6. How is geometry used to add to the visual appeal of a marketing piece?

7. How could two concentric circles in a logo be drawn without the aid of a
compass or digital technology? Explain.

Chapter 10 Reflection

The Host with the Most

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