Dimensiondances LP

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Spring 2015

Sean Chang
Title of Lesson: Dimension Dance
Date to teach: April 2, 2015
Lesson Plan Template

First Name

Sean, Lindsey & Vera

UH Email

chang4@hawaii.edu, Date






3rd & 4th Grade

Lesson Duration

60 minutes


Last Name

Chang, Seu & Lin

Dimension Dances

Lesson Overview (or Learning Segment Overview)

Briefly summarize your lesson plan in a few sentences and include any other
relevant lessons connected with the learning segment.
Students draw imaginary points, line segments, rays, and lines in the air and
create a dance about dimensions.

Central Focus (Enduring Understandings)

A brief description of the important understanding(s) or key concept(s)

Math can be explored in different ways and can be Incorporated into different areas
in life.

Essential Question(s)
The big idea of the lesson stated as a question or questions

What is a Point?
What is a Line?
What is a Segment?

Spring 2015
Content Standard(s)/Benchmark
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) or Hawaii Content & Performance
Standards III (HCPS III) that align with the central focus and address essential
understandings, concepts, and skills

MA.4.5.3: Compare points, lines, line segments, and rays

FA. 4.4.2: Create simple dances that communicate abstract ideas or feelings
GLO: 2. Self- Directed Learner, 4. Quality Producer

Prior Academic Knowledge and Student Assets

The students prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets that
will support their learning

Prior to this lesson, students need to be familiar with body, energy, space and time.
This lesson can be used as an introduction to the benchmarks if students have no
prior knowledge of points, line segments and rays. This lesson can also reinforce
students knowledge of geometric shapes.

Space Set-up (P.A.)

Students will need:

Large, Open Space (chairs/tables pushed to the side).

Focusing Or Attending Cue (P.A.)

Attention Cue
Teacher: Hey Hey
Students: Ho Ho
Attention Cue
Teacher: Class Class

Spring 2015
Students: Yes Yes

Visual Aids (P.A.)

Anchor Chart

Plans for Videotaping (P.A.)

Plan on getting the video camera from CCC. Mentor teacher will do the recording.

Academic Language Demands

The language function essential for student learning (verb), additional language
demand(s) (vocabulary or symbols, syntax, discourse), and language supports
(helps the student understand and use language)
Speaking and Reading
Line Segment

Spring 2015
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks
A description of what the teacher will be doing and what the students will be doing
that 1) uses clear steps that convey the use of multiple strategies, resources, and
technology and 2) offers opportunities offered for inquiry, active learning, individual
work, and pairs/small group interactions
Teacher Will...

Students Will...

Body Shakedown from 8

Warm up their bodies and voices

(0:00-2:00 min)
Teacher will introduce to the students
what they will be learning in class and
gain background knowledge about the

Students will use schema from what

theyve experienced before.

So today class, we will be learning

about Point, Line Segments, Rays
and Lines. Does anyone know
what they are?
(2:00-5:00 min)
(Math Segment).
Teacher will explain and elaborate on
what the students know or dont know.
Teacher will bring out an Anchor chart,
showing what a point, line segment,
Rays, and Lines are..

Read anchor chart and learn concepts.

(8:00-13:00 min)

Students will walk around and make a

dot in the air with fingertip to show
what a point looks like in space.

Teacher will explain to class what a

Point is and demonstrate to the
students what a point looks like in
Teacher will then ask students to
follow along and use other body parts
to make points (elbow, toe, knee,
So class, I am going to take my
finger and place a dot in space.

Spring 2015
Follow me.
Teacher will allow them time to draw
different points with different parts of
their body.
Teacher will explain what a point is:

Students will guess how many points

they can make in space.

In math, we cannot see these

dots; they are imagined only.
They have no size. These dots are
called Points.
How many points can I make in
this room? (infinite)
(13:00-18:00 min)
(Line Segment)
Teacher will make two points in two
different places in the space, then
draw a line connecting them. (This is
an imaginary line segment). Teacher
will explain to students what they are
doing as they draw the line segment.
Now class, what Id like for you to
do is to make to make two points
and draw a line in between them.
can anyone tell me what you just
Teacher will allow them time to draw
different line segments with different
parts of their body.

Students will copy the teachers

motions. Students may reference the
Anchor Chart for answers.
Students can draw different Line
Segments with different parts of their

Spring 2015
Teacher will explain what a Line
Segment is:

Students will draw a line segment in


A Line Segment is a line

connecting two points. It has a
beginning and end point.
(18:00-23:00 min)
Teacher will ask students to touch a
point in space with their index finger.
From that point, start to draw a line
segment, but instead of stopping at
another point, throw it out into space.
This will be a Ray.
So class, we had just learned how
to draw Points and Line
Segments. Now what Id life for
you to do is to touch a point in
space with your index finger. From
that point, start to draw a line
segment, but instead of stopping
at another point, throw it out into
Teacher will allow them time to draw
Rays with different parts of their body.

Students will take time to explore the

concept of drawing Rays with different
parts of their body.

Spring 2015
Teacher will explain what a Ray is:
A Ray has one end point; its other
end goes on forever into space.
(23:00-28:00 min)

Students will draw a line in space.

Teacher will ask students to use their

index fingers to create lines.
So now class, we are going to
make lines. take your index finger
and create any type of lines.
(28:00-30:00 min)
Teacher will explain what a Line is:

learn about the concept of a line

A line measures distance. It has

no endpoints like a line segment.
(5:00-8:00 min)
(Performing Arts segment).
Teacher will explain to students Space
(High/ Medium/Low)

Students will show the teacher the

different levels of Space with their

30:00-32:00 min)
Teacher will review with the class the
four different motions they had
(reference the anchor chart).

Students will produce the produce the

motions requested by teacher.

Point: An exact location in space.

Line Segment: Part of the Line with
two endpoints
Rays: a line with a single end point.
Line: An endless, straight point.
Teacher will ask students to produce
different motions in different spaces
example: Okay class, show me
A Point in Low Space
A Line in High Space
(Performing) (32:00-45:00 min)

Students will be given 20 minutes in

their group to create a dance.

Spring 2015
Given information about Space and
different Lines, Students will be
Separated into 2 groups based on
their math class. Students will create a
dance incorporating the four different
-Identify Space
-Used all Four Motions
(Evaluate) (45:00-50:00 min)

Students perform their class dance in

front of the judges and the other class.

Teacher will ask students to return to

their seats. Teacher will have one
representative from each class rock,
paper, scissors to see which class will
go first. Each class will be judged my
Mrs. Kono, Mrs. Nakamura, and Ms.
(Reflection) (50:00-55:00 min)
Teacher will ask questions to the
following questions:

Students may talk amongst

themselves and share their thoughts
to the class.

Describe and compare the

movements that create a point,
line segment, ray, and line.
Clean Up

Instructional Strategies Continued


See bolded text

Spring 2015
Instructional Strategies Continued
An opportunity for students to apply and demonstrate the learning modeled through
independent, group and/or whole class learning exercises
Students will create a dance incorporating the four different moves within 10 min.

Instructional Strategies Continued

Provides an opportunity to summarize the learning and connect to future learning.
Students will relate how math relates to the arts.
It will help students to realize that there are other ways to learn math besides books
and desk work.

The tools/procedures to monitor students learning of lesson objective(s) to include
formative assessments applied throughout the lesson and a summative assessment
of what students learned by the end of the lesson (include checklist or rubric)

PA: Formative assessment: Students will create their own dance with the provided
dance moves (Point, Lines, Line Segment, Rays). Teacher will side coach and guide
PA: Summative Assessment:



Compare points, lines,

line segment, and rays
with significant errors

Compare points, lines,

line segments, and rays
with few errors

Compare points, lines,

line segments and rays
with accuracy,

Spring 2015



Students does not

include any motions

Includes 2-3 motions

Includes all 4 motions

Uses 2-3 three of the


Makes use of all 3


Step 1: Describe

Step 2: Interpret

Step 3: Evaluate

Describe and compare

the movements that
create a point, line
segment, ray and line.

What would you name

your dance?

What would you do

differently to make your
dimension dance better?

Self Assessment: I can statements (I can use levels in my dance) or

checklist/rubrics to self assess, written statements ( what I did well, what I want to
do better and how), or drawings of what they learned or remember or circle
happy/sad face.

Differentiation and Accommodations

Instructional strategies and planned supports for individuals, and/or groups of
students with specific learning needs that provide adaptations connected to
instructional strategies, the learning environment, content, and/or
assessment/performance task for individuals and/or small groups (e.g., ELL/MLL,
struggling, accelerated, 504/IEP, etc.)
ELL/MLL: Draw out what each concept means so students have a picture to match
with the action.
Struggling: Quiz them orally instead of making them dance to make sure they
understand the concepts.
Accelerated: Have students make up their own dance moves for each concept.
504/IEP: Follow plan

Please note and/or paste any supporting materials (i.e., teaching materials, custom
lesson plans, etc.) into the space below. You may use as many pages as needed
beyond the space below to paste your materials.
Anchor Chart- Lines
Dynamite by Tao Cruz
White Boards

Spring 2015

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