Miscellaneous Order - March 23, 2016

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Supreme Court of Saginaw Valley




The petition for a writ of certiorari is granted. The Student
Association Parliamentarian is invited to file an amicus curiae
brief in this case expressing her views, pursuant to Rule 1.5.
Justice Ward, with whom Justice Eick and Justice Martuch
join, dissenting.
I dissent from this Courts decision to grant a writ of
certiorari on Petition 16-001. I am of the opinion that this
Court should not grant writs whereby the granting of said
writ would lead to the consideration of: 1. a moot question;
or 2. a non-justiciable question.
Petition 16-001 asks this Court to consider whether
an act of the Saginaw Valley State University Student
Association (SA) violates the Charter. The specified act
is not explicitly or implicitly banned by the Charter, nor
the various other governing documents. Moreover, the act is
implicitly permitted by the Charter, and explicitly permitted
by the various other governing documents. For these reasons,
it seems clear to me that the matter before the Court is a

non-justiciable question, as there is no true question of

fact, procedure, or law.
I do not comment on the policy considerations of this
matter. And I do not take a position as to the merits of this
particular question. I merely assert my dissent on the basis
of a non-justiciable matter which appears to present no true
question of fact, procedure, or law.
For these reasons, I respectfully dissent.

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