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Parallel and

Cole Suggs
1 s t Block

Compare and Contrast


Never Touch
Always opposite
Same slope

Right angles
Slopes are not

Parallel lines
Parallel lines never touch because they are basically a
reflection of each other
Parallel lines have the same slope, that way they can never
touch because they will be sloping at the same rate
Parallel lines must have exactly the same slope otherwise they
wont be parallel because eventually they will touch
Parallel lines are always straight angles because they measure
180 degrees

Parallel lines in the real world

A road is a good example of a parallel line because they
are straight and sometimes dont intersect

Stairs are another good example because they never

touch each other and always stay straight

Train tracks are parallel lines because the two sides of the
tracks are parallel

Perpendicular lines
Perpendicular lines always intersect usually resulting in right
and angles
They also have opposite slopes because they intersect it is
easy to tell if a line is perpendicular because they are
Determining the slope of a perpendicular line can be tricky
because you have to look at both lines

Perpendicular lines in the

real world
An intersection is a good example of a perpendicular line
because they intersect and make right angles

Junctions on power lines make perpendicular lines

because they cross at a right angle

A cross is perpendicular because the two lines cross

forming the cross

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