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sais SIMPIC 2015- Compatiton Competition Competition rules and example questions First round Multiple choice questions & Timed-laboratory examination In the first round, each contestant (in each team) will take the exam individually, and the score of each team member will be combined to be qualified for advancing to the second round. The exam has two parts. The first part (weighted 70%) contains 50 multiple choices questions, approximately one minute for each question. The second part (weight 30%) is “timed-laboratory examination, which each contestant will take a laboratory-based question (e.g. using a microscope) in a format of rotation through stations, two minutes per question at each station. x1 Which of the following viruses can cause Koplik spots? 1. Measles virus 2. Nipah virus 3. Marburg virus 4, Human metapneumovirus Ex2 Which of the following is AB toxin? Listeriolysin O Streptolysin O Streptokinase Shiga toxin RONa Revival round True-false question Teams that do not qualify for the second round from the combined scores in the first round will have another chance in the revival round. This round is the paper-based examination containing 50 true- false questions. The contestants will get approximately 40 seconds to response to each statement whether it is true or false. Two points are given for each correct response, one point for not answering and zero point for incorrect response. The scores from each member will be combined for the team to determine the eligibility to advance to the second round. Ex. Klebsiella pneumoniae can cause liver abscess. Weir merida. ac thipojecsimplclearpatition pip 18 sais SIMPIC 2015- Compatiton Second round short answer question The qualified teams will be divided into groups (four teams per group) and compete on stage. Each group will be randomized to answer different set of questions. The questions will be shown on the personalized monitor and projector. Each question will be read twice, then the contestants have one minute to discuss within a team and write the final answer on an electronic device Ex. What pathogens cause cysticercosis? Semifinal round Speedy oral question The semi-final round competition is in a form of oral question. The qualified teams from the previous round will be divided into two groups. Each group will be randomized to answer different set of questions. This round will be divided into four sections. In each section, one member from each team will be a representative to compete to answer questions, and others will take turn for the next sections The quizmaster will read the question twice, and then he will give a signal. One who presses the button first has the right to answer the question. If the first answer is wrong, the rest can compete to press the button to answer. Two teams with highest scores from each group, to make a total of four teams, will be advanced to the final round. Final round Investigation and diagnosis The question in this round will be case-based solving which the contestant will need to investigate for the diagnosis and its causative agent. Each team will send one member to make a diagnosis in each case. The case will be posted on the screen and read twice. in each step, choices of investigation will be shown on the screen, and there will be a signal. One who presses the button first can make a choice to gather more information from the patient, and will also get the right to answer the question by stating the name of disease and the causative pathogen. The more information provided, the more score will be deducted from the total score of the case. The team that collects the highest score will be the winner of SIMPIC 2015. Please note that the rules in each round maybe adjusted to suit the competition if necessary. Back to top © 2014-2015 Siriraj International Medical Microbiology Parasitology and Immunology Competition. Built with Bootstrap ( - Icons from Glyphicons ( Weir merida. ac thipojecsimplclearpatition pip 28 sais Weir merida. ac thipojecsimplclearpatition pip SIMPIC 2015- Compatiton a8

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