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Unit 1: Pre-production LO1

Comprehensively explain and present to a quality that reflects near-professional standards

fully detailed requirements and sources of requirements for a specific media production
From all the pre-production you have carried out over the past year you need to pick one
and complete the following task.
You will need to show an excellent understanding of the requirements for the proposed
production and will be able to explain fully why each element is required.
You will give detailed explanations of how these requirements will be sourced and give full
consideration to codes of practice and regulatory issues.
From the table below you need to explain why each element was important to your chosen
production and detail how you would source them.
For example

Sources of finance


Facility hire



It is important to have finances in place before production starts, as every
producer needs to pay for Equipment used such as Cameras, tripods, green
screen, lighting and sound. For an Advert production for example, a producer
may also need materials such correct costumes, items for correct mise-en-scene
and talent in order to fulfil the desired effect. Crew will also be needed such as
cameraman, soundman lighting engineer researchers editors and runners in order
to produce a professional looking advert.
Once all is complete facilities such as editing suits and postproduction equipment
will be needed and these cost a lot of money.
Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production
Facility can
be hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and sound
Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets or
studio Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London, National Rail,
hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per

List of all items that need detailing

You can either create your own table or upload this one to Weebly and
complete. Either ay, a table like the one below needs to be used.
Sources of

Facility hire

We were not given a finance for this certain production and I didnt
need to spend any money for mine because I had no additional
props to buy. I didnt need to pay for any transport as I filmed it all
In Henley were I live and I didnt actually get on the train when
filming. There was no money spent to hire an actors as someone
kindly volunteered to be in my film. Also the facilities I used were
not paid for because I only filmed in public areas like in a train
station or on the streets. This is a very efficient way as we didnt
have to spend any money on this production.
It is always useful to have finance in productions so we can see
what we have and what we dont have. Financing equipment, crew
and materials is Important because you can work out how much it
will cost In total and If you have missed out anything. financing
transport and facilitys is just as useful because you can work out
how much it will cost to travel and how much it will cost in total to
hire facilitys for a curtain time.

Crew can be sourced trough websites such as Creative England
Editing suits such as Dynamic post Production can be
hired for 350 per day. This will include the editor and sound

Materials can be sourced from high street shops, retail outlets or

studio Props departments
Transport can be sourced via Transport for London, National Rail,
hertz car hire etc..
A days travel card in London will cost the producer 12 per person.


Availability of equipment
Availability of personnel (size
of team; roles)

23rd Oct

When given our task, which was to make a five minute horror,
romance or crime on our own, we were then also given a deadline.
This Is when the movie and the pre-productions had to be handed in
on a certain time. We had a week to plan and film this on our own. It
Is important to have a deadline because then It is something to
work towards. Also if there was no deadline then no one would know
when it has to be handed In.
It Is important to have deadlines and time of availability of
equipment because you can work out how much time you have to
film edit and upload the final production In time. Its also useful as
you can then find out how long that curtain equipment is free to use

This had to be handed in on the last lesson on
Friday 23rd ggggggggggggg October.
Availability of
to make
borrowed we
of personnel
(size of team;

To make sure that all roles we arranged in time and

sure that any equipment that needed to be


Production equipment
Post-production equipment
facility houses


For our production we had to have enough equipment to film, e.g.
camera and tripod. This meant having to borrow them if we didnt
own one. We first had to plan what we were doing at college to be
able to go out and film.
Production equipment is Important because to make a good film it Is
useful to have the equipment like cameras and mics. Also the post
production equipment Is important such as the editing software and
effects. This will bring the footage together and make the film more
enjoyable to watch.



Original materials,
Archive and library materials

Photo-library materials
Sound library materials,
Script (upload an example)

The audio in my production is just the sound from the original shots
I used in my film. The train sound was not edited but It was edited
over some other scenes to make the effect that the train was
leaving before the character even got to the train. I wrote my script
out for my pre-production which made It much easier to follow when
filming. When I was looking for another character to be in my five
minute crime drama I decided to interview people to see who would
play the role best.
Original material is footage that is not edited or cut. It is strait from
the camera without any effects. This is important because It allows
you to make a production how you want because it Is your own
footage filmed form your camera directed by you. Archive and
library materials are footage that has been taken off the Internet.
This is useful when making a film because if you cannot film a
curtain scene you can download a similar scene off the Internet.
Also If you are making a documentary on war and you need footage
of the war, you can download a shot film off the internet.
Photo-library materials are images on the Internet that can be
downloaded onto your film. This is useful because if you cant take a
curtain photo like of snow when its not snowing you can take It off
the Internet. This is similar to sound-library materials but instead of
photos it is sound.

The Bike
Opening scene -

Close up of an alarm going off at 07:30 am. Character hits it a couple of times to
shut it off. No words.
Walking down the stairs slowly and then walking into the kitchen yawning.
Open the fridge to look for food.
Short montage of getting breakfast ready and then slowly eating breakfast.
Set outside facing a gate. Walking outside, mid shot.
Walking down through town slowly looking at a phone.
Character passes a bike locked up on a pole and looks at it, then keeps on
As he walks along he trips up against the curb of the sidewalk. He keeps walking.
Gets into the station and the train starts to leave. He chases after it but is to late.
Character calls up his mom
Hi, mom, I missed train.
Alright, bye!
Next morning
Alarm repeats the next morning but at 06:00 am. Walks quicker down the stairs
and into the kitchen in a slight rush.
Eating breakfast slightly faster and more anxious tapping fingers. Walk out the
door faster whilst putting a bag on. Walking down into town again but walking at a
brisk pace. Pass the same bike at the same spot and look at it and then keep
Whilst walking at a fast pace, stepping up a curb and tripping over it at the same
place as last time. Look at the curb confused and annoyed and then keep walking
in a rush.
Run through an ally way towards the train but I leave before the character arrives.
Character picks up the phone again and calls someone.
Hi, mom. I missed it, again!
Hangs up the phone and walks off.
Next morning
Run fast down the stairs and into the kitchen. Looks around for food. Cuts to a
shot montage of food being prepared.
Eating food very fast, standing up and leaving whilst taking another spoon full of
breakfast. Running out of the door forgetting a jumper. Running down in town very
fast in a rush for the train.
Whilst passing the same bike as last time, the character stops slightly again to
look at the bike with curiosity before running off after the train.
Tripping over the same curb on the street as last time and looking at it confused
as why he has tripped on it three times in a row. Train starts to leave before
character arrives at the station.

Frustrated, he calls someone again on his phone

Mom? Yeah I missed it again
Walking back home he passes the same bike. Stopes and looks around. Nervously
he takes the chain off the bike and gets on it.
He starts the cycle away when someone comes outside of a house and shouts at
Oi! Thats my bike!!
Cycling fast to get away from the owner of the bike he just stole. Very happy he
has a way of getting to the place hes meant to be. Cycles slowly off out of shot.
The end


Recces (Upload an example)

Limitations and risks:
Distance, access, cost,

It is always important to produce recces when planning your
productions. Going out and looking for locations to film and then
writing those down will increase the quality of your film. Then you
have a good Idea on where you can film and what genre it can be
depending on the location. E.g. If It is a wood or a graveyard then it
could be horror. There are always limitations and risks when it
comes to locations. You cannot film everywhere. There are places
like private property when you cannot film. Also some places are
quite dangerous and you could easily be injured from something
there. If you are filming at the sea there is a risk that the tide could
come in and you could drown. You can also fall off a cliff.
Location recces and risk assessments are important because when
looking for the perfect location you can note them down just in case
you forget and to show where about you filmed your production.
Risk assessments show what safety proportions you have taken to
ensure the safety of yourself and others around you. it also makes

you more aware when you try and think of all the risks that could
happen when filming In that curtain location.

Recces: Going out and looking for
locations to film, making notes on
ideas and then making a recce.
Taking pictures of the location to
remember what then look like. The
location depends on the genre of the
And risks: Not everywhere is
available to film and some places are
private property. This means that
that certain location isnt going to
work. There are also risks and
dangers that could happen at some locations.

Codes of
practice and

Location permissions
Health and safety

In my production I did not need to get permission to film in a curtain
location as it was a public area where not many people were
walking past. I didnt need to worry about copyright as I didnt have
any music over the top of my film and I didnt copy anything from

someone else. Health and safety was very Important as I didnt

want to hurt myself or anyone else. We had to be careful when
filming at the station to make sure no one fell onto the tracks. I also
had to be careful when riding my bike as I didnt have a helmet on
so I had to make sure I was concentrating when riding It.
Location permission is very Important because if you are filming on
private property without permission you can get in trouble and
maybe panellised In your production. Copyright Is also Important
because if you use a song without permission it can be claimed as
copyright and the video can be taken down.


The below only requires you to discuss the importance

(Choose the one that relate to your production only)
Press Complaints Commission
(PCC) Advertising Standards
Authority (ASA)
Pan European Game
Information (PEGI)
Entertainment Software
Rating Board (ESRB)
British Board of Film
Classification (BBFC)
I didnt need to worry about any Ofcom regulations as my
production was a short film and the regulation bodies only relates to

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