Intro To Fractions Lesson Plan

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Ver. 4.

001 08/22/14

Lesson Plan Template

First Name


Last Name


UH Email








90 minutes

Lesson Duration
Introduction to Fractions

Lesson Overview
Briefly summarize your lesson plan in a few sentences.
This will be a lesson on the concept of what a fraction is. It will introduce that fractions are
equal parts of a whole along with the vocabulary that comes with fractions.
Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)
A brief description of the important understanding(s) or key concept(s)
The students will understand what a fraction is and will be able to explain what a fraction
represents through words, pictures, and manipulatives

Essential Question(s)
The big idea of the lesson stated as a question or questions
What is a fraction?
What does the top number represent?
What is the bar for?
What is the bottom number for?

Content Standard(s)/Benchmark
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance Standards III
(HCPS III) that align with the central focus and address essential understandings, concepts,
and skills

CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.1- Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by

1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the
quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.2-Understand a fraction as a number on the number
line; represent fractions on a number line diagram.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.3-Explain equivalence of fractions in special cases, and
compare fractions by reasoning about their size.
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.3.NF.A.3.A-Understand two fractions as equivalent (equal) if

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they are the same size, or the same point on a number line.
Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets
The students prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets that will support
their learning
Im going into this lesson with the assumption that students know nothing about fractions.
Students should know numerical value and should have a grasp on multiplying and dividing

Academic Language Demands

The language function essential for student learning (verb), additional language demand(s)
(vocabulary or symbols, syntax, discourse), and language supports (helps the student
understand and use language)
edTPA Rubric 4: Identifying and Supporting Language Demands: The candidate identifies
and supports language demands associated with key learning tasks.
Numerator- the number above the line in a common fraction showing how many of the parts
indicated by the denominator are taken
Denominator- the number below the line in a common fraction
Equivalent- equal in value, amount, function, meaning
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
A description of what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing that 1) uses
clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, resources, and technology and 2) offers
opportunities offered for inquiry, active learning, individual work, and pairs/small group
Teacher Will
1. Introduce lesson on fractions:
play a game of Hangman pull sticks to
choose who gets to guess letters (start
with vowels already in)
Have the word Fractions up on the board.
The words they have to guess are equal
parts, numerator and denominator and
will be in a bulleted list.
have a class discussion about what the
students think they know about fractions
2. Talk about vocabulary of the lesson.
-numerator-top number-how many parts
-denominator-bottom number-how many parts
in the whole
-region-part of a shape
Write a fraction big on the board and use it to
label the different parts of a fraction

Students Will
Students will take turns guessing consonants
until they can solve the words
Answer to the best of their knowledge what a
fraction is
(Hangman + discussion should take no longer
than 10 minutes)

Take notes in math workbook (or a piece of

folder paper) to be used for future referenece.

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3. Paper folding activity
(Teacher hand out papers now)
Have students take out their first piece of
scratch paper and fold it in half, shading one
region. Explain that by shading only one
region, you are shading one of the two equal
parts, and are therefore shading 1/2 of the
Have students fold their paper in half again.
On the other side of the paper, shade in 1 of
the 4 regions. Explain that by shading in one
of the four equal regions, you are shading 1 of
4 regions, or .
(note: regions do not have to be touching to be
considered part of the fraction)
4. Have class discussion: ask questions to
guide students to come to the conclusion that
a fraction shows an amount of equal sized
pieces out of a whole
What if I have 2 unequal pieces of a
pizza? Is it still half and half? etc.
Check that students understand that just
because the regions are not the same size
doesnt mean that they cant be equally
divided. (discuss Pats way and Taiwan Flag)
5. Encourage students to explore by giving
them their second sheet of paper a minute to
fold their paper in any way they can think of,
as long as they are making equal parts and
shade whatever they want to. Have students
work independently or in pairs to make models
of fractions and to write the fraction that the
model represents down on their own white
boards to share with the class. Hint that it
doesnt have to start with two parts, it could
start with 3, or 5 parts as long as the parts are
all equal in size..
6. After a minute or two of exploration, have
students draw out one of their created
fractions on their board. Have students do a
gallery walk to see what others have done.

Follow along

7. Transition to talk about fractions in a picture.

Show that a rectangle can be drawn, with lines
representing the creases.
Have students practice drawing 1-3 simple
fractions on their white boards. Use this time
to explain that always means one part of
two equal size parts of a whole, but that the
wholes can be different sizes.

Practice drawing fractions on their white

boards. (flags, fields, courts)

Conclude that a fraction shows a number

of equal sized pieces.
Discuss with peers and teachers about
why how they would choose the bigger

Explore with their partner, each folding their

own piece of paper. Write down their most
interesting findings on their white board.

Gallery walk

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8. Have students draw a fraction with a
numerator and denominator both over 5 and
have them share it with a partner
If there is extra time because number lines
arent on tonights homework
9. Transition into number lines. Have students
draw a number line on their own white boards.
Tell them to label it 0 on one side and 1 on the
other. Have them mark and label where they
think should be and when done, show it to
the teacher.
10. Explain that is diving the whole (1) into 2
equal parts to reinforce the idea of equal parts.
Go on to show students fourths, eighths, and
thirds and sixths.
If you are on track and class period is
about to end
9. Have students fill out exit pass worksheet.
10. Assign homework, allow students to start if
time allows.

Draw a picture of fraction, shade and label it,

share it with a partner.
Draw a number line on their own board, label it
0 and one end and 1 at the other, try to mark
the way point.

Try to make the realization that fractions can

be represented on a number line.
Have students fill out exit pass independently
and turn in to teacher
Start their work.

The tools/procedures to monitor students learning of lesson objective(s) to include formative
assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment of what students
learned by the end of the lesson (include checklist or rubric)
Exit Pass
See worksheet
Differentiation and Accommodations
Instructional strategies and planned supports for individuals, and/or groups of students with
specific learning needs that provide adaptations connected to instructional strategies, the
learning environment, content, and/or assessment/performance task for individuals and/or small
groups (e.g., ELL/MLL, struggling, accelerated, 504/IEP, etc.)
edTPA Rubric 2 - Planning to Support Varied Student Learning Needs: The candidate uses
knowledge of his/her students to target support for students learning. Supports include specific
strategies to identify and respond to common developmental approximations or misconceptions.
InTASC Standard 1. Learner Development

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InTASC Standard 2. Learner Differences


List the type of accommodation or differentiation (learning

environment, content, process, or performance task) and describe
how you will differentiate.
Have students repeat vocabulary out loud and then write vocabulary
on the board so students can see the words that theyre saying.


Try again with a different concept. (ex: food- of a pizza or of a

burger. Or with a concept that the student can relate to)


Have students try to figure out how to add and subtract fractions
Follow 504/IEP

Materials (Optional)
Please note and/or paste any supporting materials (i.e., teaching materials, custom lesson
plans, etc.) into the space below. You may use as many pages as needed beyond the space
below to paste your materials.
2 Sheets of scratch paper per student
1 white board per student
Piece of folder paper

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Lesson Plan Reflection
An analysis of what worked, what could be changed, and the next steps for teaching.
edTPA Rubric 10 Analyzing Teaching Effectiveness: The candidate uses evidence to
evaluate and change teaching practice to meet students varied learning needs.
edTPA Rubric 15 Using Assessment to Inform Instruction: The candidate uses the
analysis of what students know and are able to do to plan next steps in instruction.
InTASC Standard 9. Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

What changes would you make to your instructionfor the whole class and/or for
students who need greater support or challengeto better support student learning of
the central focus (e.g., missed opportunities)?
Based on your reflection and your assessment of student learning, describe the next
steps to support students learning related to the central focus and student learning

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