Edtpa Indirect LP Format-2

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Name: Michelle-Elena Matthews

Class: ELED 3221-003

Date: 2/2/16
edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Exploring the significances of core samplings with cupcakes
Central Focus/Big Idea: Geology
Subject of this lesson: How does the use of core sampling help scientists to make inferences
about Earths early environments?
Grade Level: grade 4
NC Essential Standard(s):
4.E.2: understand the use of fossils and changes in the surface of the earth as evidence of
the history of Earth and its changing life forms.
4.E.2.2: infer ideas about Earths early environments from fossils of plants and animals
that lived long ago.
Next Generation Science Standard(s): 4 ESS1 1: identify evidence from patterns in rock
formations and fossils in rock layers to support an explanation for changes in a landscape over
Constructing explanations and designing solutions
o Identify the evidence that supports particular points in an explanation
21st Century Skills:
Productivity and accountability 4th grade outcome identify a variety of tools and
techniques that scientists use to gather scientific information depending on what it is they
want to know and the circumstances under which data will be collected
o I choose this because this lesson is part of a unit plan on using different methods
of investigation when studying the environment of the Earth many years ago.
Collaboration 4th grade outcome work collaboratively with others, both in small and
large groups, in their science classroom
o I choose this because in this activity students will be working within groups to
make predictions based on their data.
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: Students are expected to make inferences about what the inside of
the cupcake looks like based off of their analysis of the core samples they took.











Scientific Vocabulary: core sampling, fossils

Instructional Objective: Students will be able to describe what core sampling is and how it can
be used to investigate what the Earth was like in previous time periods. They will be able to
successfully make inferences based on their core samplings of their groups cupcake with 80%
accuracy. Additionally, students will be able to illustrate their understanding of how core samples
are used.
Prior Knowledge (student): students should know the different land features of earth. Students
should also have an idea of what a fossil is and what its used for.
Content Knowledge (teacher): the teacher should already have an idea of what core sampling is
and how it is used in different ways.
Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): I would make sure that
students who have a physical disability are in a group where someone else can physically take
the core samples and cut into the cupcake. I would also make sure to observe this group more
closely to make sure they stay on task and am able to aid if it is needed. For ELL, I would try to
have a work sheet with the instructions and questions written in their native language.
Materials and Technology requirements:
A layered cupcake (one for each group)
Clear plastic straws (five for each group)
Plastic knives (one for each group)
Core sampling worksheet, one for each student (see page 5-6 for detail)
Final core sampling work sheet, one for each student (see page X for detail)
Colored pencils
Paper towels
Paper plates
Total Estimated Time: one class period
Source of lesson:
Contant, T. L., Bass, J. E., & Carin, A. A. (2014). Teaching science through inquiry and
Safety considerations: any and all food allergies, plastic knives (people can still cut

Content and Strategies (Procedure)

In your procedure, be sure to include all of the following 5 Es. Your procedure should be
detailed enough for a colleague to follow. If you will be relying on technology (e.g., a YouTube
video), describe your back up plan thoroughly. Imagine your most novice colleague needing to
teach from your plan. Dont just answer the questions. Additionally, I expect you to include
possible questions you could ask for each section. This needs to include higher-order questions.
Show students a cupcake and ask the following
What do you think is inside the cupcake?
How could we find out without eating it or cutting into it?
How can scientists learn whats underground?
Remind students that we have been studying different techniques used by scientists to investigate
what the Earth was like years ago.
Provide each group of students with one cupcake on a paper plate, five clear plastic straws, a
plastic knife, worksheet and colored pencils. Remind students not to remove the foil from the
cupcake, and that these cupcakes are not for eating.
Ask students to observe the cupcake as it is on the plate and to draw what they think the inside
looks like.
Show and tell students how to take a side core sample
1. Carefully insert the straw into the top of the cupcake sideways, rotate slightly, remove,
and place ample on paper plate
2. Repeat with a new straw
Have students do the same two side samples from their cupcakes
Can you determine what the entire cupcake looks like with just these two samples? If
not, what should we do?
Have students take three samples by inserting the straw straight down into the cupcake. Compare
these samples to the ones taken from the side.
How are these samples different? Based on your core samples, what do you infer is
inside the cupcake?
Have students make a drawing of that they think the cupcake looks like on the inside based on
these samples.
Post the student drawings.
On what data did you base your drawing? How sure are you of the accuracy of your
drawing? Why?

Provide students with this background information:

Geologists study the earth and use many devices to discover what is under the surface. Core
sampling is done by putting hollow drilling tubes into the ground and extracting a sample of
what the tubes went through. Show students the following:

YouTube video on what core sampling is

o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzT4xpY9q_k
An article about a new discovery learned from core samples
o http://www.heritagedaily.com/2015/10/ancient-rocks-record-firstevidence-for-photosynthesis-that-made-oxygen/108586
Core samples can come in different forms ice
o http://chs-bio1-sgraves2.blogspot.com/2015/01/ice-core-sampling-inantarctica.html

How does your straw sampling of the cupcake compare and contrast with core
samplings done by geologists?

How could you find out what the inside of your cupcake looks like?
Tell students to use the plastic knives to cut down and separate the cupcakes into halves. Have
them draw what the inside of the cupcake actually looks like.
How do your direct observations compare with your inferences and your drawings? Can
geologists check the inferences they make from their core samples, they way you checked
the inside of your cupcake? Why or why not?
To assess student understanding about the use of core sampling using summative assessment,
show students pictures of cores from a different cupcake. Challenge them to draw what the inside
of the cupcake looks like when sliced vertically through the center and horizontally through the
center, based on the data. Then ask them to explain why they drew the inside of this cupcake the
way they did. Using formative assessment, observe and question students all throughout the
lesson on what they are doing and why.
To be completed after the lesson is taught as appropriate
Assessment Results of all objectives/skills:
Reflection on lesson:
CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

Name: ___________________________________
Cupcake Core Sampling Worksheet
1. In the first box, draw what you think the inside of the cupcake will look
based on what you observe.

2. In the boxes below please draw what you observe each core sample looks
like in the straw.
Sample 1:
Sample 2:
Sample 3:
Sample 4:
Sample 5:
Vertical sample Vertical sample Vertical sample
sample 1
sample 2

3. Based of off what you observed from your core samples, draw what you
think the inside of your cupcake looks like.

4. After cutting into your cupcake, please draw what the inside actually looks

Name: _____________________________
Date: ___________________
Final Core Sampling Worksheet
1. Based on the core sampling provided by the teacher, please draw what you think the inside
of the cupcake looks like.

2. Please explain why you think the cupcake looks like this, use what you have learned today
to help guide your answer.

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