Homework 6

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Name: Jamil Hussain Ahmed

Date: 26/02/2016

Homework 6 Unit 34
To achieve M3 and D2, you have to assess another students
website. To do this, you will need plans for how to assess a website.
This task DOES NOT require you to assess another website. This
task requires you to PLAN how you will assess a website.
1) Explain why it is important to assess a website: Its
important to asses a website because it is important to judge its
accuracy and to establish that the information comes from a
reliable and appropriate source. Majority website has its target
audience so its important that whatever audience theyre targeting
its vital that they get the message across rightly.
We also need to assess the reliability of the website, whether the
information provided is indeed reliable or not. Furthermore we need
to analyse whether the information provide is legitimate, it matches
the same information that we were looking for. E.g.: Youre looking
for information about world tallest building so you come across a
page which has information but you think its unreliable so you go
to another page.
Another thing is accuracy, to be able to assess the website you
would look for grammar, spelling, punctuality etc. if the website
doesnt lack any of these then you can assume that the website is
accurate and reliable. If the website does lack any of the following
then youre less likely to get information from that website and
would rather go to a website with more accurate text.

2) Pick five usability features (see HW 3) and explains why

you have chosen to use these in your assessment
Language: I have picked language as one of my usability features
because the language is what the readers are going to read. With
the language youre presumably looking the grammar, spelling and
the punctuality, if any of these are misplace or misspelt then the
reader is going to have difficulty reading it. Also with language
depending on your website its most likely to be formal and use
simple at times complex and easy to read text for the people to

Name: Jamil Hussain Ahmed

Date: 26/02/2016

Accuracy: I have picked Accuracy as one of my usability features

because the more accurate your information is and the text the
more likely the reliability of your website will be. With accuracy it
focus on your language, text, website design etc if everything is
accurate you will have people going on that website if its not
accurate enough then most people wont trust that website.
Speed of response: I have picked speed of response as one of
my usability features because depending on where you are and the
place you are in or whether you have a decent connection this may
affect you from going on that website, if you cant find a strong WiFi connection and then your less likely able to get on the website.
Retention of users through to completion: I have picked
retention of users through to completion as one of my usability
features because this determines whether your website has meet
its target or not. It also determines whether the website is
successful or not.
Navigation: I have picked navigation as one of my usability
features because the navigation allows you to surf the page without
any hassle. Most pages will links so its easier for people to use the
website, some may have menu page which tells you where you can
find that information.
3) Pick five visual appeal features (see HW 4) and explains
why you have chosen to use these in your assessment
Use of colours: I have picked use of colour as one of my visual appeal
features because this is what attracts the people to stay on the website; if the
website is plain and bland then its less likely to have any people going on that
Consistency with the organisations brand image: I have picked
consistency with the organisations brand image as one of my visual appeal
features because the brand helps people to attract the people. Depending on
your website and who you are targeting the brand image will help people to be
aware of your website.
Use of white space: I have picked use of white space as one of my visual
appeal features because if your website contain too much white space e.g. the

Name: Jamil Hussain Ahmed

Date: 26/02/2016

background of your page is white and you have writing in the middle then it will
or will not attract people to go on your website.
Fonts and graphics Serif or sans serif: I have picked fonts and graphics
Serif or sans serif as one of my visual appeal features because depending on
your website and who you are trying to target most people prefer fancy writing
whilst other prefer just simple writing. Too much fancy writing can put people
Appeal to target group: I have picked appeal to target group as one of my
visual appeal features because the target audience is the type of people you
are trying to aim it at. If it doesnt attract your target audience then your
website is not going to be successful.

4) Create a questionnaire that you will use to assess the

website of another student. Think about your work from
Unit 10 when you are designing your questionnaire.
1. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how attractive is
the website?


2. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what would i rate

the front page?


3. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, is the website

suitable for its target audience?


4. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how easy is it to

navigate through the website?


Name: Jamil Hussain Ahmed

Date: 26/02/2016

5. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how attractive do i

find the graphics?


6. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, does it take long to

load any pages?


7. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, is the information

on the page sufficient enough?


8. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, what would I rate

the brand image?


9. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, how reliable do i

find the website?


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being the highest, would i
recommend this website to fried/colleague/others?

Name: Jamil Hussain Ahmed

Date: 26/02/2016


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