George Washington Precedents Writing Assignment

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George Washingtons Precedents: HW

1. Review the evidence about George Washingtons presidential precedents you
collected for homework and at the stations in class today (3/23).
2. Analyze the evidence to find a common theme running through all (or most)
of the precedents.
3. Then, using your evidence, respond to the following question:
4. What overall/general message (the common theme from above) was George
Washington trying to send to present and future Americans through the
precedents he set?
5. REQUIRED: At least three quotes from the precedents as evidence to support
your answer.
Suggested format:
1. Answer the question
2. Provide one quote from a precedent.
3. Explain how that quote supports the general message you claimed George
Washington is trying to send.
4. Provide one quote from a precedent.
5. Explain how that quote supports the general message you claimed George
Washington is trying to send.
6. Provide one quote from a precedent.
7. Explain how that quote supports the general message you claimed George
Washington is trying to send.
8. Summarize: Write your answer again with different words.
RUBRIC. The first point in each category is for inclusion, the second and third points
are for quality.
_______________/2 points: Clear, concise and thoughtful answer to the question
_______________/3 points: 3 specific pieces of evidence as data (DATA)
_______________/3 points: Explanation to explain how each quote supports your
answer (WARRANT)
_______________/2 points: Summary

_______________/10 points: TOTAL

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