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How I died. :)

So let's just clarify that this is how my life as Macy

ends and my career as a storytelling angel begins.
So I am on the top of a hill with a big slide and OMG I
am going to die this is so scary. I really don't know
what I am doing when I could be with my bestie
Mackenzie Kaiser. Mac has 2 little annoying brothers.
No offense Kohan and Wesley. Oh my gosh I forgot to
say my name. My name is Macy but on youtube I am
Kittylover123. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers.



OMG I made it! Ever since that day I was famous in
heaven with all the other angels who did something
really stupid.



The story contains

The story contains a

The story contains a

There is little

many creative
details and/or
descriptions that
contribute to the
reader\'s enjoyment.
The author has
really used his

few creative details

and/or descriptions
that contribute to the
reader\'s enjoyment.
The author has used
his imagination.

few creative details

and/or descriptions,
but they distract
from the story. The
author has tried to
use his imagination.

evidence of
creativity in the
story. The author
does not seem to
have used much


Several action verbs

(active voice) are
used to describe
what is happening in
the story. The story
seems exciting!

Several action verbs

are used to describe
what is happening in
the story, but the
word choice doesn't
make the story as
exciting as it could

A variety of verbs
(passive voice) are
used and describe
the action accurately
but not in a very
exciting way.

Little variety seen in

the verbs that are
used. The story
seems a little boring.


Title is creative,
sparks interest and
is related to the
story and topic.

Title is related to the

story and topic.

Title is present, but

does not appear to
be related to the
story and topic.

No title.

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