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PROGRAM STATEMENT: To Display the computer time.

High level language programming is user friendly. In order to write a program in high
level language there is no need for the user to understand the architecture and instruction set of
the processor. The advantages of High level language program are,
1. It is close to human being.
2. It is easy to understand.
3. It consists of English language like structure.
4. It does not depend upon machine.
5. It is easy to modify.
6. The programs written in high level languages is called source code.
The main disadvantage of high level language programming is that it is not possible for
the user to generate accurate delays. Because a single line of C code may correspond to many
lines in Assembly language.
The High level language program written by the user is converted into assembly
language program with the help of compiler. The compiler generates .asm file. The advantages
of Assembly language programming are,
1. It is possible to generate accurate delays.
2. It depends on machine.
3. Machine language directly executes on computer.
4. No need of language translator for machine language.
Then, the assembly language program is been converted into Object file with the help of
Assembler and finally the Object file (.obj) file is been converted into executable file (.exe) with
the help of Linker.


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