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edTPA Lesson Plan Template (4 Page Limit)

(This template may be modified as needed to fit district or school lesson plan
Grade Level: 3rd grade
Subject / Content area: social studies
Unit of Study: Economic Understandings
Lesson Title: Goods and Services/Jobs in our community
Central Focus for the learning segment: How goods and services are
interdependent and create jobs in our community
Content Standard(s): SS3E3 The student will give examples of
interdependence and trade and will explain how voluntary exchange benefits
both parties.
a) Describe the interdependence of consumers and producers of goods and
ELAGSE3W1: Write opinion pieces on topics or texts, supporting a point of view
with reasons.
a) Introduce the topic or book they are writing about, state an opinion, and
create an organizational structure that lists reasons.
b) Provide reasons that support the opinion.
c) Use linking words and phrases (e.g., because, therefore, since, for
example) to connect opinion and reasons.
d) Provide a concluding statement or section
Learning Objectives associated with the content standards: the students will
be able to distinguish between a good and service, and will be able to identify
how these concepts create an interdependence of consumers and producers in a
local market economy.
Instructional Resources and Materials to engage students in learning: yarn,
paper, writing utensils, smartboard, easel, chart paper, nametag stickers, list of
classroom jobs, job applications, bucket with careers written on pieces of folder
paper, dry erase board
Youtube video link

Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks that support diverse student

needs. (Include what you and students will be doing.): To meet the needs of
every student, and assure that they understand the learning objectives, I have
planned to incorporate many different activities that give students the
opportunity to understand new information based on various cognitive

processes. These processes are associated with many different kinds of learning
such as critical and creative thinking, problem solving, invention, memorization
and recall, which can all be stimulated with the various materials and resources
provided. Students will be asked to think creatively and inventively when asked
to think of how jobs connect during the yarn activity, as well as how they
connect with the ending skit assignment. The students will use critical thinking
skills when making the T-chart for the differences between goods and services.
They will use memorization and recall while watching the video for substitutive
information about the differences between goods and services. They will use
persuasive communication skills when writing about why they are suitable for a
job in their applications.
During this lesson, I will be integrating instructional writing content strategies
that include persuasive writing. As far as my engagement, I will assist the
students thinking when brainstorming classroom community jobs, and will
encourage the students to name jobs in a gender-neutral way, to ignore cultural
bias. For example, trash collector instead of trash man, police officer instead
of police man. I will also start the yarn activity with all of the students, and
then will also record information in the T-chart as students volunteer answers
during their discussion. During group time, I will walk around and will assist
those in need of help, while checking and monitoring the progress of what
students have learned thus far in the lesson.
Differentiation and planned universal supports: For students that I know
are more shy and do not like talking or being the center of attention, I will try to
give them classroom jobs that they feel more confortable that requires them to
be responsible for classroom materials, or organizing. The idea is to get the
students to understand the responsibilities of a job in a community, not to force
them out of their comfort zone. However, I do think it would be appropriate to
encourage ELL students to be the librarian so that they can practice
alphabetizing books, and my ADHD students a job such as the grocer, that
requires them to get up from their seats, get some physical activity and return
to the lesson feeling more attentive.
Language Function students will develop. Additional language demands
and language supports: the students will use content specific vocabulary
such as the following: good, service, producer, consumer, employer, employee,
salary, application, exchange (or trade), market economy, local community,
society, and interdependence. These terms will help students persuade the
classroom employer, as to why they should get the specific job that they want.
Since this application is considered persuasive writing, they will use language
that supports and justifies their opinions and beliefs to fully convince their
audience of their argument, phrases like I believe this because.. My reason of
thinking this is based on this evidence. The will also use linking words when
connecting their ideas such as because, therefore, since, for example.
Type of Student Assessments and what is being assessed:
Pre-assessment: Right after the yarn activity, the students will predict
how their job was connected to the person that threw them the yarn and

the person that they threw the yarn to. Based on their knowledge of goods
and services, I will be able to assess their understanding prior to the
lesson by asking them to write a few sentences on a blank piece of paper.
They will show strong understanding if they are able to describe goods and
services without informed terminology.

Informal Assessment- T-chart responses and the end of day skit activity,
will give me a good way to monitor student progress and make sure that
everyone understands learning objectives, this will also inform teaching,
letting me know long I need to spend on the various activities.

Formal Assessment: the application that the students will write at the
end of the assignment will determine how well they understand the
responsibility of a service and how this differs from a good because they
will write reasons why they want the job, and whether or not the job is a
good or service

Modifications to the Assessments: For students that show difficulty

understanding the learning objectives. I will not penalize them and their
application choices if they do not correctly label the job as a good or
service. However, if there is a student that wanted the same job and did
get the job correct, then they will get first choice. Rubric will also be
modified slightly for students that struggle with writing as an outlet of
communication, such as ELLs and special education students.

Evaluation Criteria: students need to have included at least 3 reasons why

they feel they are fit for each job that they apply for. These reasons should be
written in a persuasive manner and relevant to the characteristics and
responsibilities of the job. Some reasons they could give to persuade the
employer would be that they are interested in the certain product involved, or
love doing the job becauseor they have experience doing the jobor they like
to work with jobs that require a service to the community, they need salary to
These examples show how a student should incorporate material from the
lesson into the writing assignment.
Relevant theories and/or research best practices: Meaningful engagement is
necessary for deeper learning. Meaningful engagement, such as posing and
answering meaningful questions about concepts, making analogies, or
attempting to apply the concepts or theories to solve problems, leads to more
elaborate, longer lasting, and stronger representations of the knowledge (Craik
and Lockhart, 1972). By forming more connections to related ideas, these
activities increase the likelihood that students will be able to retrieve and use
the concepts and skills when they are relevant.
Lesson Timeline:
Opener: 15 minutes
I will begin the lesson with a yarn activity that shows students how different jobs
and careers in the community are inter-connected and reliant on each other and

the demand of goods/services in order to form a functioning society. To begin

this activity, all of the students will brainstorm as many community careers and
jobs as they can think of. They will volunteer their answers and I will write them
on the board for everyone to see. Once everyone has had a chance to volunteer,
I will pass out name tag stickers and will call on the students patiently waiting in
their seats for instructions. Students will pick the job/career choice they would
like to be for the warm up activity and then will write the type of job on the
sticker. There can only be one of each profession. Here are some of the following
that I predict to be listed:
Police officer
Trash collector
Repair person
Taxi driver
When writing this list, I will write job listings in a gender neural way so that
students feel encouraged to pick any profession without certain cultural/gender
bias. Nor will any rude remarks about a profession, noises of disgust be
tolerated. I will remind my students that we have to value all of the jobs in the
community with equal respect, since they are all equally important to the
functioning of society.
Once all of the students have selected their job and have a nametag, I will ask
everyone to make a big circle in so that everyone can fit. (may break into 2 gps
if too many people) I will start with the ball of yarn as the teacher, and will begin
the story of how all of our jobs are connected within the community. For
example, I will find someone in the circle that helps me do my job. I will toss the
ball of yarn, while still holding on to the end string, to the librarian saying that
she helps me find books to read to my students. From there, the librarian will
hold the end piece of string and will throw the ball of yarn to someone who is
connected to her profession, such as a babysitter who watches her kids while
she is at work..etc.
The activity will continue until everyone has been connected and there is a web
of yarn that connects all of the students. If times permits, we will then toss the
yarn backwards and reflect for a second time on how all of the jobs are
connected and dependent on another. Open discussion during this activity will
be encouraged.
After the activity I will challenge the students to think about how they were
connected to the person that threw the ball to them and who they threw the ball

to. I will ask them to write down their ideas on a blank sheet of paper. The
following questions will open up ideas on the differences between goods and
services/ consumers and producers
Did you all depend on each other because of a thing (something you can
touch, feel, eat, smell, hear)?
Or did you all depend on each other because of an action that requires one
person to do something for another?
Did you trade a product or service with someone in exchange for money or
goods, or a service?
Or did you trade with someone a product or service in exchange for
money, goods, or a service?
Mini-lesson: (15 minutes)
For the mini-lesson I will show the students a kids YouTube video about Goods
and Services. The video will give the students drawings as it reveals information,
periodically stopping for students to answer questions about which examples are
goods and which are services.

Once the students have finished the video, I will then ask them to write down
and explain on the back of the paper if their jobs were connected to the other
students by a good or service. After a few students have volunteered too share
their ideas, we will then make a T-chart of Goods vs. Services. First we will define
each term into our own words and then I will write this definition under each
word on an easel in front of the whole class, and then I will ask students to
volunteer examples of each.
Work period: (25 minutes)
For the work period of the lesson, I will explain to the students that this week
each of them will have a classroom job and will make a salary throughout the
rest of the week. I will give the students the following classroom jobs to sign up
Carpenter- pencil sharpener
Electrician- in charge of lights
Germ control- in charger of hand sanitizer before lunch, after bathroom
Laptop patrol- in charge of making sure everyone has charged their
computers and takes computers home
Paper passer- will handout assignments
Grocer- in charge of getting snack everyday
Lunch room patrol- make sure class cleans up trash after lunch and helps
clean up major messes
Trash patrol- in charge of keeping the classroom floor clean (multiple
students needed)
Line leader- in charge of leading the line, is able to be a quiet model in the
hallways for other students
Bathroom patrol- make sure everyone is taking turns, and behaving in the

Classroom organizer- make sure materials are returned to the right place
Door holders
Board Boss- in charge of wiping down the white board
Caboose- end of line leader
Technician- in charge of smartboard mishaps
Librarian- keep books organized and in alphabetical order
Morning meeting greeter- in charge of the greeting every morning and
making students happy to be at school

Job Application: The students will pick 3 jobs in order from top choice to last
choice. They will then write a few sentences for each choice explaining why they
should get the job. I will encourage them to think of personal characteristics and
details that help explain and persuade an employer to think that they are right
for the job. However, next to each job that the students apply for, they have to
list whether the job supplies a good or a service. To get the job, they must
answer this correctly. All of the jobs will be services, but I want the students to
take note of that through their own observations.
Ending: (5 minutes)
I will then explain that one person will be chosen for each job and that not
everyone will get their first choice, the most qualified applicant will be hired. To
review what we have learned, I will ask the students to get into groups of 2 or 3.
I will then walk around the room with a bowl of random jobs and careers for each
group to draw. Each person will draw one job and the group has to figure out
how the jobs are connected in society. Do they share a good or service? Once
they have found a connection, I will ask each group to make up a small skit
demonstrating the professions, so that the class can guess whether their careers
shared a good or service based on the groups skit. We will only have time for a
few volunteer groups to demonstrate their skit.

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